Time vehicles and the principle of technical control over time
(bilingual, in English and
Polish )
17 March 2013
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If you, the reader, was God and you would create a
new world practically from zero - as this is indicated
by formal scientific proofs from item #G3 of the web page named
then for sure you would NOT create in this world even
a single parameter over which you would NOT have any
control. So you should NOT have any doubt, that immensely
wiser God so created our physical world, that is able to
rule completely over practically everything, including
time. Especially, that the principle of control over "software
time" is relatively simple and easy for implementing - as
this is illustrated to us by even such primitive "imitations
of software time", as these formed by people and taking
the form of "control programs" for present "machine
tools with computerised control" (for details see item
#C3 from the web page named
Thus, this web page documents, that God in fact created
our world in just such a manner, that time can be controlled
in it relatively easily - even with the use of machines build
by people and called here the "time vehicles". In turn, the
related web page named
explains how us people can utilise these "time vehicles"
for overcoming death and for immortal lives - through
repetitive shifting ourselves with the help of these vehicles,
back in time with to years of our youth each time after
we reach on old age.
In 1985 myself (i.e. the author of this web page)
was blessed with the honour of developing the
theory of everything called the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity.
One amongst numerous skills which this theory teaches us,
is (amongst others) how to take "time" under our control.
If my scientific superiors and colleagues allowed me to
implement findings of this theory immediately since that
1985, instead of scoffing at my results and instead of
pushing me out from their universities and polytechnics,
then by the time when 23 years later I was writing these words
in 2008, the humanity would already defeat the death and people
could live for as long as they wish. People could also repair all
their past errors. This is because the theory indicates how to build time
vehicles which allow us to shift our time back. In turn when we have
such time vehicles, then each time after we get old and we are close
to death, we could shift ourselves back in time and become young
again. Also each time we make an error, we could shift back in time
and repair it. Unfortunately, people have chosen to ignore my theory
and to make constructing my inventions impossible - instead of helping
me in my creative efforts. So instead of repetitive shifting to our past
and living forever, now we can only read from this web page how
to do this, and we can only imagine this wonderful technical device,
which on every our wish is able to shift us in time to any moment
of our own life - under the condition, however, that previously
we already lived through this moment. This moment can lie both
in our past, as well as in our future. (In order it lies in our future,
we must earlier shift back in time with the use of this device.)
This device allows us also to slow down the speed of elapse
of our time. For example, we can slow down our time so
much, that when our surrounding experiences just a fraction
of second, we ourselves would experience equivalent of several
hours. In this way we would be able to catch and to carry in our bear
hands e.g. red-hot iron bars, because for this iron too short
span of time would elapse to be able to pass to us enough heat
to burn our hands. This wonder device would also allow us to
accelerate our elapse of time, so that between two our heartbeats,
in the surrounding e.g. several hours would pass. In this way
we could e.g. pretend to be dead, while in fact we are going
to be equally alive and active as normal. Similarly like for
ourselves, this device would also allow all other people
and all other creatures and permanent objects to shift in time.
Furthermore, in order to make the use of it easier, this device
could be assembled in a form of a flying vehicle called the
In this way, with the Magnocraft, we would be able to not only
travel in time, but also travel in space. Such an extraordinary
device would be the time vehicle
which I would build by now - if I was given a chance. This
web page tries to explain most vital principles, scientific facts,
and findings regarding my time vehicles which I could build
for the humanity by now if I was given the help from the
beginning of my struggles.
Part #A:
Let us start from the illustrative proof that time really can be shifted back:
Here is how each one of us can see with own eyes that time flows
in jumps (i.e. time has a discrete character), and thus that
my findings regarding the possibility to build time vehicles
and to live forever are correct and can be implemented technically:
YES, in fact
there is a commonly accessible proof for the possibility
of shifting time back. Every reader can see this proof
with his or her own eyes and in a natural daylight.
In order to see it, it is enough to find some spinning
object which is accelerating from zero to the velocity
of around 1800 flickers per second, and which has
some spokes, holes, wings, propellers, unevenness,
lines, etc., the increasingly faster flickering of which
we are able to see with our own eyes in a daylight. For
example, this object can be a gradually accelerating
propeller of an airplane or blades of the entrance turbine
in a jet engine just being started, a hole in a belt pulley from
a three-phase electric motor which accelerates a heavy
farm machinery - and thus which gradually increases its
spinning from zero to a typical for such motors speed
of 1800 rev/min, a wheel of a car that is overtaking
us, and even spokes from the back wheel of our
bicycle placed on a floor with wheels pointed upwards
and gradually accelerated by someone when we are
tentatively watching it. Well, if we carefully watch
such slowly accelerating spinning object, then we
should see a strange change of its direction of
rotation. Namely, initially our eyes are to notice
clearly in which direction it is spinning. But at some
stage of the acceleration our eyes are to tell us that
the spinning of this object firstly stopped, and then
reversed direction in relation to reality. This visual
impression taking place in daylight, that the direction
of spinning of a gradually accelerated object is opposite
to the real direction of its spin, is the proof that time
passes in jumps - as the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity
describes this to us, and thus also the proof that time
vehicles can be build. More information about
this visual proof that time passes in jumps is explained
in item #D2 of the web page
god_proof.htm - with the review of scientific proofs for the existence of God,
and also in item #D1 of the web page
immortality.htm - how we can accomplish now immortality and everlasting life.
It is enough learn two things in order to understand
why exactly this visual impression that spinning
objects rotate backward is the proof that time can
be shifted back (and thus that time vehicles can
be build and that through repetitive shifting time
back to years of our youth we could live forever).
Namely learn (1) the use of so-called "stroboscopic lamps"
for visual stopping or for changing the direction of
rotation of spinning objects, and (2) the principle
on which time works. The use of stroboscopic lamps
is described in many sources, e.g. in Internet,
in manuals for repair of cars, and in textbooks of physics.
So I am NOT going to repeat it here. In turn to understand
the principle on which time works, one needs to read
to the end of item #C1 from this web page, or even better -
to the end of item #G4 from the web page
dipolar_gravity.htm - about the Concept of Dipolar Gravity.
When reading in there about time, we will learn that
time in fact is the passage of execution control along
the natural program of our life. This program is composed
of sequences of individual commands - like present
computer programs also are. So the execution control
completes a command after a command in a jumping
manner. Thus, when we look at a spinning object, the
completion of each of these commands in our life
program is like a single flash from a stroboscopic lamp
beamed at a spinning object. So if this object spins very
fast, then the completion of a single command from our
life program shows this object to us just only in a specific
position. Therefore, when the frequency of flickering of spokes
in this spinning object is close to the frequency of completion
of individual commands in our life program, then both these
frequencies begin to interfere with each other - we see this
interference as an apparent reversal of the direction of spin
of the object being watched. A similar effect, only that
seen exclusively in darkness - instead in the daylight, is
simulated in spinning objects through the use of "stroboscopic
Of course, as one should expect and as it is very
easy to verify, present official and highly paid science
has NO clue why the effect described here in fact
appears in the daily light on spinning objects. After
all, present scientists reject the entire my Concept
of Dipolar Gravity and scoff at my discoveries.
Thus they also reject my explanation of this effect
as being caused by the jumpy elapse of time.
In turn, without acceptance of the fact, that time
elapses in short jumps and pulsates like a
"stroboscopic lamp", this phenomenon cannot
be explained. Predictably, present scientists are
NOT going to openly admit that they are ignorant
in this particular matter. When I discussed the
proof described here in internet on
google discussion groups,
various "experts" crudely tired to hide their ignorance
by arrogantly playing wise men through using scientific
terminology of the kind "stroboscopic effect", or
"inertia of human body". However, these well-paid
"experts" were unable to explain neither mechanism
which causes that whirling objects look as if they
rotate backward, nor indicate any evidence that
this their "highly scientific" terminology actually
is confirmed by any other already researched
attributes or phenomena.
After the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity
explained to us what is time, how time works, and
what commonly-known and accessible proof
each one amongst us can see to obtain the assurance
that these explanations are true, it should become
easy for us to understand that shifting time back
is possible and relatively easy. After all, in order
to shift our time back it is enough to catch this
execution control and to move it to the initial part
of the program of our life. In turn the device
capable to accomplish this is already known. It is
the so-called
Oscillatory Chamber of the third generation -
which I would constructed many years ago if not
these hordes of hostile people who did everything
in their power to prevent me from building this
wonder device.
Regularities which emerge from analyses of earlier human inventions,
and which allow us to understand better "what is going on" with the
invention of time vehicles described on this web page:
"Whatever can be conceived, it can also be achieved."
In my research to-date I carried numerous
in-depth analyses of principles and regularities
which rule over inventiveness. Because of
these analyses e.g. I discovered the so-called
"cyclic principle" described in chapter B and
in subsection LA1 from volumes 2 and 10 of
monograph [1/5].
Also from these analyses emerged the principle
described in subsection JB7.3 from volume 7 of
monograph [1/5], stating that "every invention can
be completed in the duration of life of its inventor".
Let us list below these amongst such regularities
which are to allow us to understand better what
really is "going on" with the invention of time vehicles
described here:
The development of our awareness never exceeds
the level of our technical and scientific capabilities.
Expressing this in other words, everything that
we invent, we are also able to build already in
times when we invented it - but only if our
contemporaries allow us to build it. A best proof
for this fact is the hang-glider invented already
by Leonardo Da Vinci, which, however, was
constructed only in present times - because
other people would NOT allow the inventor to
build it in times when it was invented. If we
check materials and design of present hang-gliders,
then we clearly can see that already in times
of Leonardo Da Vinci it could be constructed -
if people would allow it then to be build. In turn
we do NOT need to explain where would be the
humanity today if hang-gliders were already
then lifting people to the sky.
Our universe is so organised, that everything what
can be invented also can be constructed.
Proofs and justifications of this fact are described
in subsections JB7.3 and I5.4 from volumes respectively
7 and 5 of
monograph [1/5].
The success with constructing a given invention is
accomplished only when (a) people from the society
close to the inventor are ready for accepting this
invention, and when (b) the required number of sympathetic
people from the surrounding of the inventor support his
activities. In turn when these other people are NOT
ready for accepting the invention and for giving the inventor their
support and approval, then the invention either cannot be
constructed, or its completion will be wasted. An excellent
example for this is the airplane of a New Zealander named
Richard Pearce.
This airplane was even build and flown. But other
New Zealanders so tormented the inventor, that
they drove him to the mental hospital - so that he
was unable to disseminate his invention nor e.g.
implement it to a factory production.
If someone displays extraordinary perseverance and
still completes his invention in spite that people from
his society are NOT ready for accepting it, then this
invention is wasted and never enters the permanent
accomplishments of the humanity. Especially
large number of cases when just this has happened
exist in New Zealand - as examples see the invention
described on the web page
and also inventions discussed in item #H1 of the web page
Every invention is so granted, that the inventor of it is
able to complete it within the duration of his life - if only
other people support this inventor in his efforts. 6.
The creative completion of the invention, which original
inventors are capable to accomplish within several
years, other people typically extend to hundreds of years.
A perfect example of this regularity is the so-called
Zhang Heng seismograph,
described, amongst others, in my conference paper
available under the address
It warns about the impending earthquake a long time
in advance before this earthquake strikes. The original
inventor completed it within a few years. The rest of humanity
is unable to rebuild it within almost two thousands of years.
All inventions created in "their actual time" always contain
knowledge which exceeds significantly the knowledge
of people considering themselves to be "experts" in a given
area. After all, the very nature of inventions is such
that the inventor must be fluent in the knowledge which
remains unknown to other so-called "experts", and also
he must see details which other people overlook. Furthermore,
some requirements of formal "expertise", e.g. the so-called
"peer reviews", kill in experts the ability for creative and
unbiased thinking. This is why on the back cover of the
book [2P4] by Richard Milton, "Forbidden Science",
Fourth Estate (6 Salem Road, London W2 4BU),
London, 1994, ISBN 1-85702-302-1, 265 pages, pb.,
is stated, amongst others - quote: "'In this fascinating and
well-argued book, Richard exposes a curious feature
of many professional scientists: they are averse to new
ideas' - Focus."). In turn inferior knowledge of other
"experts" cause that they always viciously, although
without justification, attack and criticise a given invention.
Only inventions constructed with a long time delay
(e.g. the "hang-glider" mentioned before) have time
to become known, thus can avoid attacks and vigorous
* * *
The above should be complemented with
following two "regularities", namely:
The official human science developed such a subculture
and such mechanisms of acting (e.g. these "peer reviews"
mentioned before), that there is NO chance that
other scientists ever undertake the construction of time
vehicles. So if I do NOT build time vehicle in the
duration of my life, or at least do NOT direct this construction
at a correct path, then hundreds of years must pass
before someone on the Earth will be ready for attempting
this building again. (Probably I myself will be forced to
be born again on the Earth to finish the work which I
initiated in my present life.) A subculture and ambitions
of present scientists are described in an illustrative way
by the content of the article "Dawkins on board plan for
atheism ads", from page B3 of the newspaper
The New Zealand Herald,
issue dated on Wednesday, October 22, 2008.
According to this article, Richard Dawkins, Professor
of the Public Understanding of Science on the University
of Oxford, and the author of book "The God Delusion",
was ready to pay 5500 Pounds Sterling for placing on
London's busses the advertisement saying that "There's
probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life".
(Notice that the same advertisement on buses was
immediately copied by New Zealand atheists - for
details see the article "Atheist bus ad campaign
strikes chord", from page A5 of New Zealand newspaper
The Dominion Post Weekend,
issue dated on Saturday, December 12, 2009.) On
the other hand, I never encountered a present scientist
who would support the construction of such noble and
futuristic (although simple and elementary) device as e.g. the
Telepathic Pyramid -
which would allow e.g. invalids with speech difficulties to
communicate just through thoughts. After all, the principle
of operation of this pyramid utilises telepathic waves - which
similarly like "time vehicles" described here, also are a kind
of "taboo" for present scientists. By the way, in another article
entitled "Buses no longer have God on their side", from page
A18 of the newspaper
The New Zealand Herald,
issue dated on Thursday, January 8, 2009, it was confirmed
that the advertisement discussed here was in fact placed
on sides of buses by financial contribution from Professor
Dawkins. (That the content of this advertisement is actually
missing the truth, is argued in logical analysis from item
#H4 of the web page
Judging on the volume of my accomplishments since
1985 (when I comprehended the principle on which time
works and thus started the process of inventing time vehicles
described here) we can be sure that if then I would receive
from others the help that I need, until today I would build time
vehicles. About my creative potential perfectly certifies
the large number of extraordinary devices which I managed
to invent, discoveries which I accomplished, theories of the type
"paradigm shift"
which I developed, proofs for the correctness of my findings
which I identified and pointed to others, and scientific
monographs which I managed to write. And we must
remember that I was forced to create all these in hugely
hostile conditions in which other people would probably
just sit and cry, and which (conditions) very cautiously
and briefly are mentioned, amongst others, on the web page
pajak_jan_uk.htm - about myself, means my autobiography.
After all, in the country I was born they tried to shoot me,
in turn in the country I escaped to they do not have work
for me for a majority of time, nor even consider me eligible
for a dole.
Thus, instead of creating, discovering, inventing, researching,
constructing, and making progress, to which obviously
I have in-born inclinations, the majority of my energy
and time I was (and still am) forced to waste on seeking
jobs or on wander throughout the world to earn for a slice
of bread. Also the majority of what I created I was forced
to develop while vegetating in a leaking flat only slightly larger
than an average lift, not having at home even a good screwdriver,
not even dreaming of having an Internet, and while with
growing horror I spend each subsequent cent from my
savings - as I may need it even more in my older age.
Yet another totaliztic web page reveals how
time vehicles
can be used practically for accomplishing immortality:
This web page explain generally what is this
"software time", how this "software time" works,
and how to build so-called "time vehicles".
But there is also another totaliztic web page named
which explains how after constructing these
"time vehicles" each one of us can accomplish
immortality through repetitive shifting back in
time to years of youth every time after he or
she lives to the old age. In its item #D5 that
another web page explains also
verses in the Bible
in which the confirmation is provided, that the
principle of accomplishing immortality described
here (i.e. thus also the principle of operation
of time vehicles described here) is correct.
Thus it is really worth to also have a look at
that another web page named
Part #B:
What is time, how time works, and where the knowledge about time presented here comes from:
Orthodox understanding of time - what it states, why is wrong, and what limitations it displays:
"According to the orthodox understanding, time is like water in a river
which flows around us while we stand motionlessly like a stone in the
centre of it. Therefore, in this understanding we do not have a possibility
to reverse or to change the speed or direction of the elapse of time."
The human science to-date developed the
understanding of time through the analysis
of the behaviour of sun in the sky. According
to this, time usually is described in dictionaries
as - quote:
"time - a concept arising from change
experienced and observed: a quantity
measured by the angle through which the
earth turns on its axis" - see page 1537
in "Chambers English dictionary", 1989,
ISBN 1-85296-000-0; or "time - duration
or continuous existence regarded as divisible
into portions or periods, a particular portion
of this" - see page 1142 in "The Cassell
dictionary and thesaurus", 1996, ISBN 0-304-35004-4.
Nevertheless, practically all disciplines of science
accumulated already a huge body of evidence,
which unambiguously and clearly reveals, that
this orthodox understanding of time is wrong.
One of the best known examples of such evidence
is, amongst others, the "review of the entire our
live" (see the description in item #F3 from the web page
which in people takes place at the moment of
a mortal danger - e.g. at the time of falling from
a roof, or during a car accident. In this review,
participants see exactly details of the entire
their life to-date, while all this takes the duration
of not more than several seconds. In the
orthodox understanding of time, such a
review would be impossible - it would not fit
into the timespan available for it. Another
example of such evidence, are phenomena
described in item #C6 of this web page, which
are really experienced by people, but which
would be impossible - if time works as the
present orthodox science describes it.
In normal circumstances, when it would be so
obvious that something is completely wrong -
as this is the case with the present scientific
understanding of time, the science would
abandon this understanding already a long
ago, and worked out a better (more correct)
one. Unfortunately, the Earth's science is NOT
free to choose what it investigates and promotes -
after all, it is ruled by a hidden occupant of the
Earth, described on separate web pages, for
example on pages
truth, or
In turn, this hidden occupant of humanity have
a vital interest in reassuring that people are
unable to gain a correct knowledge about
reality which surrounds them. For this reason,
in spite that the scientific understanding of
time to-date is strikingly wrong, our science
still insists on maintaining it and on disseminating
it without a change. What is even worst, in spite
that the new (correct) understanding of time is
already worked out by the scientific
theory of everything
called the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity,
the orthodox science rejects this understanding
and does NOT recognises the existence of it.
In this way humanity looses a chance for an
advancement of its knowledge also by a correct
understanding of the idea of time.
This wrong understanding of time, so stubbornly
promoted by the orthodox science, has a whole
array of limitations. For example, it does NOT
allow to deduce the way for travelling in time, nor
it gives to people any clues as to which principles
of time travel could be technically implemented.
Although the orthodox science insists on this
erroneous understanding of time, the reader
does NOT need to, nor actually should, act like
this science does. In fact, the reader should
learn and consider in his or her own actions
and own life, the understanding of time and
time travel described on this web page.
How the alternative understanding of "time", introduced only by the scientific theory called the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity,
opens for people the completely new horizons and potentials:
"According to the understanding of time in the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity,
"time" is a kind of motionless software landscape (called
the "timespace"), through which we all move propelled
by the motion of "execution control" from our "programs
of life and fate" which operate in our counter-bodies (as
parts of our
Therefore, it is possible to move through this landscape
in any direction and with any speed."
According to explanations of the new scientific
theory of everything
called the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity,
time is motionless, while it is us who travel
through the time. Or more strictly, this software
so-called "timespace" (by the author of
this web page called also "omniplan") is crossed
by the "execution control" from our "programs
of life and fate" existing in the counter-material
duplicates from the counter-world (how exactly
"time" works is explained below in more details).
In this aspect the dipolar understanding of time is
opposite to the one commonly adopted today. After
all, in the presently adopted understanding of time
we stand in one place, while time "flows" around
us. Thus, the findings of the Concept of Dipolar
Gravity undermine the correctness of the most
fundamental belief of orthodox science to-date,
which states that "time flows" around us, while
we stand motionlessly in the stream of it, thus
our travel in time is impossible.
* * *
One of the most vital consequences of the
dipolar understanding of time is that it
indicates the manner and a technical
principle for a practical implementation
of time travel. Although the Concept of
Dipolar Gravity states, that in our set of
dimensions and in our physical world,
path trough time leads only in one direction
(thus in this dimension it is impossible
to change the elapse of time), in other
set of dimensions (i.e. in the counter-world)
it is possible to manipulate on time in every
possible direction. Means, in the counter-world
is possible, e.g. turning time back,
moving forward in time, accelerating
the elapse of time, and also delaying
the speed of the elapse of our time.
This in turn leads us straight to the
working out the operation of time
What is this "timespace" ("omniplan"):
It is me who introduced the concept of so-called
"timespace" (also called "omniplan") to our
understanding of the work of time. I developed
this concept immediately after I discovered the
so-called "software nature of time" that stems from the
theory of everything
also developed by me (i.e. by the author of this web page) and called the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity.
Because the concept of "timespace" (or "omniplan")
has a key significance to our understanding of
"what is time" and also how the "software time"
works in our physical world (and thus how "time
vehicles" can be build), it is going to be summarised
here briefly. However, for even a better
understanding of it, I would suggest to later
reach also to item #C3 from my other web
page named
By the name "timespace" ("omniplan") we should
understand a kind of "software entity" formed from
natural programs that represent all physical "objects"
which ever existed, exist, or will exist in the entire
universe. (By these "objects" one should understand
everything that can be seen or instrumentally detected
in the entire universe, means the entire universe,
galaxies, suns, planets, people, animals, vegetation,
stones, grains of sand, molecules of water, etc.)
These natural programs which represent subsequent
"objects" from the "omniplan" or "timespace",
are pre-programmed in the manner very similar to
the principle of programming known as OOP -
i.e. "Object-Oriented Programming". This means, that
every object is described by a program in which one
can distinguish two groups of quantities, namely
"attributes" (which describe the appearance and states
of this object) and "events" (means programs that
describe what is to happen with this object in
subsequent stages of its "life"). It is worth to add,
that the entire "timespace" ("omniplan") is also
pre-programmed as one amongst such objects,
only that it has the status of the most superior object,
which governs over the behaviour of all other objects
contained in it.
The pre-programming of subsequent objects that form
"timespace" (or "omniplan") in the OOP-like convention,
gives to them an array of unique characteristics. For
example, every of these objects is "portable" and can
be shifted into times other than its own, and have like
its own "life". This "life" of every object, means its
"path trough time", illustratively can be compared
to someone's walk through a landscape. It means,
every object has a "free will" to choose for itself the
path which it then follows in that landscape. It can
also introduce slight "changes of state" in this
landscape, e.g. shift some stone into other place,
or dig a channel which is to redirect a stream into
a different path. But a a give object is unable to
change in its "life" any events which affect object
superior to it. For example, in that illustrative
comparison to a "walk through time" ("life") of
a given object to someone's walk over a landscape,
the walking creature is unable to change events
which change that landscape (such as earthquakes,
tornadoes, or hurricanes). The reason for this
impossibility of changing the entire landscape,
is that a given creature is just an "object" inferior
towards the landscape, and thus it must obey
programs of events which are attributed to this
All software representations of objects which
constitute the "timespace" ("omniplan") exist
forever, similarly like forever exist
human souls.
The "timespace" ("omniplan") is of a key significance
for our understanding of work of time and principles
of time travel. Therefore, it is described in many
publications by the author. For example, amongst
web pages, apart from this page it is also described
in item #C3 from the totaliztic web page named
in item #G4 from the totaliztic web page
and also in items #J4 to #J6 from the totaliztic web page
The work of it discusses also item #C2 from the web page
immortality.htm - about extending life infinitively through repetitive shifting our time back to years of our youth.
In the author's monographs the "timespace" is
described in subsection N1.6 from volume 11 of
monograph [1/5].
What is this new scientific theory of the
science, called the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity,
which - amongst others, explained what is time and how time works:
The essence of this new scientific
theory of everything
called the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity
boils down to the discovery and to subsequent
formal proving, that the gravity field is a
dipolar field - means NOT the
monopolar one as so-far claimed this
the orthodox science on Earth. (A
dipolar field is every dynamic field which
has two poles, namely an "inlet" (I) and
"outlet" (O). A best example of a dipolar
field is the magnetic field, in which the
"inlet" (I) is the pole "N", while the "outlet"
(O) is the pole S. Another example of a
dynamic dipolar field, is the field formed
by a circulation of air in our home vacuum
cleaner. The intake of this air to the vacuum
cleaner is the pole (I), while the outlet is the
pole (O). In turn a monopolar field is every
static field, e.g. pressure field or electrical field.)
The above in turn means, that the gravity field
in fact is similar to a magnetic field, or to a
field formed by flow of the air pumped through
a vacuum cleaner or by a fan propeller.
But gravity is completely dissimilar to all
monopolar fields, for example to electrical
fields or to pressure fields.
The most vital consequence of the dipolar
character of gravity is, that in fact our universe
must be constructed according to principles
of dynamic systems which form such dipolar
fields. For example, in the dipolar gravity
our physical world must be just a first out
of two parallel worlds which exist in the universe.
This happens so, because the gravity field
has a concentric character (means a character
in which it converges into a single point). So
in order such a concentric field could simultaneously
be a dipolar field, the force lines of it, after they
converge into a single border point, must
disappear from our world, penetrate through
an invisible and impenetrable barrier of some
sort, and then reappear in a completely different,
separate from our, parallel world. Therefore,
according to the Concept of Dipolar Gravity,
on the other end of gravity dipole, there must
exist another world, called the counter-world.
Both worlds, means "our world" and this other
"counter-world", must relate to each other the
same as objects relate to own mirror reflections.
This in turn introduces a whole array of consequences.
One of these is that both worlds, i.e. "our world"
and this parallel "counter-world", must be
filled up with substances of exact opposite
attributes. Means, when the substance from
our world called matter
displays mass, inertia, friction, and the lack
of intelligence in the natural state, this other
substance from the counter-world, called
must have all attributes exactly reversed. And so,
counter-matter must be weightless, self-mobile
(i.e. capable of the self-initiation of motion),
supper-slippery (i.e. not displaying any friction),
and possessing intelligence in the natural state
(i.e. capable of thinking in its natural state).
In turn the entire separate world filled up with
a substance which is able to think in the natural
state, in fact is a kind of a huge natural computer.
This natural computer, by the Concept of Dipolar
Gravity is called the "universal computer", or "UC".
In turn the Christian religion calls it the
God Father.
Another consequence of the mirror-like relationship
which must exist in the dipolar gravity between
our world and the counter-world, is that each
object from the universe, must exist in two separate
copies, or components, at the same time. Each
of these copies, or components, coexists in a
separate world. The copy from our world is
simply a given object or a given physical body.
In turn the copy from the counter-world is an
intelligent counter-material duplicate of this
object or body. So this counter-material duplicate
is a carrier of intelligence, memory, etc., means
in fact it works like a computer which controls
a given body. After all, it is formed from the
intelligent substance, which thinks in the natural
state. (Religions call these two copies a "body"
and a "spirit" or a "phantom".) Both copies of the
same object are tightly linked with each other
with forces of mutual gravitational interactions.
Therefore, if one copy is moved (or transformed),
the other copy must do the same. So if we are
able to move, e.g. the copy (spirit) which is located
in the separate counter-world, then the motion
of this copy forces the physical original of
the same object to move also. Just such a
motion, which was initiated in the separate
counter-world, is called the
telekinetic motion.
In a similar manner also a telekinetic
works (i.e. the healed is this other copy from
the counter-world, while the original body from
our world automatically improves the health).
Similarly to this telekinetic motion or telekinetic
healing, the new Concept of Dipolar Gravity
explains also in a simple manner all other phenomena,
which the orthodox Earth science was unable to
explain so far. For example, it explains what
is time, energy, gravity, ESP,
memory, feelings,
acupuncture, and many more.
The author of the Concept of Dipolar Gravity is
myself (i.e.
Dr Jan Pajak).
I had the honour to develop this new
theory of the totaliztic science in 1985. Initially
I intended to use it only for describing the manner
on which gravity field works. But after it was fully
formulated, it turned out that from just a simple
form it transformed into this
theory of everything
searched for so long by people.
This is because it provides replies to practically
all questions that people could ask themselves.
In order to give here some idea as to how wide
range of questions it replies, I suggest to look at
the subsequent web pages of totaliztic sciences
listed in "Menu 2". The great majority of these
web pages is actually based, or derived, on the
knowledge which stems from the Concept of Dipolar Gravity.
One of the most vital questions, the answer to
which is provided by the Concept of Dipolar Gravity,
is the explanation how time works. According to
this explanation, all objects which do exist in the
universe, are in fact constructed like our present
computers. Namely, they have their hardware
(means their physical "bodies") - which is contained
in our physical world. They also have their
software (means their software "souls") - which
is contained in the special "counter-bodies"
(or "spirits") from this separate counter-world.
According to the Concept of Dipolar Gravity,
in just a manner which is analogous to
present computers, constructed are e.g. entire
planets, trees, human organisms, and even such
simple objects as pens or stones. The counter-body
of every physical object that exists in the universe,
is in fact a kind of computer memory. In this memory
a huge amount of various natural programs is stored,
which control, amongst others, the fate of the physical
body of this object. These programs are called the
"soul" by religions. These programs (i.e. the "soul")
include, amongst others, a general "program of life
and fate" of a given object, various programs of
which this object gathered, programs of "plans
of action" which this object intelligently pre-programmed
for itself, etc., etc. From the pint of view of the control
over time, the most important amongst these natural
programs is the "program of life and fate". This program
remains operational during the entire life, while its
elementary commands are executed one-after-the-other,
according to principles of operation of the counter-world.
The subsequent execution of elementary commands from
this program causes that the physical body of a given
object (e.g. our body) is subjected to various transformations,
which we usually call the "course of life". In turn
the sole fact that this program is gradually run
command-by-command, and it changes a given
physical body, we perceive just as the "elapse of
time". I should add here, that the "program of life
and fate" is also described in items #C1, #C2,
#C4, #C5, and #D2 of the totaliztic web page
and also in item #C1 of the web page
immortality_pl.htm -
from which pages the reader can learn more
details about it.
So let us summarise now the above explanation of time
that results from the Concept of Dipolar Gravity and
that is supported by empirical findings. It defines
time in the following manner. "Time is the flow
of execution control through the sequence of
elementary commands from the special version
of our personal software programs, which instead
in our physical world, reside in the separate world
called the counter-world." These programs
control what currently happens with the physical
body, how this body looks like, which transformations
affect it, etc. Their gradual completion is what we
understand as the elapse of time.
Further information about the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity can
be found in chapters H and I from volumes 4
and 5 of as many as three my monographs, namely
(listed from the newest to the oldest):
[8/2] and
(Free copies of all these monographs can be
downloaded from web pages linked above.)
Explanations what actually time is, are contained
in subsections H5 and H8 from volume 4 of these
monographs. In turn explanations of the Concept
of Dipolar Gravity concerning the mechanism of
operation of time and time vehicles, are contained
in chapter M from volume 11 of monograph [1/5].
The same "theory of everything" is also briefly presented
on several totaliztic web pages. The most extensive
presentation of it is contained on the web page about the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity.
It is also partially discussed on web pages
free_energy.htm, or
totalizm.htm -
which are available under a number of addresses,
e.g. under the address
Let us imagine for a moment, that we are not
people, but robots. Means, that instead of
the brain we have a computer with appropriate
program which defines every our life activity.
Instead of muscles, joints, and bones, we have
levers, hinges, linear motors, etc. So whatever
action we would undertake, in fact it would
turn out to be a sequence of elementary
commands in the program from our computer.
For example, what for outside observers would
look like a continuous process of placing a
meal on someone's saucer, in reality for
us, robots, would be a sequence of execution
commands from an iteration program that
would order us to do something along lines:
(1) start, (2) determine the distance of hand
from the saucer, (3) check whether there is
any obstacle between the hand and the
saucer, (4) calculate the optimal trajectory
of the hand which goes around this obstacle,
(5) determine the safe coordinates of the
target point of this trajectory, (6) calculate the
optimal speed of the hand, (7) move the hand
to the target point of given trajectory, (8) check
whether a given target point is close enough
to the saucer to release the grip of fingers
on the meal, (9) if the outcome of the check
is "yes" then initiate the program of placing
the meal on the dish, if the outcome is "no"
then return to the command number (1)
in the program that you are just completing,
and complete this program again. Of
course, the above sequence of execution
commands would only represent a "discrete"
program only to this someone who would
design us, robots, and who wrote this execution
program. (By a "discrete" program we understand
a program composed a sequence of individual,
short execution commands. Such a "discrete"
program is opposite to the "continuous" processes,
which do not have such individual, short commands.)
For us, means for robots who complete this program,
and also for external observers of our activities,
everything that we do would actually look like a
"continuous" process. In fact, when someone watches
the operation of any true machine controlled by
a computer, then he or she does not perceive
the work of this machine as a "discrete" sequence
of commands of the control program, but just as
such a "continuous" process of given activity.
There is a whole array of extraordinary facts
which are realised to us by the situation and
actions described above for the hypothetical
case when we would be robots, not people.
The most vital out of these facts is a slightly
shocking discovery, that what for us and for
other witnesses looks like a "continuous process"
spread in time, in fact is just a sequence
of "discrete execution commands" completed
in jumps one after the other. Expressing this
in other words, in all activities which are controlled
by an algorithm, time is in fact a sequence
of execution commands of this algorithm.
Other shocking fact which also emerges from
the situation described previously, is that
in fact this algorithmic understanding of
time allows for any possible manipulation
on time. For example, if one increases the
speed with which subsequent execution
commands are completed one after the
other, then this process which we take for
the elapse of time is visibly accelerated.
The elapse of time can also be slow down on
similar principles. Furthermore, if the execution
control is shifted unconditionally to any other
point in the direction of the beginning or the end
of a given execution algorithm, then we are able
jump to future or to past. Expressing this in
other words, such an algorithmic understanding
of time, as a sequence of execution commands,
allows us to control the elapse of time in any
manner we wish, as well as it allows us to carry
out the time travel.
The situation of us acting for robots, as described
before, would remain just purely hypothetical, if not
the findings of this new scientific theory called the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity.
It is because this concept determined that
all our life actions take place because each
one of us in fact has inside such a discrete
control computer, and also because all
what we do in our lives is controlled by
appropriate discrete programs stored in
the memory of this control computer. Means,
according to findings of the Concept of Dipolar Gravity,
the previous example of operation of robots,
in fact was also an exact description of the
operation of people. Only that we ourselves
typically are unaware that each our action,
and also each our life function, in reality is
controlled by sequences of such elementary
execution commands. Typically we also
are unaware, that what we call the "elapse
of time", is in fact just the completion of such
sequences of elementary execution commands.
What benefits and prospects opens for us the understanding
of "time" according to the new
Concept of Dipolar Gravity:
The findings of the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity,
that the elapse of time is simply a flow
of execution control through the sequence
of elementary commands contained
in our biological computer, open for us
the possibility to accomplish time travel and
to complete "time vehicles". After all, the only
thing that we need to build time vehicles, is to
construct a device of some sort, which would
be able to change the flow of execution control
through these natural programs contained
in our biological computers. (Actually such
a device is already invented. It is called the
Oscillatory Chamber of the third generation.)
The Concept of Dipolar Gravity explains also
how such time vehicles are going to work. This
web page is aimed at describing the operation
of time vehicles. But in order to carry out this
explanation in a way which is understandable
for all of us, it needs to explain all matters in
a systematic manner, starting from the very
In item #G4 of the web page
dipolar_gravity.htm - about the Concept of Dipolar Gravity
was explained how exactly time works.
(This explanation is briefly repeated on this
web page in item #B4 above.) In turn item
#A1 from the introduction to this web page
describes the empirical proof which documents
that time actually does elapse in jumps - means
exactly in the manner as this is explained
by the Concept of Dipolar Gravity. So now
it is turn to explain how time vehicles are
going to shift this time back.
For all living creatures the carriers of natural
programs of their lives and fate are the double
helixes from their genetic codes (DNA). It is the
discrete (jumping) execution of these programs
from atoms of genetic codes that living creatures
perceive as the "elapse of time". Every atom and
every molecule of genetic codes from living creatures
contains and stores in itself a section of programs
of their life. Such a section defines how in a given
moment of time the cell from the body of living
creature that this program describes supposed
to look like. Also, this section of the program binds
the cell from body with a given layer of the "timespace".
Every section of this program of life and fate is
executed at the moment when the atom and
molecule in which it is stored gets into a
resonance with vibrations of this "timespace".
Thus the key to control over the elapse of someone's
time, is the capability to induce a resonance of these
atoms of genetic code of a given creature, which we
want, instead of these atoms which resonate under
the control of natural mechanisms of the "timespace".
(More on the subject of role of genetic codes is
explained on the totaliztic web page
evolution.htm - about the mechanism of evolution.)
The device which is going to be able to execute
practically the resonance of a selected atom and
selected molecule of someone's genetic codes,
is the so-called
Oscillatory Chamber of the third generation.
This is because such a chamber is able to generate
extremely powerful magnetic field of an ideally constant
value. Onto this ideally constant magnetic field this
chamber is going to superimpose impulses of the
required frequencies and the required course of
curves that describe changes of the field. In this
way the Oscillatory Chamber of the third generation
is going to excite the resonance of a selected
atom and selected molecule of someone's genetic
code. This in turn is going to cause, that such
someone is to be shifted in time to the period in his
or her life that is described by a section of the program
of life and fate which is stored in this resonating
atom and particle. If this resonating atom and particle
are to be positioned below the atom and particle which
are just resonating because of the action of natural
mechanisms of "timespace", then such a creature
is to be shifted back in time, e.g. to years of his or her
As the above reveals it, the general principle of
shifting time back is very simple. In order to be
able to shift time back it suffices to build the
Oscillatory Chamber of the third generation,
and then surround ourselves with a powerful
and correctly controlled magnetic field that is
generated by this Oscillatory Chamber. According
to a well-known (Polish) saying "to a cleaver
head just one word is enough" (in the Polish
language "mądrej głowie dość po słowie"), this
general principle indicates the direction towards
which should go the research effort of future
builders of time vehicles. Of course, another
(English) saying states that "devil is in details".
So in order to build time vehicles, still many
amongst these "details" need to be learned.
It is a bit like with a general principle
of atomic bomb - which is presently known
to practically every child. (I.e. with the principle
stating that "in order to build an atomic bomb
it is enough to construct a device which several
pieces of nuclear fuel of under-critical mass
joins rapidly into a single piece of such fuel
with over-critical mass.) After all, luckily for
us it is just because of such "details" that
even large countries which already have
nuclear fuel and have the required level of
technology, still are unable to construct such
a bomb. Relating this to the requirements of
building time vehicles, it is rather pity that so
many people do everything in their powers to
make impossible for me undertaking the construction
of this miraculous machines. After all, the
missing details which my creative mind could
work out either theoretically, or learn empirically
from research on "simulations" of UFOs of the third
generation, or determine experimentally, within just several
years, the future researchers may need to seek
for hundreds of years or perhaps even for thousands
of years. In the meantime all people from our
civilization will still be forced to die, because the
lack of time vehicles will NOT allow them to shift
back in time to years of their youth after their
arrival to an old age.
Further information about practical implementation
of principles of shifting time back is presented
in subsection N3.2 from volume 11 of my monograph
(disseminated free of charge via this web page).
The same topic of travelling in time is summarised
in item #C2 from the totaliztic web page
In turn slightly more extensive presentation of
so-called "programs of life and fate" which allow
the practical implementation of our travelling
through time, is available on the web page
Part #C:
Time travel and time vehicles - what these are, and what are consequences of their use:
The Concept of Dipolar Gravity reveals to
us, that the most easy manner to understand
the operation of time and principles of time
travel, is when we utilise the analogy existing
between the counter-world, and the real
time computer program. This analogy allows
us to deduce the principles of completion
of real events occurring in our physical world.
These events are executed by the counter-world
in a manner very similar to the way the
processing commands of a program are
executed in contemporary computers. Thus,
it can be deducted, that such natural programs
contained in the counter world and residing
in the counter-material duplicates of every
physical object, contain also sequences of
elementary execution commands. These
commands are executed in succession,
one by one. Therefore, there is always a
command, which is actually in the process
of execution, as well as the other commands -
part of which were already executed in the past,
and part waiting to be executed in the future.
Such a flow of the execution sequence occurring
in the counter-world, in our world is manifested
just as a lapse of time.
In order the counter-world is able to run a given
course of events, this course must be pre-programmed
in special natural programs, which in subsection
I5.2 from volume 5 of monograph [1/5] are called
"registers" (religions call them "souls"). In fact,
the elapse of time is the flow of execution control
through these programs called "registers". Of course,
these programs (registers) are stored and run
by the intelligent counter-matter from the counter-world,
similarly like present programs from our to-day
computers are stored and run by logical circuitry
of these computers. But otherwise than in our
computers, every particle of counter-matter
have all attributes which in our computers obtained
one special memory cell only, which by computer
experts is called the "accumulator". For this reason,
natural programs which run the elapse of time, may
wander across counter-matter, changing their location
from one volume of counter-matter into another volume,
without loosing their ability to be completed. On the
occasion of these wandering, they induce a phenomenon
of physical friction with counter-matter, which people
know under the name of "gravity field". For more
details regarding the operation of every particle of
counter-matter as an equivalent of "accumulators"
from present computers, see subsection I2 from
volume 5 of monograph [1/5].
According to findings of the Concept of Dipolar
Gravity, every material object has these natural
programs assigned to itself. These programs
are stored and run by counter-matter. (Religions
call them "soul", while the Concept of Dipolar
Gravity calls them "registers".) Because the
counter-matter is intelligent in the natural state,
it has all abilities of a natural computer. Thus,
it can run (execute) these our natural programs.
It is because of them, that a given material object
is active. Means, that if a given object is a man,
then due to these natural programs it can move,
carry out work, think, get older, etc. In turn if it
is e.g. a stone, then these programs control
how it oxidises, dissipates, splits into smaller
stones, wears and tears, etc. Execution programs
from the counter-world work similarly like programs
in our present computers, i.e. in order to act, the
"execution control" must pass through subsequent
their commands. (This "execution control" is
simply like a "cursor" which indicates which
command from such a natural program is
to be run just now, while which one is to be
run as a next one.) The speed with which this
execution control is moving through programs
from the counter-world, in our world is perceived
as the elapse of time. If we have an appropriate
device (or natural capabilities) which gives us
the access to this execution control from the
counter-world, then the natural speed with which
this control moves, can be either accelerated or
slowed down, or reversed into an opposite direction
(i.e. caused that time starts to flow backwards),
or just shifted to another area of the execution
program, thus causing a rapid travel in time. Such
a simple mechanism of operation of time explains
what is the principle of this mysterious phenomenon,
and also on what principle time vehicles work.
("Time vehicles" are simply technical devices
which change the location and speed of operation
of this "execution control" within selected "programs
of life and fate" contained in the counter-world.")
For more data regarding mechanism of time,
and the utilisation of this mechanism for building
time vehicles, I recommend to have a look at
chapter M from volume 11 of the newest
monograph [1/5], or to subsection L7 from
volume 7 of slightly older monograph [8].
(Both these monographs are available free
of charge via this web page.)
When the humanity masters the construction
of time vehicles, then it becomes possible to
build a whole range of various technical devices,
which all are going to be able to shift in time
people and other objects. Several such devices
is already described in chapter M from volume
11 of monograph [1/5], and in subsection L7
from volume 7 of monograph [8]. The most
interesting out of these, is the "Magnocraft of
the third generation" - which utilises the shifting
in time for an instant reaching any point in the
space and time. There are separate web pages
devoted to the presentation of Magnocrafts.
Examples of these include
propulsion.htm or
I suggest to have a look at some of these web pages.
The mechanism of time so controls the work of human memory,
that the "natural" reliving another version of the past (e.g. because
someone changed this past with his or her time vehicle) erases the
memory of previous version of that past; but being shifted back in
time through the use of our own time vehicle only adds the memory
of another version of the past to the already existing memories of
previous versions of that past:
As it turns out, the program which controls
our passage through time, has a direct link
with the program which registers our memory.
Namely, when the time is shifted back near us,
but it is NOT us who did this shifting through
the use of time vehicle that altered the program
which controls our passage through time, then
the memory of events which are taking place
in this new passage through the time are
superimposed onto the memory of our
previous path through the same time.
Thus, the memory of our previous path
through time is then completely erased.
Therefore we remember only the most
recent path through a given time. But if it is
us who shifts back in time by altering with the
time vehicle our own program of passage
through time, then the memory of this new
passage through the time is only added to
the end of memory of our previous passage
through the time. In the result we remember
both our passages through a given time, means
our old passage as well as our new passage
through the same time.
Because of this linking of our memory with the
program which controls our passage through
time, we may repetitively relive a number of
events from our past during the lifetime, without
remembering any of them. The reason is that
this reliving does not results from the resetting
back our own program of passage through time.
So we do not remember later that given events
we already lived through - some of them even
several times. Thus, the situation in our lives
may frequently look like the one which is illustrated
on the film "Groundhog Day" described in item
#D8.1 of this web page. After all, each our
previous passage through a given time is
automatically erased from our memory, while
conscientiously we remember only the most
recent passage through a given time. (Though
previous passages can emerge for us in the
form of so-called "deja vu" spelled also as
"déjá vu".) Such an erasure of our previous
memory is intensely exploited by "simulations"
of UFOnauts, who continually shift time back
in order to accomplish their evil goals through
this shifting - for details see item #D8.1 of this
web page.
Such an erasure of former memory and replacing
it with new memory - if in a normal elapse of time
someone relives two versions of a given time,
has a shocking consequence. Namely, if
someone after living through a former version
of events flies, e.g. to New Zealand, and because of
this is not reliving again the new version of the same
events, then in his memory still stored is only
the previous version of these events. So if someone
previously saw e.g. a church or an icecream
parlour which existed in an old version of events,
but is not existing in the new version of the same
events, then such a visitor from a distant place
still will remember that there was a church or
a parlour, although the local people do not remember
them at all. In the result, for frequent travellers
sometimes events may take place in life, similar
to the events described below in item #D6.
Limitations which according to the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity
are imposed onto travelling in time on principles of the deformation of magnetic fields:
As it turns out, the explanation for the
elapse of time and for method of time
travel through technical introduction of
deformations to magnetic fields, provided
by the Concept of Dipolar Gravity, informs
us also, that there are strict laws which
govern this way of travelling in time.
These laws cause, that onto time travel
by method described here various limitations,
requirements, and conditions are imposed.
Let us list here at least most vital out of these:
The travel may occur exclusively within
the boundaries of the timespan defined
by length of the traveller's life.
One amongst laws which rule this
principle of time travel states, that
jumps to the new point in time in our
life, can occur only then, when in this
particular point in time we already have
a so-called "label" placed -
to which such a jump in time takes place.
This practically means, that in order
to jump to any point in time in our
life, we must already live through this
particular point. So that we have appropriate
label over there for later jumps in
time. Thus practically serious limitations
have been imposed on this way of time
travel. Namely we are unable to
travel in time to points in time through
which we previously did not live already.
Therefore this particular principle of time
travel makes us like "prisoners of our
own time". Especially well this is
visible in the utilisation of the time
travel for gaining an immortality. The kind
of immortality which this way of travelling
in time offers to the users, is like an "imprisoned
immortality". Means, it is the immortality
in which one can live infinitively long
through continuous repetitions of his
or her own life, but in which one does
not leave beyond time boundaries
between which a given immortal person
happens to be living - for more details see
item #C7 in further part of this web page.
The lack of possibility to take into the time travel
any object, creature, or person, which still
did not exist in the time to which a given traveller
just moves. The principle of travelling in
time described here depends on shifting the
conscience and memory to the designated
moment in time. Therefore, after one finds
himself or herself in this designated point of
time, he or she does NOT have with himself
or herself anything else, apart of the own
memory of life in a different time, and apart
of whatever originally this person already
had in this designated point in time. So it is
impossible to take with one into a travel back
in time e.g. one's own computer which was
recently purchased, or notes and photographs
which just were accomplished.
The experiencing of physical changes to body
induced by the motion in time, but without simultaneous
experiencing the spiritual changes such as change
of memory, character, habits, etc. In people
who travel in time via the method described here,
various physical changes induced by time take place
at the moment of their shifting in time. For example,
if an 80-year old person shifts back in time on this
principle, to the age when he or she was 2 years old,
then his or her body is going to assume the shape
identical to that which it had in this age of 2 years.
However, simultaneously the memory of this oldie,
knowledge, richness of life experiences, habits,
and also character, still are going to be the continuation
of the same ones which he or she had at the end
of the previous passage of time, just before carrying
out this shifting back in time. Thus, for example, if this
oldie in the age of 80 years was very boring and grumpy,
and was only able to swear and hurt all around him
or her, and e.g. was afraid to wash, after shifting back
in time to the age of two years old, he or she still remains
the same boring and grumpy old character, who needs
to be taken to the bath by force, and who recalls all good
and bad things that happened to him or her in the previous
life. This fact has especially catastrophic consequences
for members of parasitic civilisations which practice such
a form of immortality - for details see item #D8 below.
Whether paradoxes described in "science fiction" books really appear in the feasible principle of time travel:
The Concept of Dipolar Gravity provided us
with exact explanations of the mechanism
of time and mechanism of elapse of time.
It explains in details what is this software
phenomenon, how to control it with biological
and technical methods, and how to utilise it
e.g. for the construction of propulsion systems
for space vehicles (i.e. Magnocrafts) which travel
on principles of shifting time back (so that time
vehicles must physically move only to a given
place, while their way back is carried out through
the shifting time back to the starting point), and which
phenomena accompany the appearance of changes
in natural elapse of time - thus how to recognise
and distinguish when a time vehicle operates in
our close proximity. Furthermore, this concept
explains also why in reality do not exist all these naive
paradoxes of time travel, which were invented
by overenthusiastic authors of "science fiction"
books, and which are quoted sometimes by orthodox
scientists as supposed arguments against possibility
of the eventuation of time travel. (An example of
these "paradoxes", is a hypothetical situation when
a time traveller supposedly killed his grandfather
in order to discover later that he himself does exist
anymore.) So let us examine here more thoroughly
what actually the Concept of Dipolar Gravity states
about these paradoxes.
If trees were the most advanced life form on Earth
and could develop intelligence, most probably they
would speculate about the possibilities of ordinary
travel in space. But without knowing the laws involved
in moving from place to place, their speculations
would have no limits and would probably be full
of paradoxes and unreal ideas. Studying these
speculations one perhaps could learn that a tree
which moves to the opposite hemisphere must
die, because its roots would be pointed into the
air while its leaves would be submerged in soil,
or that exceeding the speed of sound is impossible
because this speed represents a limitative constant
of nature, while the tree that would accomplish it
would pile up the wave of sound in which the
pressure would increase infinitively so that this
tree would be blown apart, or even that a tree
which moves into a different location must
simultaneously exist in two realities (i.e. the
old and a new one). The same happens with
our present ideas on time travel. Because we
are not aware of the laws and restrictions that
govern this means of travel, we tend to misuse
our imagination and impose no limits on our
speculations. In this way various overenthusiastic
science fiction creators, additionally manipulated
by "simulations" of
introduced many erroneous ideas as "grandparent
paradox", "multiplied existence", or "parallel realities".
These ideas deviate and confuse our understanding
of time travel. Let us remind briefly each of these
(1) Grandparent paradox. It considers
the situation of a time traveller who kills his or her
own grandparent. After coming back to his or her
own time, this traveller could find himself or herself
to be non-existent.
(2) Multiplied existence. This one claims,
that during a time travel we could find
ourselves already existing in a destination time
and place, only that we would be over there in
our different age and preoccupied with activities
that we carried out in that age. So we would exist
in more than one copy at the same time, namely
in our old (or future) copy, plus in further numerous
copies of these ourselves that would visit that particular
other time. Just such a "multiplied existence" was
even marginally illustrated in the film "Back To The
Future" (1985, action, science-fiction, with Michael
J. Fox in the main role). Namely, the film shows a
teenager named "Marty McFly" who, amongst others,
just returned to "his times" from a trip to past. But his
return occurred several minutes earlier than the moment
in which he went into this trip. Therefore, after the
return he sees the second himself at the moment
when this second "him" just is starting his trip to
the past. In turn practically almost entire second
film from the same series, namely "Back To The Future II"
(of 1989),
is based on the "multiplied existence" paradox.
Thus, it shows NOT only Marty who sees himself
in other times, but also shows Doc Brown who
also sees second himself that existed in a different
time, and even shows the girlfriend of Marty
who sees herself in her adult version.
(3) Parallel realities. This idea claims that
every action taken during time travel
initiates another reality, whose course of events
would differ from realities already in existence.
However, at this point it should be emphasized,
that the definition of time flow in the Concept of
Dipolar Gravity (i.e. "time is motionless, but we
move through it"), and the technical restrictions
imposed on time travel, eliminate completely
paradoxes and dilemmas such as those listed
above. To understand the work of these restrictions,
it is enough to apply to time travel the principle
of shifting to a different time described by the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity. And so, in order to
move to a different time it is necessary to shift
the "execution control" from our "program of life
and fate" to a command that is different than the
command which just should be completed. But
similarly as shifting the "execution control" in
a contemporary computer program is unable to
change the operation (algorithm) constituting this
program (although it can impact the data input
and the result yield by this program), also our
shifting to a different time is unable to change
the content of motionless "timespace" (although
it can alter the fate or path of a given person
moving through the time). An excellent analogy
which illustrates the limitations of the time travel
is the comparison of "timespace" to a kind of
permanent landscape, and then to see someone's
time travel as one of many different ways of
moving through this landscape. Similarly as
a traveller who moves through some sort of
landscape, is not able to change this landscape
into another one, although is able to change some
small parts of it (e.g. remove or plant trees, or build
a road), also a person who travels in time is unable
to form a completely different or new timespace,
although he or she can interact with some elements
of timespace in which he or she is moving. The
effect of these limitations is the complete elimination
of chances for "parallel realities", for a "multiple
existence", and for a "grandparent paradox".
Let us explain now more extensively why none
of these paradoxes may occur in the ral time travel.
(Re. 1) "Grandparent paradox" is physically impossible
to take place. The above descriptions of principles
of time travel reveal that an "interactive
travel in time" (i.e. a travel in which the traveller
can take part in the events he or she watches)
is possible only between time points through
which a given person already lived in his or
her "normal" life. To explain this limitation,
in order to instantly shift time backward or
forward, we need to shift the "execution control"
from our "program of life and fate" to a completely
different command than the command which
just supposed to be executed. But this completely
different command still must exist in our "program
of life and fate". In other words, for our shift to
another time was possible, the time to which we
are jumping must be included into the scope
and commands of our "program of life and fate".
This in turn means, that it is necessary that we
already lived "normally" through the time points
to which we are jumping. Practically it means,
that we are unable to shift someone's time
beyond life-span of this person, and that all
shifts can be achieved only between time
points which we have already reached in
our preceding life. The result is that such
a time traveller is physically unable to shift
to time from before his or her birth, nor to
kill own grandfather before his or her own
(Re. 2) "Multiplied existence" is contradictive to the
idea of time travel. After all, in order to e.g.
see ourselves in another point of time, our travel
in time would NOT be able to change the speed and
the direction of the elapse of our personal time.
In other words, in spite that we would be able to
travel through time, still the unforgiving elapse
of time of our lives would take place. In the
result, after our own time would run out, we
would get old and needed to die. Thus our
ability to travel through time would change nothing
from our course of life. It would only allow us
to watch ourselves in our young age, or to see
various historic events. But even when seeing
these events we would be too afraid to change
anything out of them, because it could bring a
catastrophe to our own life, or to life of our
close ones.
(Re. 3) "Parallel realities" would destry principles
and mechanisms of the formation and existence
of the universe.
For example, it is known that in order any reality
could eventuate, there mustr be also a world in
which it takes place. It is also known, that our
world cannot be created from nothing, but it
requires matter, energy, space, etc. So if we
really form another "parallel reality" with every
our new action in a different time, this would mean
that we would also form an entire different universe
with its mass, new amount of energy, new space,
new galaxies and suns, new civilisations, etc. If
we should believe in the scientific theories of the
"big bang" regarding the creation of the universe,
then every our new action in a different time would
form another "big bang" and another universe. Then
this new universe would need develop for billions of
years so that a new reality which we just created
could eventuate in it. Means that every traveller
in time would be like God - means would be able
to create many new universes, and to await until
these new universes are ripe for making happen
his new realities.
The principle of time travel described above,
causes also that after we build time vehicles,
given travellers can live forever only
through the repetitive shifting their lives back
to the young ages, and then reliving their own
lives again a countless number of times.
But they are always prisoners of their own times,
i.e. they can live infinitively long, but their lifespan
is not extended. And this we actually observe in
the action in "simulations" of UFOs, described
in "Part #D" of this web page.
Remotely controlled "assassination of the grandfather" - means the use of time vehicles for undoing events which already happen:
The essence and the most vital reason for
strangeness of the "grandfather paradox"
described in item #C3 before, boils down
to the fact that someone kills the grandfather
with his own hands, in order to find
himself later nonexistent. Thus the strangeness
of this paradox is based on the same principle
as a "physical lifting ourselves by pulling up
our hair". In such formulation of this paradox,
time vehicles described here make it
impossible - as this is explained in item #C3
However, the time vehicles described here allow
completely different getting rid of this grandfather,
e.g. through arranging a remotely controlled
assassination of him. Namely someone who
shifted to times of the youth met over there
bandits who know his grandfather. So he can
convince these bandits to shifty back in time
and kill this grandfather. In turn when this
happen, this conspirer in fact will find himself
nonexistent. Only that in such implementation
this is no longer the "grandfather paradox",
but an undoing events which already happen.
The time vehicles described here allow such
undoing of events, and even make from them
a completely "normal" activity of "immortals".
It is also frequently used in practice - for descriptions
of examples see item #D6 of this web page.
Such an undoing represents also an essence
of activities of so-called "time curriers" described
in item #D5 of this web page.
How our future "time vehicles" are going to look-like:
The name "time vehicle" is going to be
assigned in future to any technical device,
which is provided with a capability to manipulate
on the elapse of time. (For this reason,
the best time vehicles will be surgically
implanted into bodies of their users - thus
taking the shape of "personal time vehicles".)
In turn such capabilities to manipulate on
time are going to have magnetic devices
called the
"Oscillatory Chambers of the third generation"
(more extensively described on the separate
web page named
For this reason, a time vehicle can become
any technical device which is going to contain
inside these Oscillatory Chambers of the third
generation. But amongst a huge number of
technical devices which in the future are going
to contain these chambers inside, one their
group especially well suits the requirements
of becoming time vehicles. These devices
especially suitable for becoming time vehicles,
are space vehicles called
The point is that Magnocrafts are spaceships
which can fly through vacuum of cosmic
space. In turn time vehicles, independently
from the ability to travel in time, must also
display the ability to conventionally travel in
To summarise the above, time vehicles
are going to be called spaceships which
presently are known under the name of
and which apart from the ability to travel
through space, obtained also the ability
to travel in time by becoming supplied with
special devices called
Oscillatory Chambers of the third generation.
How such real time vehciles are to look-like
during initiation of their flights in time, it is illustrated
in photographs from "Fig. #G1ab" of the totaliztic
web page
Practical applications of the ability of our time vehicles to shift back in time:
My research reveal that changes in the
natural elapse of time can be caused
technically and utilised in countless number
of practical applications! The most interesting
fact which emerges from my research
on time is that this extraordinary software
phenomenon can be induced in a technical
manner. In order to form a technical change
in the elapse of time, it is enough to "deform
magnetic field". All objects that are contained
within such deformed magnetic field, are
experiencing a shifting in time. This possibility
of creating technical version of elapse of time
introduces enormous potentials for our civilisation.
This is because it allows to utilise time travel
for various applications. Let us list here the
most important of such applications:
Shaping out the future.
Without time travel, whatever we do is irreversible.
But if it is possible to shift time back and forth,
we can shape our future as it pleases us. For
example, if something does not go to our satisfaction,
we can shift time backward, and have another
go at it. From my research it emerges, that
"simulations" of UFOnauts are currently doing
this with us (just for this particular reason
UFOnauts so thoroughly hide from people).
Whatever do not pleases "simulations" of
UFOnauts, they shift time backward
and change it into something else that is
agreeable with their occupational interests
on Earth - for actual examples see item #D6
in further parts of this web page.
The repair of past
errors. When people already have
time vehicles in their disposal, then they are able
to repair all errors that they committed in their lives.
It suffices that at the moment when they realise
making a given error, they shift back in time to
the moment of time which proceeds the committing
of this error, and in a new passage of time they
act in such a manner that this error is not made.
Propulsion of space vehicles.
The technically induced change of time can
also be used for propelling purposes, as a
very useful principle of returning from distant
destinations. There are flying vehicles called the
which are capable of time travel. These vehicles
are able to shift people to, or from, distant
star systems, simply by shifting them back in time.
The principle of this shifting is explained in
item #C6 of this web page, under the name
"one-way trip". In turn a brief description of
the design and operation of Magnocrafts is
provided on separate web pages on
as well as in subsection D10.1 of monograph
"Totalizm". It is also described in monographs
[1e] and
Notice that a very extensive description
of Magnocrafts is provided in chapter G of
monograph [1/5].
It is worth to add, that in subsection P2 of the
same monograph [1/5], a formal scientific proof
is presented, which states that "UFOs are Magnocraft
already build by some other cosmic civilisation".
(This proof is an equivalent to the finding, that UFOnauts
have currently "time vehicles" in their disposal.)
Saving lives.
Whenever there is an accident, time travel can
return victims back to life and to health. It is enough
to shift time back, and victims are alive and healthy
again. Then the reasons for the accident need
to be removed. Therefore, after time travel is
mastered, accidents and sicknesses can be eliminated
completely from human lives, through elimination
of reasons for these at times when they are still in
the initial stage of their formation.
Reviving dead.
Time travel allows also to revive people who just
died. It is enough to shift backward in time, to the
moment of time when they were alive, and then
eliminate the reason for their death.
Living forever (immortality).
Time travel allows to accomplish the oldest dream
of humanity, namely the never-ending life. After all,
when someone's life approaches the ending, it is
always possible to shift this person back in time
and to allow him or her to pass through the life again.
Slightly more about such never-ending life accomplished
through repetitions of the reliving it infinitive number
of times, is contained in subsection E1 of monograph
[8] "Totalizm".
* * *
Time travel can also be utilised in countless
other areas. More details on the practical
utilisation of time and travel in time are provided
in volume 7 of monograph [8] Totalizm.
What observable effects a nearby use of time vehicles is going to induce:
For a civilisation like ours, which has not
developed yet the capability to travel in time,
it is immensely important to accumulate
the knowledge needed to detect the activity
of time vehicles build by other civilizations.
The Concept of Dipolar Gravity (see item
#B3) allows to foresee a few distinct
phenomena already now, which will be
observable by outside witnesses, and the
noticing of which is a sign of the use of
a time vehicle in a close proximity. Three
most distinctive out of these phenomena
can be called (1) the "state of suspended
animation", (2) the "one way trip", and (3)
the "effect of time duplication". External
manifestations of these three phenomena
are to be presented below.
The "state of suspended animation"
can be explained on an example of a case
when the reader can see consequences of
it. So let us assume that the reader is at this
moment in a busy office, and that this office
is entered and inspected by some intruders,
who have a "time vehicle" (e.g. by UFOnauts).
In order to remain unnoticed while inspecting
this office, these intruding owners of time vehicles
changed their speed of time lapse. They accelerated
the lapse of their own time, leaving the time
of the rest of the office to elapse at its normal
speed. Therefore, while for the entire office
only a few microseconds passed, the intruders
experience events that for them may occupy
several hours. In this way no one in the office
has enough time to notice the presence of
these intruders. But if by an accident, someone
in the office was too close to the intruders when
they were changing the speed of their own time,
the time of this person from the office would
also become accelerated. In such a case,
this chance observer of a time vehicle in action
would be surprised to notice a view, that would
resemble him or her a film that was suspended
on a single frame. All his or her colleagues and
everything in the office, would appear strangely
suspended in motion in very inconvenient positions that they would
have in a given moment of time. The boss, just
coming through the door, has one leg lifted in
the air, looking grotesque standing on the other.
The fast typist is frozen motionless with fingers
suspended above the keys. The water that someone
pours would freeze half way between the teapot
and a cup. A paper ball thrown by a colleague
would stay in the midair suspended a few centimetres
above the rubbish tin. There would be almost
an absolute silence. (But because sound waves
would be slowed down, a kind of weak "squelch"
or "grit" could be heard, which by eye witnesses
is described as a sound similar to the noise made
during "walking in gumboots full of water" - e.g.
see paragraph {3070} from subsection B1, and
also subsection C1, in the Polish treatise
This strange sound is also discussed briefly in item
#B1 from the web page about
bandits amongst us.)
Such a suspension of motion would prevail until
the intruders would depart. When the intruders
would finish their inspection and depart, everything
would rapidly return to normal. All the events
described above would continue their course
from the point at which they were suspended.
The only record that anything at all has occurred,
would remain in this person's memory (if this
memory is not intentionally erased by the departing
intruders) and in his or her personal watch,
which together with the person's body, would
also be accelerated in time.
In the manner similar to that described above,
the time vehicles are able also to cause the
"state of accelerated animation", when
the elapse of time of the person who uses a time
vehicle, is slowed down in comparison to the
elapse of time in his or her surrounding. (Thus
all the activities he or she observes in this
environment will look as if someone accelerated
their speed. Note that sometimes in television
they show such films where people move and
act funny at accelerated speeds. This is how the
surroundings would look-like then.) Such a
state of accelerated animation can be highly useful
for example during a slow crossing through a
wall, when after it is introduced for the person
that moves, it allows to not breathe inside of
the wall (as for this person who crosses the wall,
the entire crossing takes an equivalent to a
fraction of second). In case of "simulations"
of UFOnauts, for some reasons they use
this state relatively frequent, for example for
decrease of efficiency of people who are acting
against their interests. If they are able to delay
the elapse of time for a given person, so that
when outside elapses for example 8 hours,
for this person elapsed only 4 hours, then the
efficiency of actions of so demobilised person is
decreased by at least a half, and no-one notices this.
One of the most noticeable symptoms, that in
our vicinity one of these two states (i.e. suspended
or accelerated animation) was just used, is the
change of indications of time in a nearest clock
or watch that was inside of the sphere of influences
of a time vehicle. If the change of time
introduced by such a vehicle includes also such
a clock or watch, then it is recorded in the indications
of this clock or watch (in comparison to other
watches or clocks that remain outside of the
sphere of time change). Thus, this clock or
watch shows a time that is either accelerated in
relationship to the normal time (when it was
included into the state of suspended animation),
or is slowed down in relationship to the normal
time (when it was included into the state of
accelerated animation). Simultaneously,
after this rapid acceleration or stopping of
the time finishes in a given clock or watch,
the further work of this clock is going to occur
with a normal speed. Thus the clock is going
to maintain later the same time shift (in order
to decrease the chance of detecting such
manipulations on time, intruding UFOnauts
frequently accelerate or decelerate time by
a full one hour). Thus, if in our vicinity such
a change of time in a watch or clock is rapidly
discovered, then this is a sign, that we were
subjected to an action of "time vehicles" of
"simulations" of UFOnauts. From the amount
of time our watch or clock is shifted in time,
we can determine what was our acceleration or
deceleration of time. Thus, we can also deduce
the probable reason, why these UFOnauts intruded
our space. (I.e. whether it was our abduction -
which usually takes around one hour, or crossing
the wall of our house by a time vehicle - which
usually takes just several minutes, or intentional
delay of our personal time in order to decrease
our efficiency in the work which runs against
interests of the cosmic occupants - in such
a case the delay of our clock may amount
to several hours.)
The "one way trip". The state of
suspended animation described above
is only the first of numerous extraordinary
advantages offered by time vehicles in
comparison to conventional or telekinetic
means of travel. Another very important
their ability is the "one way trip" advantage.
This particular capability of time vehicles
depends on the completion of physical
travel in one direction only, i.e. to a chosen
destination, whereas the return trip is obtained
not by means of actual travel, but by shifting
time back to the point when the whole trip
began. In order to express the above in
simple words, the "one way trip" depends
on physical travelling in one direction only,
and on the controlling of time (shifting it back)
in order to bring a person to the point from
which a given trip was started.
In order to understand the principles involved
in such "one way trips", it is necessary to remind
ourselves the definition of time provided by
the Concept of Dipolar Gravity. (It is provided
in items #B3 and #B5 of this web page, and also
in subsection H9.1 from volume 4 of monograph
[1/5].) This definition says that the "time is the flow
of execution control through our counter material
(software) duplicates". The understanding of this
definition is more easy if the reader is aware of
the similarity of our counter material duplicates
contained in another parallel world, to contemporary
computer programs working in the so-called
"real time". As we know, such programs are
composed of sequences of individual instructions,
which are executed by the computer one after
the other. The Concept of Dipolar Gravity teaches
us, that the elapse of time can be compared to
the flow of execution control through the subsequent
instructions of such programs. In this Concept of Dipolar
Gravity, the computer program represents a stationary
"timespace", while the execution control that runs
this program and thus that shifts through the
subsequent actions (instructions) of this program,
represents the elapse of time. According to the
above analogy that stems from the Concept of
Dipolar Gravity, "time is motionless, while we are
moving through the time" (or more strictly the
execution control from our counter-material
duplicates is shifting through the timespace).
In this aspect the dipolar understanding of
time is opposite to the popular understanding
of it. In the popular understanding of time,
we are standing motionless, while time is
"flowing" around us. One of the consequences
of the dipolar understanding of time, is that
it indicates the manner of travelling in time.
Although the Concept of Dipolar Gravity states,
that in our set of dimensions elapse of time
occurs in one direction only (therefore, in our
physical world it is impossible to change the
elapse of time), in other set of dimensions,
i.e. in the counter-world, it is possible to control
time in every possible direction, i.e. its shifting
back, shifting forth, accelerating, and also slowing
According to the Concept of Dipolar Gravity, the
technical travel through time boils down to the
shifting an execution control to the previously
"labelled" point of timespace. In the understanding
of principles of such shifting of control, again
very useful is the similarity between our
counter-material duplicates to computer
programs. As we know, in computer programs
it is possible to return to any point of execution,
simply by placing a "label" at the beginning
of a given sequence of operations, and then
by completing an unconditional jump to this
label. Exactly the same happens with the time
vehicles. They label a certain point in someone's
execution sequence (i.e. a certain point in
time), and then they execute the shift of this
person's execution control back to that label.
The person whose software model is subjected
to such a process, perceives it simply as the
shifting back of time. Therefore, if some
technically advanced creatures who have
a time vehicle at their disposal, wish to take
a particular person for a trip, they only need
to attach a "label" to his or her execution
sequence. Then, when the trip is completed,
instead of travelling back with this person,
they simply shift his or her execution control
to that label. In the final effect a person who
completed such a trip remembers only the
way in one direction (this is because the physical
way back does not occur at all), and also after
the return he or she discovers with a surprise,
that the actual time is the same or even
earlier than the exact time when a given
trip began.
The "one way trip" capability of time vehicles
allows for carrying out abductions, which
take up no recordable period of time.
In these abductions chosen individuals are
taken on a journey which, regardless of the
duration, finishes at exactly the same time
as it started. Thus, if during such an abduction
someone would continuously observe the
abductee, or even hold his or her hand, the
observer would not be able to notice the
absence, because for the sight and senses
of this observer the abductee would continue
the presence through the point in time when
the abduction actually took place. The
occurrence of such an abduction would
be vigorously denied by investigators,
as acknowledging it would contradict the
most fundamental theories of contemporary
orthodox science (which assume that
it is time that "flows", whereas we stay
motionless within this flow, thus moving
in time is presently unexplainable). In
my research I had opportunities to meet
several reports from such timeless UFO
abductions, unfortunately none of them
was explained, or even understood by
other researchers. An additional difficulty
introduced to our research of such cases
is, that "simulations" of UFOnauts, usually
erase memory of people who have already
experienced such timeless abductions.
Thus, because their memories have been
erased at the point of return, neither they or anyone
else are able to have any knowledge
of the events that occurred. Even if on
some rare occasions, the final memory
erasure may fail or is incomplete, the
incredible reports of abductees are not
taken seriously as no one is prepared
to believe their claims of having visited
distant planets from other stars, while
people close to them had insufficient
time to blink their eyes. Especially as
the person who tells the story explains
with details the trip in one direction, but
is unable to explain how he or she returned!
The principles of time travel described previously
apply to the situation when time remains motionless
but an active traveller moves through it. However,
an opposite way of travelling is also possible,
although technically more difficult. It depends
on making timespace to dynamically "wave",
while a traveller remains motionless. An example
of this kind of time travel would be phenomena
occurring during the explosion or starting of time
vehicles. One of the most frequently occurring
of these type of phenomena is another
manifestation of time vehicles called here the
"effect of time duplication". This effect
can most simply be explained by the example
of an analogy of time vehicle to a motorboat
that is resting in a waveless lake (the surface
of this lake represents timespace). If this
motorboat rapidly begins to move, it induces
waves on the lake. These waves would also
toss about an outside observer that was floating
in the water and watching the boat. To interpret
the above analogy to time vehicles, if such
a vehicle causes a rapid "deformation" of time,
then an observer from the vicinity of this vehicle
will be included into time waves so induced.
For the observer these time waves will be
perceived as multiple repetitions of the same
sequence of events. For example, if the
observer heard in a radio a specific song,
saw in TV a specific sequence of events
on a video clip, or saw a specific car passing
by his or her window, after a while he or she
will hear again the same song, see exactly
the same sequence of events in TV, or see
again the same car passing by. It is also
worth to add, that because of the principles
involved in the operation of time vehicles,
which execute their changes of time by
a "deformation" of the environmental
magnetic field, the use of these vehicles
is manifested only within the space where
the environmental field is excited by their
magnetic circuits. (Thus, the diameter of
such sphere of influence is around 2
physical diameters of these vehicles.)
Therefore all side effects described in
this item can be by chance noticed by
observers whose distance from a time
vehicle is slightly smaller from this sphere
of influence. For the case when personal
time vehicles (i.e. those inserted surgically
into users' body) are used, the sphere of
such influence will not exceed around 4
meters from the alien user. Thus, a person
who experiences one of the effects described
earlier, can be sure that a time travelling
intruder is really close.
The "imprisoned immortality":
"The expression 'everlasting happiness' is also a simplest description of the situation
when inhabitants of a totaliztic civilisation who mastered the skill of maintaining a continuous
use time vehicles for repetitive renewal of their physical bodies, accomplishing
in this manner immortality which becomes an everlasting time of indescribable happiness."
Time vehicles described in this Part #C, which
operate on principles of the deformation
of magnetic fields, allow to come true the
oldest dream of people. This dream is
to accomplish infinitively long life. The principle
of giving to the users of these time vehicles
the infinitively long lives is relatively simple.
It boils down to a repetitive shifting a given
person back in time during the final part
of his or her life. The person is shifted back
in time to the period when this person was
young. In turn after this someone is
shifted back in time, this person remembers
his or her previous lives from previous passages
of times, in exactly the same manner as if the
living was continued through a normal elapse of
time. Therefore people shifted back in
time with a time vehicle again to years of their
youth, still remember their previous part of
life that they led as older people. In this way
they are able to relive through their life any
number of times, remembering each
passage through it. So actual building
of time vehicles gives people who have
these vehicles in their disposal, a taste
of accomplishing the immortality.
This form of immortality, accomplished through
such repetitive shifting back in time, has however
a limitation, which makes "prisoners of their own
times" all these ones who utilise it. Means, these
people may live infinitively long in total. However,
their lives always remain limited to the same period
of time. For example, they can only return back
in time to the date, which must be later than their
date of birth. They can also move forward in
time no more than to the date when the died
naturally. Thus, the outcome of this repetitive
shifting back in time is a kind of "imprisoned
immortality". Furthermore, during every
shifting back in time, these people can take with
them mainly their memories. (They take also with
them everything that is resulting from their memory,
namely their knowledge, life experience, character,
weaknesses, prejudices, etc. - see item #C2 of
this web page.) But they are unable to take with
them anything else (material) - that they did not
have already in times to which they just are returning.
Thus, if e.g. in older age they meet some necessary
technical device, which in times of their youth was
not invented yet, or they had a favourite cat or
beloved soul-mate which they got to know only
in the final phase of their life, then after shifting
back in time they loose all this and are forced to
do without it until the time when they meet it again
in the later phase of their life. (They can also
not meet it at all - if in a new passage of time they
choose a different path through the life than the
path which they followed in the previous passage
through time.) Such a limitation and consequences
of this "imprisoned immortality" accomplished
via time vehicles working on the principle of
deformation of magnetic fields described here,
impose a special kind of psychological strain
onto people who utilise it. In the result of this
strain, not for all people this "imprisoned immortality"
turns out to be a blessing. Some people, especially
those who practice in life the philosophy called
actually can perceive it as a kind of curse. Means,
they will not be able to resist using repetitively this
form of immortality - like it was an addiction, but it is
going to make them increasingly more unhappy.
If a given consumer of the "imprisoned immortality"
practices in his or her life the philosophy called
and has a good fortune to live in a totaliztic
civilisation, then this form of immortality becomes
a true blessing for him or for her. After all, due to
leading a pedantically moral life, such someone
is going to maintain the state of
the entire his or her life through. So he or she
is continually happy, cheerful, and optimistic.
Everything satisfies him or her, while his or her
soul is not forcing him or her to seek anything
better than whatever is already there. Furthermore,
such someone continually tries to improve his or
her morality, goodness, and the level of perfection.
Thus, together with the accumulation of the knowledge
and life experience, such someone becomes increasingly
productive for his or her surroundings. All others appreciate
him or her increasingly more and always want him
or her to be with them forever. In the result, for
members of totaliztic civilisations the accomplishing of
the "imprisoned immortality" described here is a
blessing which allows them to lead infinitively long
and indescribably happy lives. Slightly more
about the "everlasting happiness" that members
of such civlisations then experience, is explained
in item #F2 of a separate web page about
In fact, for these people such limited form of immortality
in practice turns out to be equally perfect and effective
as the true immortality described in item #E3 of this web
page. However, the key for such an imprisoned
immortality to become a blessing, is the ability of
people to maintain themselves in the state of continuous
In turn, to be able to continually earn for themselves this
it is absolutely essential that these people live in
the society which practices the philosophy of
However, if a given user of the "imprisoned
immortality" practices in his or her life the
philosophy called
and also lives in a parasitic society, than this limited
form of immortality with the elapse of time turns
out to be a kind of curse for him or for her. After all,
the life in a parasitic society makes impossible for
him or her to accomplish a nirvana. In turn without
a nirvana, such someone is all time pulled apart by
desires and needs impossible to be satisfied, which
eat him or her alive. Because such someone never
is able to have everything that is continually desiring,
with the elapse of time these unsatisfied desires make
permanent changes in his or her psychological
makeup. On the other hand, in spite of shifting back
in time, the psychology, memory, and needs of such
people remain unchanged. Also, as their longevity
progresses, their attributes and character becomes
increasingly evil and unpleasant. So a time arrives
one day, when they become too uncontrollable and
too unbearable to other their countrymen, while their
life becomes a kind of hell. Thus either themselves
voluntarily, or with a delicate push by their countrymen
who cannot tolerate their unpleasantness anymore,
their life is terminated - in spite that they could live
infinitively. In the result for members of a parasitic
civilisation, the accomplishing of an "imprisoned immortality"
described here is a kind of disguised curse and cheat,
which theoretically could give them infinitively long
lives, but which in practice drowns them in suffering
and hell of increasingly higher unsatisfied desires,
increasingly less fulfilled ambitions, and increasingly
more powerful feeling of unhappiness, and thus
which sooner or later must be terminated with a
death. Slightly more about the "everlasting
hell" that members of such civlisations then
experience, is explained in item #F3 of a separate
web page about
So in fact, in civilisations which practice parasitism,
this imprisoned immortality - similarly as
everything else that they accomplish, is only a kind
of illusion, cunningness, and theory. In practice, life of
each citizen of such civilisations is limited and always
finishes with a death, only that lasts a bit longer than
it would normally, and that it spreads amongst all
involved much more destruction and suffering
than it should. However, what is even worst,
with the progressing number of subsequent
repetitions of lives by citizens of such parasitic
civilisations, the level of immorality, unsatisfied
desires, and the feeling of unhappiness in these
citizens is increasingly growing. In the result,
such a civilisation with the elapse of time must
blow itself up - as this is explained in item #D8
below of this web page.
Because of this ability of imprisoned immortality,
to push the civilisation which uses it into the grip
of "everlasting hell", at this point I have an appeal
to our descendants who will build time vehicles.
Namely, I beg them that under
NO excuse they may allow to shift back in time
a person which at the moment of shifting is unable
to prove that just experiences nirvana.
An example of civilisation which right now experiences
such imprisoned immortality are these "simulations" of
whose descriptions are provided in Part #D of this web
The group responsibility of members of civilisations which practice "imprisoned immortality":
In civilisation like ours, everyone takes his
or her own responsibility for own fate. So if
in all actions he or she pedantically obeys
moral laws,
then he or she lives a happy and fulfilled live.
But if he or she breaks moral laws, then his
or her life transforms into a misery and a
string of disasters. However, at the moment
when a given civilisation builds time vehicles,
while members of it accomplish the access
to "imprisoned immortality", this individual
responsibility is replaced by the one which
is best described by well-known saying
"all for one, one for all". For example,
in this new system of responsibility every
member of this civilisation is shifted back
in time and receives immortality only if
remaining members of this civilisation
judge, that he or she fulfils criteria imposed
onto this shifting back in time - for example
when he or she proves in own life that is
able to maintain a continuous state of
totaliztic nirvana.
In turn every member of this civilisation
obtains then an access to such enormous
energies and destructive capabilities, that
is able to blow up the entire own civilisation
whenever wishes. Also every member of
this civilisation bases his or her immortal life
on the "grace" of members who lead the
same immortal lives before him or her.
This is because if any of these previous
also immortal members of a given civilisation
that still exist in a previous point of time of
the same civilisation, rapidly decides to blow
own civilisation up, then all these descendants
who exist and live immortal lives in later points
of time of the same civilisation, rapidly also
cease to exist - as this is explained in next
item #C8 of this web page.
The "non-existing existence" of evil civilisations which practice the "imprisoned immortality" without accomplishing previously a
Accomplishing the
totaliztic nirvana
turns out to be the decisive factor which
determines the further fate of every
civilisation that reached the level of the
"imprisoned immortality". If a given
civilisation creates in itself such a moral
climate, that every member of this civilisation
continually maintains the state of totaliztic
nirvana, then members of this civilisation
live infinitively long while being infinitively
happy. Furthermore, with the elapse of
time they earn for themselves the true
immortality described in item #E3 of this
web page. But if a given civilisation begins
to repetitively shift back in time its members
without making sure that each of the shifted
back in fact acquired the ability to earn and
to continually maintain the state of totaliztic
nirvana, then the moral level of this civilisation
begins to drop, until this civilisation become the
indescribably evil - as I explained this in item
#D9 of this web page. In turn such an evil
civilisation after a number of shifts back in
time all its members finally blows itself up.
After all, with each such a shift back members
of this civilisation become increasingly more
unhappy and increasingly more evil towards
each other, but they simultaneously have
increasingly more powerful tools of destruction.
In turn at the moment when they actually blow
themselves up, the laws that govern over time
cause that the universe transforms in such a
manner as if this particular civilisation never
existed at all. Because for such a satanic
civilisations it is only a matter of number of
repetitions of the life of their members before
they actually blow themselves up, in fact these
satanic civilisation which practice the "imprisoned
immortality" supposedly do exist and supposedly
carry out their evil, but in fact they are already
non-existent. So each member of these evil civilisations
takes part in a kind of the "non-existent existence".
Means, this member does exist until the moment
in time when his civilisation blows itself up, then it
turns out that in fact he never existed. This is because
in the universe there will be no sign of his existence
and activity. Because through the repetitive shifting back
in time, his existence is like suspended in the same
point of time, in which later it turns out that he never
existed, the existence of every member of this civilisation
is as if he or she really never existed.
Very interesting is the natural mechanism with
the use of which this "non-existing existence"
of members of evil civilisations which practice
the imprisoned immortality is implemented.
This mechanism in itself is so extraordinary, that
it bits all the "paradoxes of time travel" which
were invented by authors of "science fiction"
and which are described in item #C3 of this
web page. In order to realise here at least the
most vital points why it is extraordinary, now I
explain briefly what it is about. If we would to
com pare to something a civilisation like ours,
which still does NOT have time vehicles, then
a good comparison would be a mole
which makes its passage under the ground.
Similarly as for this mole, in such civilisation
at any moment of time exists and lives only
a short number of generations, which make
changes in the universe which surrounds
them and thus leave behind a trail which
certifies that they existed. Behind them on the
path which they passed lives nor exists nothing
apart of marks of their activities. Similarly in front
of them also exists nothing. So when any ancestor
of this "mole" rapidly gets crazy and decides
to blow himself up, he would NOT be able to
do this for a simple reason that he would be
dead for a long time. Means, in such a civilisation
of mere mortals ancestors are NOT a threat
to anyone. But a completely different situation
is in a civilisation which already uses time
vehicles. If we would also seek a comparison
that would describe such a civilisation
that already practices the imprisoned
immortality, then the best comparison
would be a tapeworm. The head of
this tapeworm is this particular generation
which build the first time vehicle, and to which
applies the expression "final judgement"
explained in item #F1 of this web page. Every
next segment of this tapeworm is a generation
of this civilisation which was born from the
previous generation that already have time
vehicles. So similarly like a tapeworm, this
civilisation at any moment of time does exist
on the entire its length. Means, in every moment
of time not only the descendants do exist, but also
all the ancestors starting from the moment when
time vehicles entered the public use. After all,
these ancestors are also immortal. Only that
at very end of this "tapeworm" - which is opposite
to the head hooked in a single point of time,
periodically new segments are growing
which represent next new generations of
members of this civilisation. So when in the
result of drop in the level of morality, any segment
of this tapeworm blows itself up, then disappears
not only this segment, but also all other segments
which were born after this particular one. After all,
these next segments existed only because this
blown up segment did exist previously. In such
civilisation which uses time vehicles ancestors
represent the same threat as a given generation.
At any moment of time these ancestors can
blow themselves up. In this way they blow up
also all these who were born from them and
who started their immortal lives from them.
Thus in such an immortal civilisation each
generation of owners of time vehicles like
"lives on mercy" of their own ancestors.
Independently from this web page, the topic
of "non-existing existence" is also discussed
(although from different points of view) at totaliztic
web pages
god.htm - about scientific and secular understanding of God
(see there item #D7), and also
parasitism.htm - about the philosophy of parasitism
(see there item #E5).
"Time black hole" in evil civilisations which practice the "imprisoned immortality" without accomplishing a
Members of evil civilisations which practice
"imprisoned immortality" for the first time do
not need to blow themselves up at the beginning
of the chain of generations which already have
time vehicles. (Means not always they need
to blow themselves up at the head of this
"tapeworm" described in the previous item #C8.)
In fact, there is a significant probability that
the first blowing themselves up occurs somewhere
near the final generation which uses time vehicles.
After all, together with the number of generations
both their evilness increases, as well as increases
the destructive power which each member of these
civilisations actually has. So starting from the
generation which blown itself up, such a civilisation
ceases to exist. But still for a number of repetitions
of their lives must exist in it these generations
which proceeded the one that blown itself up.
For these proceeding generations the point
in time in which this civilisation blown itself up
turns to be a kind of "time black hole". Namely
every member of this civilisation who shifts to
this period of time, will not be able to return from
this black hole. So all these who visit this black
hole with their time vehicles, will simply cease
to exist. Thus generations which proceed the
one which blown itself up, will be able to just
speculate what actually happened, but will never
be able to learn facts nor truth.
The appearance of such a "time black hole"
in the future of any evil civilisation which practices
"imprisoned immortality" is a kind of the "last
warning" which receive generations of this
civilisation that still exist before this black hole.
After all, the appearance of this black hole in
one point of the generational tapeworm of this
civilisation actually means that soon another
such a black hole is going to appear amongst
generations which still do exist. For these still
existing members of a given evil civilisation such
a hole is a messenger for the beginning of their
end - unless they are still able to afford the earning
of permanent totaliztic nirvana.
Of course, for members of this immortal "tapeworm"
it becomes easy to detect, that such a time black
hole in fact already appeared in their tapeworm.
After all, before it appears, these "time curriers"
which are described in item #D5 of this web page,
are able to pass information in both directions from
any point in time to all other points in time. But
when this time black hole rapidly appears, then
a kind of motionless barrier will appear in the future
of this civilisation, from behind which none
information can return back to the bottom of
this generational "tapeworm".
How time vehicles are going to cause the "rising people from graves":
"If you wish to belong to an elite group of people which in the result of 'shifting back' the technology
of building time vehicles are going to be returned to the everlasting life, you must already now become
known as a person who actively promotes moral live and who is a role model for a moral behaviour."
The building of time vehicles on Earth is
going to cause an extraordinary phenomenon
of "shifting back in time" of the technology of
building time vehicles. This shifting back
technology is going to manifest itself in
such a manner, that each time bodies of
builders of these vehicles are returned
to the time of their youth, time vehicles are
going to be build several years earlier.
This increasingly earlier building of time
vehicles is going to be caused by two
factors. Firstly, each time after the
builders of time vehicles are moved
back in time, they will perfectly remember
from the previous lives how to build
these vehicles. So they are going to be
able to build them faster, means also
earlier. Secondly, their purely human feelings
to those their close ones, who died only
because time vehicles were still unavailable,
will mobilise them to undertake even more intense
efforts to build time vehicles much earlier.
In the result of these two factors, the date when
time vehicles become build, is going to be
gradually moved backward. Of course, this
movement backward is going to have a limit,
which is to be defined by the view of the
world in people who gradually are going to
be called to the earlier building of time vehicles.
I estimate, that this limiting view of the world is
going to be placed at my (and ours) generation
of people. After all, it is my (and ours) generation
of people that was the first on Earth which began to
use computers. Thus, it is also going to be the earliest
generation on the Earth, which will be susceptible
to the mobilisation from future generations to
initiate earlier the building of time vehicles. In
fact, from various own "recalls from the future"
I suspect, that I am going to be included during
one of these future passages of time into a team
which is going to build time vehicles at an earlier
Because of this increasingly earlier building of
time vehicles, an extraordinary phenomenon
is going to take place on the Earth. Namely, some
people who in "normal" passage of time will be
forced to die - because during their "normal" life
time vehicles were still not build, after the earlier
building of time vehicles they become rapidly
returned to life. Thus, such shifting back in time
of the technology of building time vehicles is going
to have this consequence, that many people
who already died, rapidly "raise up from their
graves". Of course, this "rising up from graves"
will have a different character that we typically
imagine it from descriptions in the Bible. In
reality these people will awake like from a long
dream and then they will continue their lives
normally like nothing has happened. In turn,
after such waking up they will discover, that
their bodies are already younger than they
remember having them before the death.
Only the memory of many out of them will
still remember that they already died some
time before. All people who in this manner
will "raise from graves" will NOT die again
later, but will live forever repetitively shifted
back in time after each reaching of a more
senior time - as it is described in item #C7
of this web page.
Unfortunately, this "rising people from graves"
is going to have a selective (elite) character.
This means that NOT everyone is going to be
returned to life within the scope of generations
which will be included into this shifting back the
technology of building time vehicles. Namely,
only these people who let themselves know as
either giving to others examples of moral lives,
or become famous amongst others with their
fight for the spread of morality, will selectively
be returned to life (i.e. only these people, the
level of morality in which is going to provide a
guarantee, that they are able to earn the totaliztic
for themselves). The reason for such an elite
character of these returned to life, will be the
"final judgement" which is explained in item #F1
of this web page. Namely, if the verdict of this
final judgement will be the "everlasting happiness"
for the humanity, then only moral people will be
returned to life during this shifting back the
technology of time vehicles. In other words,
the returned to such everlasting lives will be
exclusively people who with their normal lives
give their successors the guarantee, that
after the return to life they are NOT going to spoil this
verdict with their immoral behaviour. In turn if the
verdict of the final judgement will be the "everlasting
hell", then again the returned to life will be only moral
people. The reason is that the future generations
which then already will taste how this hell actually
feels like, will exert an enormous pressure on these
their ancestors, who are going to implement the
shift back of the time vehicles' technology. Their
pressure will request to return to life only moral
people, or people who fought for morality on Earth.
This is because by returning to life only moral
people, these our descendants who will be
sentenced to the "imprisoned immortality" will obtain
a chance, that the previous verdict of the "final
judgement" may become somehow invalidated
and changed into the "everlasting happiness". So the
outcome will be such, that independently of the verdict
of the "final judgement" described in item #F1 below,
returned to life always will be exclusively moral people.
So if you, the reader, just in case, wish to be included
into this elite group of selected people, then already
now you need to let others know yourself as a person
leading a very moral life, and also you need to show
to others, that you actively fight to allow the morality
to prevail on our planet.
The phenomenon of "rising of dead from graves"
is also described briefly in item #F5 from the web page
god.htm - about scientific and secular understanding of God.
So when our civilisation accomplishes time vehicles (and thus the immortality for all people):
My analyses of the so-called "Cyclic Table"
discussed in chapter B from volume 2 of
monograph [1/5]
(also shown on a separate web page about
propulsion systems),
indicates that "time vehicles" in normal
circumstances would be build in around
100 years after constructing
and after supplying
Oscillatory Chambers
of these Magnocraft into the capability to release the
Telekinetic Effect.
However, the most difficult obstacles on the path
to building time vehicles, is to learn the mechanism
of time and to develop the principle on which
time vehicles operate. On the other hand, thanks to the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity,
these two major obstacles are already removed.
So in practice, if the humanity puts into the building
of time vehicles the same amount of resources
and determination, as it puts into wars and into
the development of old-fashioned rocket propulsion,
then my estimates suggest that time vehicles could
be build in around 50 years after the construction of
In turn these Magnocrafts could be build
already now. Actually in times when I invented
them, I still optimistically believed, that
I will be able to build operational Magnocrafts
still in the duration of my own life.
Unfortunately, I did not know then
yet, that people take a great pleasure in
making redundant from jobs,
murdering, or unleashing any other forms of
persecution towards these ones amongst
themselves who show the biggest creativity -
as this is described this in item #11 of the
separate web page about
telekinetic cells.
This is pitty, because if these my
dreams could be fulfilled, then the
access to time vehicles, and thus also
the access to immortality, could still be
accomplished by the generation of people
which already is born on Earth.
Unfortunately, with the elapse of time it
turned out, that the planet Earth is secretly
occupied by our evil relatives which are
described in item C of this web page.
These our morally decadent relatives
cause with their intrigues that instead of building the
Oscillatory Chamber and
I spend the majority of my time as an unemployed
scientist, or in places where I have no chances to
undertake the building of devices which I invented.
So it looks like, in reality, time vehicles can be
build by humanity only after this point in time,
in which our evil relatives blow their civilisation up -
as I am describing this in item #D8 of this web
page. Fortunately for us, this may happen
relatively soon, as these our relatives already
for a long time sit on a time bomb which may
go off at any moment. So when we are waiting
this to happen, in the meantime we should
and the respect to
moral laws
in our everyday lives. This is because only
when we consequently apply moral laws in
our living, we make sure that our civilisation
is not going to follow the unfortunate steps
of these our
The passive replay of timely distant events:
All previous descriptions from this web page
related to an interactive participation in the
passage of time. This means, that the
descriptions concerned such way of travelling
in time, when a given traveller lives normally,
only that is positioned in times which are different
than these naturally designated for him or her
(i.e. in times to which he or she was moved
by a time vehicle). Thus, such a time traveller
can normally interact with other people and
all objects which exist in this different time.
However, at this stage of presentation it is
worth to add, that the Concept of Dipolar Gravity
reveals also another kind of time travel. It could
be called "the passive replay of timely
distant events". This kind of time travel does
not impose any restrictions regarding the time
distance to which a given observer goes.
But it limits the traveller to the role of a passive
observer (witness) only. In the "analogy of shifting
a program control" described above, this other
means of time travel could be compared to
the re-running a sequence of a given program,
by some other program. Thus, this other program
could show what results a given program would
yield, but it is unable to actually identify itself
(become) the program that is being run.
To put this into another words, in this passive
time travel, the traveller can only observe the
course of events that occurred (or are going
to occur), but he or she is unable to take part
in these events or to impact their final outcome.
From the technical point of view, a device which
is to be used for the purpose of implementing
this kind of passive travelling in time, is going
to be a kind of reversal of the device which is
to implement the interactive travelling in time
described before. (Means, this device will be
like a reversal of "time vehicles".) If we would
compare both these devices to something that
we know from our present level of technology,
then the "time vehicles" can be compared to
kinds of "projectors". After all, they impose (i.e.
"project") the location of the execution control
in our natural programs from the counter-world.
In turn the device for a passive replaying of timely
distant events described here, can be compared
to a reversal of projectors, means to "photo-cameras".
After all, this device intercepts and illustrates in
a picturesque form, events which are expressed
in programs contained in the counter-world.
In reference to the so-called "grandparent paradox"
described in item #C3 above, this "passive replay
of timely distant events" would only allow one to
observe his or her own grandparent in action,
but it still would NOT allow to carry out any
interactive interference with life of this grandparent,
e.g. would NOT allow to kill him. So as we can
see, the universe is perfectly protected against
destructive interference in time by irresponsible
time travellers.
Part #D:
The body of evidence which confirms that some UFO vehicles work on
principles of "time vehicles" described in previous parts of this web page:
Why the knowledge regarding our
allows us to decode secrets of UFOs much faster, while the knowledge of
allows us to accelerate the construction of our Magnocrafts:
"The same technical device can be invented and constructed
completely independently by a whole range of different civilisations
which neither help each other nor even are friendly towards each other."
In item #C4 of this web page I explained, that
in future our earthly "time vehicles" are going
to assume the shape of flying space vehicles called
These Magnocrafts are entirely Earth vehicles,
i.e. they have been invented, developed, and
are proposed to be build on Earth. But if one
remembers unique attributes of these vehicles,
it is enough to see headings of present
newspapers, or glance at titles of various
books, to realise, that vehicles identical to
the Magnocrafts are observed operational
on Earth from the beginning of time. These
already existing vehicles identical to
Magnocrafts, are described in there under
the name of
I had the honour of inventing and developing
the Magnocrafts solely on the basis of my
professional interests in propulsion systems,
i.e. without any influence or inspiration from
"simulations" of UFOs. At the beginning of
my developmental work I accepted, that the
Magnocraft is just going to be a flying successor
for an electric motor. This is what suggested
to me the analogies and symmetries expressed
in the so-called "Cyclic Table" (shown in monograph
[1/5] as Table B1, and as Table K1 for slightly a different
application). In this initial stage of the development
of the Magnocraft, I was completely unaware of
the similarities that exist between Magnocraft and
UFOs. This similarity become obvious only when
the complete design and attributes of Magnocraft
become deduced. Actually these similarities were
pointed out to me only by readers of my articles,
who claimed that they have actually seen the
Magnocraft in operation with their own eyes - only
they called it differently, i.e. "UFOs". Although at
that stage I did not envisage any connection of
my Magnocraft and UFOs, just in case there
was one, I followed these claims of my readers
and tried to identify the differences or similarities
existing between both these vehicles. Soon
afterwards, with the weight of the evidence that
I collected, I realized that in fact there are unknown
vehicles popularly called UFOs already operational
on Earth, which display all the attributes that have
been theoretically predicted for the Magnocraft.
Subsequently the formal scientific proof that
"UFOs are already operational Magnocraft"
has been worked out and published (see also
item #E3 from below this web page). The first
version of this proof appeared in the article
[1P] "Konstrukcja prosto z nieba"
("The design straight from heaven") published
in the Polish Journal "Przeglad Techniczny Innowacje",
no 12/1981, pp.43 5. Unfortunately, in this first
presentation of the discussed proof, for reasons
which are clear only after reading the web page
or chapter OD of monograph [1/5], the editor of
the "Przeglad Techniczny Innowacje" would not
publish drawings and photographs that were
included to this article (similar to drawings and
photographs that illustrate subsection P2 in
[1/5]). Because of the lack of space, these
photographs and drawings could not be also
presented when the publication [1P] was then
discussed in the article [2P]
"Jak dowiedziono istnienia UFO" (i.e. "How
the existence of UFOs was proven"), published
in the magazine "Kurier Polski", no 119/1981,
page 5. Thus, the complete version of this proof
(together with a complete photographic and
descriptive evidence) could be published only
in New Zealand in the old monograph
and in several other monographs that proceeded
[1e] (see the list of these monographs provided
in subsection F10 from [1/5]). The final proof
presented in chapter P2 of
monograph [1/5]
is only an updated extension, with additional
evidence, of this original proof firstly published
in New Zealand in the old monograph [1e].
The formal proof that "UFOs are already operational
Magnocraft" is a vital segment in the logical chain
that forms the content of monograph [1/5] and this
web page. (This is also the reason why in the next
paragraph of this item the methodology of this proof
is summarised, while the rest of this web page
is based on findings which result from it).
This is because the formal proof realises to
us an immensely bitter
Namely, in connection with the evidence
described in subsections P3.1 and P6.5
of monograph [1/5], it reveals that on the
planet Earth a situation is "simulated" extremely
realistically, as if the Earth is under a secretive
occupation of
which practice the philosophy called "evil parasitism".
Thus, the bitter truth states that before the humanity
is allowed to build "time vehicles" described here,
firstly it must "solve" the problem of this secretive
The formal proof that "UFOs are already
operational Magnocraft", presented in subsection
P2 of the newest monograph [1/5], is based
on a very old and countless times proven in
action methodology adopted by present science
and called the methodology of "matching the
attributes". In this methodology two sets of
independent attributes, which describe two
different objects, are compared (matched)
with each other, in order to prove that both
these objects are identical. An oldest example
of the use of this methodology would be an
ancient hunter, who matches the attributes
of a trail with attributes of an animal known
to him, in order to determine as to whether
this animal made the trail. This methodology
is one of the most reliable, successful, and
frequently used ways of identifying unknown
objects. It is used in the majority of identification
procedures, including criminal investigations
(matching the evidence present in a site of
crime with a suspect), medicine (matching
symptoms with a disease), military
reconnaissance, etc. In order to prove with
this methodology that the Magnocraft and
UFOs are identical vehicles, a total match
between the theoretically deduced attributes
of the Magnocraft and the observed attributes
of UFOs has been documented and conclusively
The methodology of "matching attributes"
applied here to prove formally that "UFOs
are Magnocraft which are already operational"
also provides an additional benefit which
should be explained here. It introduces the
extremely important "postulate of
interchangeability between UFOs and
the Magnocraft". According to this
postulate, "every
correct equation, principle and fact
established for the Magnocraft, must
also apply to UFOs; as well, every
fact observed on UFOs must apply to
the Magnocraft". The practical
utilization of this postulate on one hand allows
for a faster progress in the building of our
Magnocraft, through utilizing technical
solutions that have already been implemented
in UFOs. On the other hand it allows for
the more rapid unveiling of the UFOs'
secrets by applying to them all the findings
concerning the Magnocraft.
For this web page the "postulate of
interchangeability between UFOs
and the Magnocraft" has this consequence
that everything that here is written about
the Magnocraft applies also to UFOs, and
everything that here is explained about UFOs
applies also to the Magnocraft.
The existence of UFO vehicles is a fact - it is confirmed by the
Resolution of internet discussion
list totalizm@hydepark.pl, about "recognising the
as the technical explanation for UFOs":
A historic Resolution concerning UFOs and
UFOnauts was voted and unonimously accepted
on 24 March 2003. This Resolution is the first
of its kind and so-far the only one in the world.
With the common wisdom of representatives of
the nation member of this list acknowledged that
the theory of the spaceship of my invention called the
proves with the sufficient certainty that UFO vehicles
do exist objectivsely and that UFOnauts secretly
operate on the Earth.
The indicated Resolution is so important for the
research by the author of this web page, that it
is quoted and commented on several other
totaliztic web pages, e.g. on the pages
ufo_proof.htm (see in there item #D2),
explain.htm (see in there item #J2),
telepathy.htm (see in there item #D2),
telekinesis.htm (see in there item #I3),
prawda_uk.htm (see in there item #G2),
ufo.htm (see in there item #H2),
sabotages.htm (see in there item #C7),
military_magnocraft.htm (see in there item #D4), or
antichrist.htm (see in there item #G6).
(I recommend readers to have a look at some of these web pages).
Therefore on this web page the content of this Resolution
is NOT going to be repeated nor commented.
Which evidence confirms that "UFOs of the third generation" which can travel
through time are already build and that they work as this is described here:
The orthodox science on the Earth accomplished
a great success in telling all people that time
cannot be controlled thus time vehicles cannot
be ever build. Therefore the majority of us
is extremely sceptical to every claim that such
time vehicles actually already do exist and that
their construction also by people is just only the
matter of time. After all, the majority of people
typically are unaware of facts which are explained
on the web page named
This means, that they are also unaware of the
fact that the official human science and various
leading scientists can be programmed to mislead
people on purpose.
Fortunately for us, the possibility of building time
vehicles was also analysed by the stream of
development of our knowledge, which is alternative
to the orthodox science and which is named the
totaliztic science. (The name "totaliztic
science originates from the fact, that the principles
of this new science are based on the highly moral,
progressive and constructive philosophy called
totalizm -
which is rejected by the orthodox science.) According
to this totaliztic science, there are three separate
groups of premises, which all unanimously confirm
the actual possibility of building time vehicles, and
even reveal various details of the design and operation
of these vehicles. Here are these three groups of
Mechanism of the operation of time This mechanism
is explained by the new theory of totaliztic science, called
the "Concept of Dipolar Gravity". On this web page
the Concept of Dipolar Gravity is explained in item #B3
above. According to the totaliztic explanation of this
mechanism, time can be controlled, and this control
is relatively easy. After all, in order to learn how to
change the elapse of time, it is enough to master
the introduction of changes into internal energy of
magnetic field (or, to explain this more illustratively,
we need to learn how to enter between force lines
of the magnetic field, and then act between these
force lines).
The Cyclic Table. This table is simply a kind of
the "periodic table of the elements" (also called the
"Mendeleyev Table"), only that instead of chemical
elements it was developed for propulsion systems.
Because of such a character, this table allows to make
predictions regarding what propulsion systems are to be
build in the future, if we only know principles of operation
and characteristics of the propulsion systems which
already were completed in our past. One of such
propulsion systems awaiting to be build relatively soon,
are time vehicles. In fact, this table provides us even
with guidelines as to on what principles of operation
time vehicles are going to be based. The Cyclic Table
is shown and discussed in item #5 of the internet web page about propulsion systems.
The sightings of time vehicles in operation.
The most reliable, however, confirmation of the
fact that time vehicles can be build, stems from
sightings of "UFOs of the third generation". As
it turns out, these "UFOs of the third generation"
frequently fly over the Earth in the so-called
"convention of time vehicles". In such cases
they form all effects sighted during shifting
time back, forward, accelerating, and slowing
down the elapse of time. An example of such
a UFO flying in the convention of a time vehicle
is shown in "Fig. #F2a" from the web page
explain.htm - about scientific interpretation of authentic photographs of UFOs in the light of "Theory of the Magnocraft".
Next items of this "part #D" of the web page,
present most representative examples when
UFOs completed a work of time vehicles.
The most commonly encountered manifestation
of the technical alteration of the elapse of time
induced by nearby operation of UFOs working
as time vehicles, is the situation which in item
#C6 of this web page is called the "effect of
time duplication".
This effect manifests itself the most clearly when,
e.g. while watching TV, listening to radio, or looking
through a window, we rapidly notice, that the same
sequence of film, sounds, or situation, was repeated
twice. Without realising this, in such moments of
time we are participants or witnesses of a start in
our vicinity of a UFO vehicle which operates
as a time vehicle and which remains invisible
to the human sight. The start of such a vehicle
causes waves on the time-space continuum.
This in turn manifests itself to us in form of just
such double repetition of the same sequence
of pictures, sounds, or events. In order to download
the free monograph [1/5] which in subsection
M2 from volume 11 assumes the honourable task
of dissemination of the unknown to people knowledge
about the elapse of time, click on any of web pages which in
"Menu 4"
is displayed under the name
"monograph [1/5]".
* * *
We all perfectly know the proverb that "all
roads lead to Rome". The attribute of this
proverb is, that it is still going to remain true
when we modify it into the form which states
that "if several roads leads to Rome, than
this means that Rome actually does exist
and can be reached by us". Expressing this
in other words, if three separate groups of
premises indicate that time vehicles are
feasible and can be build, and even someone
already now uses them on the Earth, we should
not treat too serious claims of scientists who
try to convince us to something completely
opposite. After all, we know what
forces hide behind backs of such scientists.
Not mentioning that scientists are already
famous through the ages from the fact that
they are constantly wrong and that they
repetitively are forced to deny whatever
they stated shortly before.
Fig. #1
(T1 z [1/5]): Shown above is a photograph which
provides an illustrative evidence that time travel is possible.
Originally the above photograph is presented as
Figure T1 from monograph [1/5], and as Figure
K4 in monograph [1e]. It managed to capture one and
the same UFO vehicle of K7 type, which, however,
was photographed as being present simultaneously
in two different areas of space at the same moment
of time. Even if we ignore the principle on which this UFO vehicle moves,
and which still even today remains a mystery for orthodox science, the sole
fact that it is present simultaneously in two different areas of space, is a perfect
example when the reality contradicts the claims of human orthodox scientists.
(Notice, that the principle of motion of this UFO vehicle is already explained
by the totaliztic science based on the Concept of Dipolar Gravity. This science
explains that the motion of this UFO is carried out on the principles of the technical
telekinesis -
which is a technical version of human psychokinesis.) After all, orthodox
human scientists claim that the same object is unable to be present in two
places at the same time. Thus, the above photograph documents
illustratively that orthodox scientists are at wrong regarding matters of time
travel, and that people should not take too seriously what present scientists
are stating on this subject, because their knowledge is still very far in the
cave age. (Especially, when their claims are negative and
try to convince people that something is impossible - after
all the philosophy of totalizm reasoned that our universe is
build in such a manner, that "everything is possible in it" - see subsection
JB7.3 from volume 7 of monograph [1/5], or subsection B7.3 from volume 2
of monograph [8] "Totalizm"). The present orthodox science takes a similarly
wrong stand in the matters concerning elapses of time. It believes that "time
flows" while we stand still in this flow of time. In such understanding of time,
time travels are impossible. But a new scientific theory called the Concept
of Dipolar Gravity reveals that actually time is motionless, similarly to a
landscape, while it is us who move through this time, similarly as a traveller
does in a landscape - for details see items #B2 and #B4 in this web page.
In such an understanding of time, time travel becomes possible, and even
relatively easy.
* * *
Notice that you can see the
enlargement of each illustration from this web site.
For this it suffices to click on this illustration. Furthermore,
most of the internet browsers that you may use, including the
popular "Internet Explorer", allow also to
download each illustration to your own computer,
where it can be looked at, reduced or enlarged to the size that
you may want, or printed with your own graphical software.
"Simulations" of UFOnauts who pretend to
secretly occupy the Earth, are extremely
unhappy and bitter creatures. In spite that
they are "simulated" to be cosmic relatives
of people and they look exactly like every
inhabitant of the Earth, and also in spite that
the humanity supposedly originates from them,
still throughout millennia they oppress humans.
These "simulations" of UFOnauts also do
everything in their powers to make people
as unhappy as they are themselves. (Thus
they illustrate the general rule that these
ones, who are unhappy themselves, make
also unhappy all around them. After all, the
civilisation of UFOnauts is "simulated" as so
twisted, brutal, and full of exploitation, that in
past their native planet was described as
the "hell".) Reasons for the arrival of "simulations"
of UFOnauts to the Earth, and also reasons
for their supposed secretive sabotaging of
the development of humanity and for
tormenting people, are explained more
comprehensively in item #B4.4 of
a separate web pages named
Of course, this secretive sabotaging by "simulations"
of UFOnauts is also directed at all
web pages, including this web page.
Notice, that because of these continuous sabotages of
web pages, NOT all on this web page is going to
always work as it should. However, in order to
protect it better from effects of such a sabotage,
this web page is so designed, that everything
on it can be done at least in two different manners.
For example, this web page indicates further
web pages, which represent its
relatives in the subject area.
Addresses of these relatives of this web page
are as follows:
nirvana.htm, or
One consequence of this continuous secretive
war between humanity which tries to develop,
and "simulations" of UFOnauts who block our
development and progress, is that UFOnauts
frequently utilise their time vehicles - means
utilise their UFO vehicles of the third generation.
For this reason, if one knows
what to take notice of, then in our lives we can
encounter numerous evidence, that time vehicles
were just used in our close proximity. (Unfortunately,
this their use always is for a destructive purpose.)
On this web page I try to indicate the most representative
examples of just such evidence. Furthermore,
I try to indicate also this places in monograph [1/5],
in which more of such evidence is provided.
The manner on which UFOnauts utilise their UFO vehicles of the third generation
(i.e. "time vehicles") in order to make deeper the level of enslavement of humanity:
"Our future lies in hands of God, our past is manipulated by "simulations" of UFOnauts, so for us only present is left."
The knowledge of the future is the most
important source of the physical advantage
of "simulations" of UFOnauts over the humanity.
It is also the primary reason why "simulations"
of UFOnauts are able to keep us in slavery
since the beginning of populating of Earth,
until today, without us even noticing this.
"Simulations" of UFOnauts know the future,
and therefore already in present time they
are able to eliminate all reasons, which one
day could introduce a threat to their absolute
domination over people. Due to their knowledge
of the future, "simulations" of UFOnauts are also
able to act selectively, means to
concentrate their attention exclusively on these
people and these events, which act against their
interests on Earth. In this manner they are
able to interfere into lives of these individual
people, and prevent the occurrence of these
individual events, about which they know that
in the future these are going to act against their
occupation of Earth. This item of the web page
explains how they accomplish this their knowledge
of the future, how it is utilised by them for keeping
us enslaved, and what are symptoms when in
our vicinity takes place just such interference
into our affairs that is based on the knowledge
of the future by "simulations" of UFOnauts.
In order to understand better the mechanism
with the use of which "simulations" of UFOnauts
learn about the future, it is enough to realise
that they mastered the ability to travel in time.
They constructed "time vehicles", and continually
use them. These time vehicles at their request
shift them back and forth into the future or past
at any moment. (Until today an entire ocean
of material evidence was accumulated, which
confirms the key fact that "simulations" of
UFOnauts mastered time travel and that they
already have time vehicles. A part of this
huge evidential material is presented in
chapter T from volume 15 of monograph [1/5],
and also in separate Polish treatises [3B] and [4B].)
Therefore, a routine component of their strategic
activities is the "system for learning our future".
"Simulations" of UFOnauts developed this system
and consequently utilise it in practice. This system
is composed out of the institution of "time couriers".
This institution is a principle, that every UFOnaut
who operates in a given time, cyclically every each
specific period of time must shift back to the past.
In turn after arrival to this past, he or she must
inform UFOnauts who operate in there, what actions
they must undertake in order the future from which
these couriers arrived is shaped exactly according
to their wishes, and thus this future works for the benefit
of their occupation of Earth. As an example consider
the situation, that UFOnauts who operate in 2006
discover that in 1950 someone has taken a perfect
photograph of a UFO vehicle. This photograph
allows future generations of people to learn the
exact shape of UFOs. In such a case, a group
of "time couriers" arrived to beginnings of 1950s,
quite clearly points out a task for UFOnauts who
operate in these times, to make impossible taking
this particular perfect photograph of a UFO vehicle.
After UFOnauts complete this task, future
generations of people on Earth, in the altered
course of time do not have any more a chance
to learn what are exact shapes of UFOs.
In order to shape the future according to their
wish, "simulations" of UFOnauts change
constantly events that already took place
in our past. Of course, functions of these
"time couriers" are performed by practically
each single UFOnaut who operates in given
times. Therefore, there is a lot of such tasks
which in past are to be completed according
to their information. In the result, almost
every direction of human activities, that
may lead to gaining by humanity any
advantage over "simulations" of UFOnauts,
is effectively squashed in the seed.
In order to summarise the most important
attributes of the knowledge of future by UFOnauts,
these are as follows: (1) the mechanism
of this knowledge results from the fact that
UFOnauts have time vehicles and that they
continually shift back and forth between the
presence and the past. (2) The consequence
of this knowledge is that "simulations" of UFOnauts
continually erase or change events in our
past, which already took place, but which acted
against their occupational interests on Earth.
(3) The effect of this knowledge is,
that UFOnauts must intervene in personal
life almost every single person on Earth,
and that almost every individual inhabitant
of Earth experiences personally at some
stage of his or her life changes of his or her
past and manipulations on presence carried
out by UFOnauts. (4) The symptoms
of this knowledge include e.g.: (4a) frequent
experiencing "déjá vu" ("dejavous") by almost
every person,
caused by the manipulations of UFOnauts
on past of this person, (4b) continuous changes
of facts in relationship to our memory of these
facts, (4c) the necessity to introduce changes
to secondary events that result from changes
in key events (this necessity is described at
the end of subsection V5 from volume 16 of
my older monograph [1/4]), (4d) impossibility
to predict the future exactly, which results from
the continuous changes that UFOnauts keep
introducing into our future (thus also impossibility
to prepare a prophecy that would fulfil exactly
in the predicted time frame), etc.
My personal experiences with cases when time travel
induced by UFOnauts took place in my close proximity:
I encountered personally several cases in
my life, when effects of time travel and changes
in our past become clearly noticeable for me.
In fact, almost entire subsections V5.1 and
V5.3 from volume 16 of my older
monograph [1/4]
are devoted to the presentation of just such
cases. Several further similar cases, when
time travel was used to reverse deaths which
already took place and which happened to people
whom I knew in person, are described in
subsection I4.1.1 from volume 5 of
monograph [1/5]
(see item #4D over there). For a scientific
exactitude I present here descriptions of at
least the most representative out of these
cases. Here they are:
1. The disappearance
of my favourite icecream shop Häagen-Dazs in
Kuala Lumpur. The first of my experiences
took place in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, between
Sunday 19/12/99, and Thursday 23/12/99. (I worked
as an Associate Professor in ME at the University Malaya in Kuala Lumpur.)
I even had a witness then in form of my partner. Namely, on Sunday, 19/12/99, myself
and my partner we were shopping in the newly opened in Kuala Lumpur shopping
centre called the "Megamall". This centre is located in a very convenient area called
the "Mid-Valley", close to the centre of this colossal city. Its attractive attribute was that
at this particular time it had a huge free parking with plenty of unused parking spaces -
what is a rarity in the overcrowded and packed with cars Kuala Lumpur. After
finishing shopping, myself and my partner we both decided to have a portion of
our favourite icecream "Häagen-Dazs". But we were not sure whether the icecream
shop of this company is represented in the Megamall. After rather long searches
we found another icecream shop of some local company, the name of which we
did not remember (perhaps that it was an icecream shop of the local "Dairy King"
company). It was huge, and very popular. It had several long queues of people
awaiting for their icecream. It was located on the right corner of the hall, just by the
main entrance to the Megamall. So we asked in this popular local icecream shop,
whether in the Megamall is also a shop of the Häagen-Dazs. In the reply, the busy
employee of this popular icecream shop in silence pointed to us a huge writing
"Häagen-Dazs" that was placed just opposite to this local icecream shop, just by
the main entrance to the Megamall. Slightly embarrassed by this overlooking of
the large writing, myself and my partner we went to the Häagen-Dazs shop, ordered
our favourite icecream "maple walnut", and joked a bit with bored employees of
this shop. (Because icecreams of Häagen-Dazs are relatively expensive, in their
shops there is always much more employees than clients.) After eating our icecream,
we left the shop remembering exactly where it is located. On our way to the car we
even commented happily to each other, that it is a perfect coincidence that the
Megamall has the Häagen-Dazs, because of the convenient location of this shopping
centre and also because of the availability of free parking, we are able to pop up
much more frequently to have our favourite portion of this icecream. Slightly later
the same Sunday, together with my partner we drove to a distant Port Dickson.
We returned to Kuala Lumpur on Thursday evening. While driving again near
the Megamall, we pop up there for a short while to have our favourite portion of
the icecream. But when we arrived to the main entrance to the Megamall, means
exactly to the place where we remembered that the icecream shop Häagen-Dazs
was located, with a shock we discovered that it is not there. Also in the spot where
previously this huge local busy icecream shop was located, in which previously
we asked for our way, now a differently looking, small and unpopular icecream
shop "Dairy King" was located. So we come to the conclusion, that we must remember
wrongly our way to the spot. Because we had no time for any longer searches,
we decided to come again a next day.
On Friday, 24/12/99, we again arrived to
the Megamall. After a thorough and systematic searching through the entire building,
it turned out that it does not contain an icecream shop Häagen-Dazs, nor that such
shop ever was there. The only explanation which I could invent to the disappearance
of this shop was that in the meantime a "time surge" of some sort must took place,
that wrapped the Megamall, but did not include Port Dickson in which myself and
my partner were staying at that time. This time surge caused, that in a new passage
of time, the usage of space in the Megamall was organised differently than we
remembered it from our previous visit. But for my always sceptical partner,
the disappearance of an icecream shop was a huge shock through which she
was unable to ever get over. She voluntarily searched with me the entire Megamall,
thoroughly looking into every corner, in order to reassure herself that the icecream
shop does not hide in some other place, all time repeating in a shock: "it is impossible,
it could not happen because we actually were in this shop together and we commented
too vividly and too realistically the fact that it existed just in this place". After she
discovered that the icecream shop completely disappeared from the Megamall,
she did not gave up and checked even in the headquarters of this chain, whether
they had an open shop in the Megamall - their reply was obvious: no, we never
opened a shop in Megamall. Slightly later I discovered that simultaneously with
the disappearance of the icecream shop, various architectural components of
Megamall were also changed, for example the main entrance started to look
slightly different, and cinemas were shifted from one end that lies above the
supermarket "Jusco", to an opposite end of this mall. By the way, the above
case of disappearance of the icecream shop of Häagen-Dazs was so-far the
only case of such a "time surge", that was noticed both by me, and simultaneously
by a different eye witness that accompanied me. Through all previous experiences
of this type I went just myself without any additional witness, who could certify
and thus also reassure me additionally about their actual existence. (I do not
include here the change of the shape of hole in the Atiamuri stone in New
Zealand, because all people who noticed this change did it independently
from each other, and only later confronted with each other their independent
I was always wondering why I fancy icecream
Häagen-Dazs so much. Only the brief article
"Lives of note: Rose Mattus" explained this
puzzle. It appeared on page B7 of the New
Zealand newspaper
The Dominion Post,
issue dated on Thursday, December 7, 2006.
The article states that the Häagen-Dazs brand
of icecream was established in the Bronx district
of New York in 1959 by a Polish immigrant
named Reuben Mattus (1908 - 1994). The reason
why his brand of icecream he named with the
Scandinavian name Häagen-Dazs "pulled out
of nowhere", which invented his wife Rose, was
marketing. Reuben claimed the faux name
conveyed an aura of old-world tradition and
craftsmanship. But Mr Mattus based his
icecream on a Polish recipe of his own mother.
So it seems that the reason why I fancy this
icecream so much is that it contains the taste
of Poland frozen inside, which I know from
my childhood (my own mother used to buy
for me similarly tasting icecream on Sundays
after the mass). Of course, apart from this taste
and the recipe, the icecream have noting else
to do with Poland. In 1983 Mattus sold the brand
to the Pillsbury company - already then his shops
were selling more than $100 million worth of
icecream a year. Now (2006) his brand belongs
to the Nestlé corporation.
2. The shifting time
back which caused the disappearance of a job
advertisement that suited me especially well.
Since 23 September 2005, until now, I am on
my second in life period of long unemployment.
Various details of this unemployment are described
more comprehensively in the introduction #A1
to the web page on
solving the Rubik's cube 4x4=16.
In order to decrease my chances of finding a
next job, in this period of time UFOnauts make
more deep the educational crisis in New Zealand.
Thus in years 2005 and 2006 practically all
Polytechnics and Universities of New Zealand
were making their lecturers redundant. There
was no demand over there for employing new
lecturers with my professional specialisations.
In spite of this, in final days of October 2006,
the so-called AUT (i.e. the Auckland University
of Technology) advertised a position of "Associate
Professor", which fitted perfectly into my qualifications
and professional experience. So I had a significant
chance, that after filing my application I may get
this job. Unfortunately, by some extremely strange
coincidences, everything about this job went so
slowly and reluctant like blood from a stone. For example,
when I downloaded to my computer the content of
this advertisement from the web page of AUT, always
something strange was happening. Either the internet
connection was interrupted, or software refused
to work, or commands would not activate, etc.
Most clearly UFOnauts continually used then
on me this "sabotage loop" which is described
in item #C3 (a) of the web page
FAQ - frequent questions.
In the result, just the downloading of this advertisement
at occasions of my subsequent visits in Cyber Cafes
took me around two weeks. In order to carry out
this downloading, I was forced to send copies of
this advertisement by emails and then copy it
indirectly via several diskettes. When finally I
managed to download this advertisement, similar
difficulties appeared during the downloading a
special application form which was required to
be used in order to fill my application. And so,
only on Sunday, 19 November 2006 I spend
over an hour in a Cyber Cafe to download this
application form. But all this unsuccessfully.
Several times internet connection crashed between
this Cyber Cafe and the rest of world. Then
software refused to work. Finally links on the
AUT internet web page failed. Because slowly
a deadline of forwarding these applications was
approaching, set on 30 November 2006, on
Monday, 20 November 2006 I decided to put
my application forward without the use of this
form. In my application I intended to explain,
that I was unable to download this application
form and that I would like to ask to send it to
me via email. But when I decided to write this
application, it turned out that in the meantime
this job advertisement which I downloaded
earlier with such a huge difficulty disappeared
from my computer.
In turn, the advertisement had all bureaucratic
information about this position, such a the reference
number, addresses, names, people, etc. So
I immediately run to a Cyber Cafe, to download
this advertisement again. Over there it turned
out, that the advertisement is NOT any more
on the web page of AUT, nor in the internet
newspaper "www.seek.ac.nz" in which I also
encountered it. As my further investigations
revealed, it disappeared from all media on
which previously copies of this advertisement
existed (and in the meantime I generated
several such copies). From my previous
research is perfectly clear to me, that such
a complete disappearance of something which
does not leave any traces, takes place only then,
when UFOnauts shift time back and cause that
in a new passage of time this something does NOT
exist any more. So I am sure, that this job advertisement,
which most probably I supposed to get in the future,
was removed by UFOnauts on purpose, by shifting
time backward and then by making publishing this
advertisement impossible in a new (altered)
passage of time.
3. The exchange of
paintings in a church. Shortly before
November 2006 I took a part in a mass in a
different church than normal. I noticed then a
meaningful painting on the wall of that church.
It illustrated one of the stations of the cross.
The painting was showing Jesus hanging on
the cross and two angels with partially spread
wings hovering in the air just below palm-hands of
Jesus. Although these angels had appearances
of winged people, the manner their wings were
positioned at their sides illustrated perfectly the
appearance of UFO vehicles which dispersed
on both sides clouds of ions with the vehicles'
magnetic field. So in fact these angels looked
almost identical to the two UFO vehicles which
supervised the crucifixion of Jesus, and which
were shown in photographs, amongst others,
from web pages
bandits amongst us,
moral laws, or
So I thought that I take a photograph of this painting,
and show it on my web pages together with the
photograph of these two UFO vehicles that supervised
the crucifixion of Jesus. But that particular day the
church in which this painting was hanging had
a series of masses arranged one after the other.
So it was populated with worshippers all the time
and there was no conditions to take a photograph.
So I decided that I arrive to this church later in
a working day just to take this photograph.
Because the church was located quit far from
my home, a next opportunity to visit it appeared
only in December 2006 - means longer than after
a month of time. For my shock, when I arrived
over there I discovered that on walls of the church
a completely different set of paintings is hanging.
Of course, the painting which I intended to photograph
was not amongst them. So I asked the woman who
was doing something in the church, whether not long
ago the church changed its paintings into a different
ones. The woman said that the paintings which
are hanging in there are for as long as she
remembers. Means that UFOnauts in the meantime
changed the past of this church, just to make for me
impossible the publishing of this meaningful photograph
which illustratively confirmed the participation of
UFOnauts in the crucifixion of Jesus. In addition,
this change of paintings confirms that with their
telepathic implants
UFOnauts clearly check what I am thinking even
when I am in a church. After all, about this my
intention of photographing and publishing that
particular painting I never told anyone, but only
thought it over while participating in the mass at
that church.
A similar picture as the one hanging in this church,
i.e. showing two angels with partially spread wings
that hovered on both sides of crucified Jesus,
I saw already much earlier - many years before
I began research on UFOs. It was in some old
illustrated Bible which I was looking at in past.
It resulted from the reference to these two "angels"
(i.e. to two UFO vehicles which supervised the
crucifixion of Jesus) contained in the Bible.
Therefore, at this point I would like to ask the
reader to give me a big favour. Namely if the
reader knows about the existence of any illustrated
Bible with this particular picture, or knows about
any other place where this picture is displayed,
I would like to ask for photographing for me this
picture anonymously with a digital camera, and
for sending it to me in an email. Since the UFOnauts
who occupy the Earth puts so much effort and
technology to make impossible for me the
photographing this picture, it means that the
publishing it on web pages of totalizm is extremely
important for humanity.
4. Reversal of the
demolition of the house, which (the demolition)
I saw with my own eyes.
In years 1990 to 1992 I lived in Dunedin, New
Zealand. But I visited several times an inventor
from Christchurch, distant by around 360 km.
He was an inventor of the extraordinary telekinetic
heater. His heater generated several times more
heat than it consumed electricity. This heater
and the inventor are described comprehensively
on the totaliztic web page
boiler.htm - about the shocking fate of revolutionary heater which bits all records.
Unfortunately, in 1992 I was forced to leave New
Zealand in search of bread. When in 1998 I
returned to Dunedin, I immediately rushed in
a trip through New Zealand in search of a job.
During this trip I was passing twice through
Christchurch. In both directions I tried to visit
this inventor. In the first visit I saw the house
in which the inventor lived half demolished,
while no sign of the inventor himself. When
I visited him again on my way back, his home
was completely demolished. Ruins of his
house looked as if a heavy tank rolled over
them. Nearby again was no-one whom I could
ask what has happened. Furthermore, the name
of the inventor disappeared from the telephone
book. So I accepted that this is it, the natural end
of our contacts, and I ceased further searches for
him. But on 30 January 2008 in the television
news a report about this inventor was broadcasted,
prepared on the occasion of his 92nd birthday.
About this report I wrote, amongst others, in item
#E6 of the web page
free_energy.htm - about telekinetic generators of free energy,
and in item #B3.1 of the web page
newzealand.htm - about mysteries and curiosities of New Zealand.
From the report it appeared that the inventor still
lives in Christchurch. So almost immediately I visited
him, in spite that I lived already on a different island
and in the distance of around 360 km from him.
I had no difficulties with finding him, as I still remembered
the way to his house. To my shock, this house
looked almost identical as it was before the demolition,
although with my own eyes I saw that it was destroyed.
So when I talked again to the inventor, I asked him
directly whether his house was demolished in 1998.
He denied. This make me to realise, that in the interest
of creatures who have time vehicles in their disposal
must lie the reversal of the demolition that I saw.
Probably these creatures used their time vehicles
to shift time back, and to prevent in the new passage
of time the reasons for which in the original
passage of time his house was demolished. In this
way, in the new passage of time the inventor was NOT
aware that his house was demolished - as I explained
this in item #C1.1 above. Of course, the question
which emerged then in my mind, was why these
creatures (i.e. UFOnauts), which are well known from the
stubborn acting to the detriment of humans,
would use their time vehicles to reverse the demolition
of the house of this particular inventor. A reply to this
question I tried to find and explain on the web page
boiler.htm - about the shocking fate of revolutionary heater which bits all records.
The probable relocation of a whole baroque church, together with the
contained in it, from Warszawa to Święta Lipka:
During my professorship in Malaysia, for
the vacation of 1995 I flew to Poland. On
my way back to Malaysia I stopped for
one night in Warszawa, in so called
"Domu Turysty PTTK" on the Krakowskie
Przedmiescie no 4/6 (in 2004 this place
was already called hotel "Harenda"). It
was located along the same street as
the Palace of President, only that positioned around
a half of kilometre to the south from this palace.
This hotel was recommended to me, because
it had reasonable prices, and also because
a bus stop of the line 175 which linked the
city with the Okęcie airport (and back) was
located just under it. After I checked in to this
hotel, I went to the city for a brief walk. On my
way I visited all churches that I passed by.
In this way I arrived at the beautiful baroque
church which was standing next to the Palace
of President. In this church my attention was
captured by two things. The first was a kind
of corridor which linked the church with the
palace, and which allowed the President to
walk for prayers to this church directly from
the palace. The second was so-called "confession".
(A "confession" cannot be confused with a
"confessional". A "confessional" is a kind of
ornamental chair from which a priest listen
confessions of people. In turn a "confession"
is an imitation of the main propulsor from
a UFO, that is erected inside of some churches.
It always has a shape of "the Ark of Covenant",
placed under a kind of baldachin supported
by four curly columns. It always is located in
front of the altar - almost at the centre of a given
church. What exactly is this "confession" is
explained slightly better in item #16 of the web
page about the city of
and also in caption under "Fig. 17" from
web page about the town of
This confession intrigued me enormously.
The only other place where I saw it previously,
was the Basilica of St. Peter in Rome.
Unfortunately, I had not taken my camera
with me for this particular walk. And already
was evening, while the next day morning I
was flying back to Malaysia. So I decided to
postpone the photographing of it, and make
it to be one of the most important tasks for
my next visit in Poland.
My next visit in Poland took place in 2004.
In order to photograph this confession, I again
arrived to Warszawa one day earlier. This time
I stayed in the Hotel Gromada not far from
the airport. Soon after the checking in, I went
from the hotel to this church not far from the
Palace of President, in order to photograph the
confession. But after I arrived to the church
I discovered with a shock, that the interior of
it looks completely different. In turn the confession
which I intended to photograph was not there
any more. At that time I already knew that UFOnauts
frequently play on me these kinds of tricks with
their time vehicles. So just in case I asked the
priest from this church whether they did not
removed this confession lately. But the priest
replied politely that the confession was never
present in this church. And not only in it. According
to his information no church in Warszawa have
it. The only confessions about which he knows
that exist in Poland, are in cathedrals in Gniezno
and Kraków. (During this my previous visit in
Poland of 1995, when I saw the confession in
Warszawa, I did not visit Gniezno nor Kraków -
so for sure I did not see their confessions.)
In order to be later able to state, that I carried
out all checking in my capabilities, just in case
I visited also all other churches on the same
street and on nearby streets. In fact none of these
churches had a confession. So for sure UFOnauts
removed from under my nose with their ability to
shift back in time, this particular church with the
material evidence for my research on their hidden
occupation of the Earth. However, according to
what I explained in the item #C1.1 of this web
page, because at the time of this removal I was
in distant New Zealand, in my memory still
remained the record of the old situation with
this particular church.
On Monday, 18 December 2006 I watched in
New Zealand television an English documentary
film entitled "Excellent Adventures - Harry Enfield".
In this program a television reporter named
Harry Enfield, travelled from Gdańsk in Poland,
through the so-called "Wolf Lair" (i.e. bunkers of
Hitler's headquarters), until he reached Saint
Petersburg, retracing the 1941 Barbarossa
invasion of the Soviet Union along the same
route on which the northern group of Hitler's
armies was then marching. As a kind of curiosity
he show on the film a building of baroque
church which stands in the middle of nowhere,
in a place called "Święta Lipka" (German
"Heiligelinde", near Reszel, by the Lake
Dejnowa). This church
is one amongst the most beautiful baroque
churches from the area of today Poland, and
a place of special religious warship. When I
saw this church my heart started to throb fast.
This is because on the film I recognised the
baroque church that used to exist by the
Palace of Presided, which in the previous
passage of time I visited in 1995 in Warszawa.
These English reporters filmed it also inside.
In fact it also had exactly the same confession
which in 1995 I saw in the church by the Palace
of President. This information I am writing two
days after seeing the documentary, and still
my hands shiver from the emotion. What
has happened was so overwhelming, that
I am unable to express my shock.
* * *
My personal feelings say that this baroque
church from Święta Lipka, which I saw
in the documentary film, and this baroque
church by the Palace of President in Warszawa,
are actually one and the same building.
Unfortunately, as a scientist so far I am unable
to confirm this with an absolute certainty. After
all, I live in New Zealand, while to Poland I
do not intend to fly again for another several
years. But if this turns out to be a fact, then
it would have a huge significance for our
learning of laws which govern over work
of time and over time travel. For example,
it would suggest that there is a law in operation
which states something along the lines all
changes introduced to timespace after shifting
time back, cause only the relocation of selected
objects in different areas of the timespece, but
are NOT able to neither remove these objects
completely, nor create completely new objects.
Expressing the same law in other words, a number
of objects which saturate the timespace always
remains the same for a given point in time.
So time travellers are only able to cause changes
in locations of these objects and in details of their
appearance. But they are unable to neither remove
completely any of the existing objects, nor create
a new object - if in a different passage of time this
object did not exist. When the operation of this law
one tries to explain on an example, then in case
when an owner of time vehicles would try to arrange
a remotely controlled "assassination of the grandfather" -
as described in item #C3.1 of this web page,
then in spite that his grandfather in fact would
be murdered, he still would be born and still would
live through his life - only that probably would have
a different name. Interestingly, in the content of a
film produced in 2002 and entitled
"Time Machine",
in fact scenes were shown, which well reflect the law
discussed here. (Such a scene is e.g. the repetition
of the death of the fiancé of the main hero, which took
place in spite that after shifting time back, in the new
passage of time the main hero avoided the situation
which in the original passage of time caused her death.
An additional intriguing attribute of this film is that
several scenes in it coincide with laws that seem to
govern time travels (interesting where the idea of this
film comes from, because for example UFOnauts
still do not have the advanced type of time vehicle
the operation of which was shown on this film.)
In case future research confirms that the law
described here in fact does work in time travel,
then this would have a huge practical significance
for our knowledge of effects of the use of time
At this point I would like to appeal to these readers
who in years 1995 to 2004 lived very far from
Warszawa, simultaneously before 1995 they visited
a baroque church located by the Palace of President
in Warszawa, to get in touch with me. I would like
to verify with them how they remember the appearance
of this church before, or in, 1995, but in the previous
passage of time.
Which permanent evidence available to us confirms
the use of "time vehicles" on the Earth by UFOnauts:
There is much more of objective evidence for
the possibility of technical implementation of further
phenomena (after time travel and time vehicles)
about which, as yet, the present orthodox science
on Earth remains totally ignorant. Here is another
illustrative example of such a phenomena, namely
making objects invisible to human eyes.
The photograph shown below captured a small
UFO vehicle, type K3, which remains invisible to
human sight, although the presence of it was
accidentally registered by a photo-camera.
The UFO vehicle was hovering in the position
slanted at 45 degrees above a crop circle in Poland.
At the same time UFO investigators were examining
this crop circle totally unaware of the existence
of that invisible UFO vehicle.
Fig. #2
(B20 z [4c]): The highly evidential photograph which
discloses the manner on which UFO vehicles purposely
hide from the human sight by entering the so-called
state of telekinetic flickering,
and also which proves that so-called "crop circles"
are actually areas in which the crop is flattened down
by the spinning magnetic field from a UFO propulsion
Fig. #2(a):
A UFO vehicle of K3 type which remains invisible
to human sight and which hovers on a UFO landing
site in crops, also called a "crop circle" (frequently
called misleadingly a "pictogram"), while people
unaware of its invisible presence inspect this UFO
landing site and take pictures of themselves.
Fig. #2(b):
The true outline, appearance, and orientation in
space, of this invisible to human eyes UFO vehicle
type K3, which was captured on the photograph
"Fig. #2a" from the left side. Even more illustrative
appearance of this vehicle is shown on "Fig. A1(b)"
from the web page about
The only reason why on the above photograph
could be captured the UFO vehicle that hides
from people, is that the sensitive photo-camera
is able to register on film a delicate glow of the
air in areas where an object is hiding from the
human sight. This white glow of the air captured
on the above photograph, is called the "extraction
glow". The existence of it and the mechanism which
causes the appearance of it, are described relatively
well by the new scientific theory called the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity.
(The above photograph and drawing originally
appears in the treatise [4c], where it is shown
as photograph Z_2_B2 and drawing R_2_B2.
Thus, for more details about such invisible UFO
vehicles and UFOnauts, see subsection B2 of
that Polish treatise [4c], or see subsection LA3 in
volume 10 of monograph [1/5], or chapter E of
monograph [8] "Totalizm".)
The objective existence of such UFOs and UFOnauts
invisible to human sight, was already documented
on a huge number of photographs. Examples
of such photographs are published in several
publications (e.g. see that Polish treatise [4c]),
and shown on several web sites (e.g. see a web site
or a web page
explain.htm -
available, amongst others, via
"Menu 2" or
"Menu 4").
The existence of such photographs confirms again
that our present orthodox science is submerged in
darkness and ignorance in many very important areas,
e.g. in the area of existence of creatures and vehicles
that are invisible to human sight, or in the area of
existence and material character of UFOs and UFOnauts
who purposely hide from people (for more details
about these UFOs and UFOnauts that purposely
hide from people - see web page
or see chapter OD from volume 13 of my English
monograph [1/5]). So if present orthodox science
is at wrong in such basic matters, it is also sure
that it is at wrong in the matter of understanding
of time and time travel.
Catastrophic consequences of the "imprisoned immortality", to inhabitants of
civilisations - including the "simulated" civilisation of UFOnauts:
"The expression 'everlasting hell' is also a simplest description of a situation when parasitic owners of time
vehicles are unable to resist the temptation to renew their physical bodies, while their old minds become
ever increasingly unsatisfied, disillusioned, frustrated, bitter, evil, and unhappy, drowning them in the grip
of increasingly powerful suffering, and in the fires of ever increasing desires which cannot be satisfied."
In item #C7 of this web page is explained,
that in civilisations which practice the philosophy of
the implementation of the right of inhabitants
of this civilisations to practice an "imprisoned
immortality" leads to a disaster. Namely, it
continuously decreases the level of morality
in this civilisation. In turn, because this rapidly
deteriorating level of morality expresses itself
with the growth in aggressiveness of people,
and with the increasingly deeper lack of
happiness in the societies of that civilisation,
the unlimited repetition of passages through
the same life leads to a catastrophe. After it
reaches the threshold level of repetitions of
the lives of all citizens of that civilisation, the
civilisation is going to blows itself up, and
cease to exist. Usually the existence of it is
interrupted at a very initial point in which the
time vehicles and time travel are accomplished.
At this point I should add, that exactly such trend
seems to be implemented also by UFOnauts.
Because these UFOnauts practice the philosophy of
evil parasitism,
in spite that they have an access to the "imprisoned
immortality" described in item #C7 of this web page,
with the elapse of subsequent repetitions of their
unhappy and unfulfilled lives, this immortality
transforms itself into their curse, not their blessing.
What is even more interesting, on the blog of
totalizm linked in item #G3 below, on which
these "simulations" of UFOnauts seems to
frequently contribute their comments, is clearly
visible which one amongst UFOnauts who take
part in the discussion from the blog already
reached the situation, that their psychology
is completely destroyed, while their imprisoned
immortality becomes already a curse for them.
(The blog of totalizm is recommended for
reading in item #G3 of this web page.)
Of course, to prevent their civilisation from
blowing itself up and from ceasing to exist,
UFOnauts are able to implement various
precaution measures. It appears that some
of these precautions UFOnauts already
implemented, and inquisitive researchers
can notice them. Some other still await the
implementation. I intend to address the
subject of these precaution measures during
a future amendments of this web page.
The film
"Groundhog Day"
as an illustration for the mechanism of time, principle of operation of time vehicles,
erasure of previous memory records during a "natural" shifting back in time,
"imprisoned immortality", "everlasting hell", and the advantage over ordinary
people that UFOnauts have because of time vehicles:
There is a highly educational film made in
1993, entitled the
"Groundhog Day".
The scenario for this film was probably written
either by a UFOnaut who uses time vehicle for
such a repetitive shifting back in time and for
reliving the same day and events, or by someone
whom such a UFOnaut explained how it feels
such a repetitive reliving the same events. This
is because the film perfectly reflects the feelings
and fate of a given participant of such "imprisoned
immortality", and who must relive again exactly
the same events infinitive number of times. In this
film Bill Murray plays a television reporter, who via
a time vehicle (NOT shown on the film) is repetitively
shifted back to a beginning of the same day.
Because it is his time being repetitively shifted back
by a time vehicle, he remembers exactly all previous
events and versions of the same day. However,
all other actors from this film, including Andie
MacDowell and Chris Elliot, represent us, people,
who live through a given day in a natural (first)
passage of time without being shifted back by
a time vehicle. Because for us the same day is
lived for the first time in a natural course of our
time, we do not remember subsequent repetitions
of it. Therefore for us people everything that happens
during such repetitions of the same time is always
happening for the first time. In total the film represents
a perfect illustration for numerous aspects of the
"imprisoned immortality" practiced without reaching
a nirvana. For example, it illustrates perfectly which
capabilities of the shifting back in time the immoral
aliens (e.g. UFOnauts) are able to utilise for accomplishing
various material benefits. It also illustrates the experimental
"method of trials and errors" enforced via such
repetitive shifting back in time, with the use of which
UFOnauts are able to solve for their own benefit
practically every situation that they encounter in
life. The film shows as well why, and in what manner,
such an "imprisoned immortality" is practically
also a kind of refined torture and "everlasting
hell" for these ones who experience it through
the technical shifting back in time without
previous accomplishing a nirvana.
Because it is his time being repetitively shifted back
by a time vehicle, according to what is explained
in item #C1.1 of this web page, he remembers
exactly all previous events and previous versions
of the same day. However, all other actors from
this film, including Andie MacDowell and Chris
Elliot, represent us, people, who live through a
given day in a natural (first) passage of time
without being shifted back by a time vehicle.
Because for us the same day is relived
again in the result of not ours, but a "natural"
repetition of the time, we do not remember
previous repetitions of it. Therefore in our
memory, everything that happens during such
repetitions of the same time is always happening
for the first time. In total the film represents
a perfect illustration for numerous aspects of
the mechanism of time and the "imprisoned
immortality" practiced without reaching a nirvana.
For example, it illustrates perfectly which
capabilities of the shifting back in time the immoral
aliens (e.g. UFOnauts) are able to utilise for accomplishing
various material benefits. It also illustrates the experimental
"method of trials and errors" enforced via such
repetitive shifting back in time, with the use of which
UFOnauts are able to solve for their own benefit
practically every situation that they encounter in
life. The film shows as well why, and in what manner,
such an "imprisoned immortality" is practically
also a kind of refined torture and "everlasting
hell" for these ones who experience it through
the technical shifting back in time without
previous accomplishing a nirvana.
I personally would recommend for everyone to
see the film "Groundhog Day". If this film is watched
exclusively for an entertainment, means as an
artistic product which shows some fictional situation
of someone repetitively shifted back in time,
than it is seen just as an average, sometimes
even as boring. But if this film is viewed as a kind
of camouflaged "confession of an UFOnaut",
which explains how it feels to be an UFOnaut
imprisoned in his own time and forced to live
amongst people who do not understand anything,
then this film becomes very passionate. After all,
it reveals the mechanism of time, it illustrates
time travel, it explains methods of acting of
UFOnauts amongst people and reasons why
UFOnauts almost always get what they want,
and it also realises why UFOnauts are so
frustrated, blazed, disappointed with life, and
living in a kind of everlasting hell.
The interesting thing in this film is also the title
of it. The animal named "groundhog" appears
in the film only marginally, probably just to justify
such a strange title. On the other hand, the expression
"ground-hog day" can also be interpreted as
meaning "the day of a pig from the Earth" -
which would explain quite well feelings
of the UFOnaut who "confesses" via this
film his altitude towards humans with
which he is forced to deal. For comparison,
from my watching of internet discussions
with UFOnauts who operate in Poland, it is
known that between themselves these
UFOnauts in the Polish language call
people from the Earth with the Polish
word "ziemniaki" - which word can also
be understand as meaning "ground-pigs"
(from Polish "ziem" meaning ground, and
"świniaki" meaning "pigs"). This derogatory
for humans undertone of the title "Groundhog
Day" does not surprises me much. After all,
if we consider for how thoughtless and idiotic
mass the majority of people must probably
appear to UFOnauts, then there is no much
reason for which these UFOnauts should refer
to people with a high respect.
Where this indescribable
of UFO "imprisoned immortals" comes from:
"Simulations" of "UFOnauts were NOT called "devils" in past because they were
born already devilish. Their indescribable evilness results from their "imprisoned
immortality" implemented in the society which is stripped out of morality."
Let us imagine for a moment a planet from a
distant star, on which present UFOnauts used
to live in times just before they acquired their
time vehicles. On this planet the life most
probably was similar to that which currently
prevails on Earth. Means, inhabitants of that
planet walked over head of others in the chase
of money and richness. On streets everyone
was in danger. After all, each form of public life
of that planet taught people exclusively of banditism,
mutual exploitation, and the lack of scruples.
Into the duties of politicians the obligation to lie
was permanently inserted. In their homes was
also not funny. In television appeared exclusively
killing, murders, tortures, death, destruction,
etc. Children were playing with tools for
spreading the death and calamity. In turn
parents completely lost the control over the
upbringing of their children, because the government
established laws in there which punished severely
all parents who tried to execute any discipline
over their children. (I.e. laws similar to ones which
ban smacking, which in November 2006 were
pushed through the New Zealand parliament -
see the article "Smacking ban gets the votes
to become law", from page A1 of the newspaper
The New Zealand Herald,
issue dated on Thursday, November 21, 2006.)
Of course, such a social situation exerted a destructive
effect on psychology of inhabitants of that planet.
After all, whatever they wished to accomplish in
their lives, it was made impossible for them. The
society in which they lived make this not accomplishable.
So all inhabitants of that planet were continually
unhappy. Furthermore, they continuously lived in
fear, uncertainty of tomorrow, frustration, stress,
psychological torturing, and disappointment towards
everything. In the result, in souls of these inhabitants
grew for many years the feeling of unhappiness,
bitterness, disillusion, contradiction, vindictiveness,
etc. Each of inhabitants of this civilisation at an old
age become a psychopath, which should not be
approached without a long stick. Means, every
old person was over there was a disappointed
by life oldie, which is always grumpy, boring,
disturbed, vindictive, unhappy, etc. Of course,
everyone was such just inside. After all, outside
he or she needed to pretend
that is smiling and needed to behave politely -
after all obtaining a job and social life required
this from him or her. But when a policeman and
superior stopped to watch, then this monster that
was inside of them was creeping outside.
In just such a situation this civilisation rapidly
become owners of time vehicles. Each one amongst
inhabitants of it, could then shift the character of such
a borer, complainer, shrew, wretch, etc., to a young
body - as this is described in item #C7 for "imprisoned
immortality". So rapidly this entire civilisation become
populated with people who had young bodies, but
simultaneously had inside personalities and characters
of these oldies, means unhappy, shrew, and breathing
with vindictiveness. In the result of all this, the immorality,
evilness, viciousness, and aggressiveness of the
entire this morally ill society become even deeper.
The life on this planet become a true hell. After all,
every citizen transformed into a monster which
is saturated with indescribable evilness. In addition,
this monster was forced to bottle up its true feelings.
This is because the society in which he or she lived
required continuous smiles and polite behaviours.
Of course, this cycle of deepening of their evilness
never finished. It is increasing with every cycle of
shifting of citizens of this planet backward in time
to years of their youths, according to principles of
the "imprisoned immortality".
"Simulations" of UFOnauts who secretly keep
arriving to Earth seem to originate just from just
such a civilisation. Also such creatures are these
who hold all key positions on the Earth. Although
they are trained to pretend to be polite and
civilised, in fact the depth of their savagery and
evilness simply cannot be described to humans.
Now these UFOnauts (changelings) looking identically
like people rule over people in such a manner, that
they make sure the humanity becomes also similarly
evil and similarly unhappy as they are. This is why
they continually spread on Earth the death, killings,
murders, suffering, destruction, wars, disasters,
persecution, etc., etc.
The depth of UFOnauts' evilness cannot be
expressed in any words or compare to anything
that we know on Earth. In order to at least partially
realise it, one needs to be aware that all evil that
happens on Earth originally comes from these
UFOnauts. Not without valid reasons old-timers
used to call them "devils". For example,
these are their UFO vehicles which do to people
all this evil that is described on the web page about
destructive use of UFO vehicles.
These also are them who carried out all the evil
described on web pages
bandits amongst us,
26th day,
landslips and mudslides,
But what is even worse, all this extreme evil is committed
by UFOnauts actually without logical justification and
without the reason. Means, UFOnauts are doing it
just from the "bottom of their evil hearts", and only
in order to satisfy their desire to spread destruction
and to inflict pain to their own relatives from the Earth.
In order to get at least a rough idea about the
quantitative level of monstrosity of UFOnauts,
we can use a principle of approximation. For
this we should firstly recall the most immoral
and unpleasant old person which we encountered
in the entire our life (i.e. someone about whom
we would not feel bad to call him "a dirty old
man"). Means, we should recall the most
immoral and nasty old grumpy person, evil,
jealous, stingy, boring, etc., which we ever
encountered in our lives. The point is, that
in the evil society of UFOnauts, every single
old person after living through the entire live
within a parasitic and highly deviated society,
is going to have a character and a personality
at least so deviated as the biggest "dirty old
man" from the Earth. Then, the character
of this most "dirty old man" that we know of,
we should compare to a charm and to the
born morality of an average small child. This
comparison gives to us an idea, as to how
much the character of a person can get twisted
during only a single life. Finally, the difference
of morality, characters, and personality of this
dirty old man and an average child, should be
multiplied by around 1000 - because so many
times approximately each UFOnaut who occupy
the Earth repeated his life and thus made deeper
the level of deviation of his morality, character,
and personality. When we do all these, then
we are going to have a rough idea how evil
are these UFOnauts. We are also going to understand
why our ancestors called them "devils", and why
these "devils" draw a huge pleasure from
murdering people and from purposely bringing
various harmful cataclysms onto the humanity.
It is worth to know, that UFOnauts are "simulated"
as evil not only for people. They are also evil in
relationships between themselves. As this stems
from my contacts with them, decisive majority
of UFOnauts seems to be lied upon and cheated
by their superiors in even the most basic matters.
For example, in spite that each one of them uses
a "time vehicle", only a few sparse ones amongst
them are trusted enough to be informed how time
vehicles really work. In the result, a majority of
UFOnauts behave as if they learn about the operation
of time vehicles from my publications.
They also do not have an idea about the existence
of "true immortality" described in Part #E of this web
page, nor about the possibility of building time
vehicles which implement such true immortality.
And all this in spite that this superior category of
time vehicles is used in the universe since the
most ancient times. (Only that by civilisations
which do NOT belong to the bandit confederation
of UFOnauts.) I will not elaborate here about the
fact, that the subject of the Concept of Dipolar Gravity,
totalizm, and the role of nirvana in accomplishing
everlasting happiness, UFOnauts also seem to learned
only from my publications - although they could be
informed about this by their own decision makers
and scientists who know about these matters since
thousands of years.
The above reason why UFOnauts are so devilish
and so mischievous is also explained in item #A2
of the separate web page about
bandits amongst us.
Extraordinary characteristics of the "non-existing existence" of evil civilisation of
which currently occupies our planet:
In item #C8 of this web page is described
an extraordinary attribute which appears in
all evil civilisations that practice so-called
"imprisoned immortality". It depends on
the fact, that members of this civilisations,
as well as these civilisations themselves,
experience the so-called
"non-existing existence". In this
"non-existing existence" these civilisations,
as well as all people in them, currently
do exist, feel, and carry pout their evil.
But simultaneously they do not exist,
because after a period of time they are
going to disappear from the face of the
universe and there will be no slightest
material mark that they ever existed
at all. It happens so, that this "non-existing
existence" is experienced just now by
members of the evil civilisations of
UFOnauts who are so "simulated"
as if since the beginning of time
they secretly occupy and exploit
the Earth, and the description of who
is provided in this Part #D of the web
page, as well as in a number of separate
web pages, e.g. pages
destructive uses of UFO vehicles, or
bandits amongst us.
Well, the enormously fascinating
characteristic of this "non-existent
existence" is, that as if UFOnauts
already knew that soon all signs
of their existence will disappear from
the face of the universe, members
of this civilisation completely voluntarily
behave in such a manner, that they do
not leave almost any marks behind.
For example:
1. UFOnauts systematically and on purpose
destroy all evidence of their existence and operation
on Earth. For example, they make impossible
for people to take photographs of their UFO vehicles,
they continually hide from people, the
UFOnauts (changelings)
who represent them by creeping amongst our authorities,
make sure that none newspaper nor none official
book publishes any reliable evidence of their
existence, they abduct people only at nights
and under a deep hypnosis, after the abduction
they erase thoroughly the memory of each their
victim, etc., etc. In the result, when these UFOnauts
pass from the present phase of the existence, into
a future phase of the non-existence, in fact no
trace of them will be left which would need to
be erased from the face of Earth.
2. In order to control events on Earth these UFOnauts
for selected people, never acting under their own
name and account.
Thus in spite that practically every bad event in
the history of Earth is caused by UFOnauts, these
UFOnauts never act openly. Always they change
for selected people before undertaking their
actions. In the result, when these UFOnauts
shift from the present phase of the "existence"
into a next phase of "non-existence", then
in a new passage of time they will be replaced
by people for which they changed in past.
3. Whatever "simulations" of UFOnauts do
on the Earth, they always do it in such a manner
that the fault for their actions falls onto some
"scapegoat" or onto forces of nature.
In the result, when UFOnauts pass from the
present phase of existence into the future phase
of non-existence, then simply in a new passage
of time whatever has happened in fact will result
from the action of these framed "scapegoats"
or "forces of nature".
4. When UFOnauts murder or harm someone,
then they always do it in such a cunning and
deceitful manner that the victim blames someone
else than them. In the result victims of atrocities
of UFOnauts usually do not know "what hit them",
thus sending their
under a wrong address.
* * *
If someone tries to summarise methods
of operation of UFOnauts on the Earth, as this
is done e.g. on the web page
destructive uses of UFO vehicles,
then with a shock would discover, that
UFOnauts already now behave
exclusively in such a manner as if they
do not exist at all. So the future
shifting them from the present phase
of the "existence" in the next phase of
"non-existence" is going to be just a
formality. It is not going to require from
the universal intellect to introduce almost
any vital changes to already existing
timespace. I personally am very fascinated
by such "supposedly voluntary - but in fact
controlled by the universal intellect" behaviour
and methods of action of UFOnauts. This
is because in the voluntary and intentional
manner UFOnauts themselves prepare the
world for being easily erased from face
of the universe - as if they never existed.
What even more strange, by making this
way the work of
universal intellect
much easier during the erasure of all
signs of their previous existence, these
UFOnauts deeply believe that whatever
they are doing is justified by their parasitic
interests on the Earth. This again highlights
how superior being is universal intellect,
and with what easiness this intellect controls
fate of the universe - including also the fate
of these atheistic UFOnauts who completely
do not believe in his existence. Furthermore,
this reveals one amongst more interesting
methods of action of universal intellect. This
method causes, that if universal intellect
decides that someone deserves a specific
fate, this someone begins to work then
towards bringing voluntarily this fate on
himself or herself.
universal intellect
already prepared shifting of the
civilisation of
from the present stage of "existence"
into the future stage of "non-existence",
then why still delays the implementation
of this intention and when is going to carry it out:
Universal intellect
always operates in a specific manner, which
we people would call the "infinitively fair".
For example, he always gives to everyone
so-called "free will" - so that everyone decides
about own fate. But simultaneously he gives
people a system of unambiguous
moral laws
the obeying of which by everyone he executes
with an iron hand and for breaking of which he
punishes everyone the same severely. Also
always, if he intends to do something drastic,
he firstly sends his messenger to tell affected
people that it comes and what it is all about -
so that candidates for future victims have a
chance to select their future fate. Always until
the last moment he leaves open doors for these
ones who decide to change their previous
behaviour. Exactly such a method of action
universal intellect
implements also in the present, the most
decisive phase of the existence of humanity.
In this phase he allows people to choose their
future fate. In order this choice is aware, he
allows UFOnauts to act almost openly so that
they illustrate to people visually what consequences
of the worst their choice are going to be. Simultaneously
he also gives a last chance to these UFOnauts -
so that if they only wish so, still doors remain
open for them. But at the moment of time when
people complete their last choice, means when
proceedings of the "final judgement" described
in item #F1 of this web page are completed,
fate of all encompassed by this judgement
become decisively fulfilled.
Because "simulations" of UFOnauts still are needed
to punish these people who deserve a punishment,
universal intellect
do not rush with shifting them into the phase of
"non-existence". But when the fate of humanity
is finally decided, then also the turn for UFOnauts
is going to come. After all then UFOnauts become
disposable as this "stick which punishes these
ones who deserve punishment". So at that time
happens what unavoidable, namely the "tapeworm"
of immortality of UFOnauts described in item #C8
of this web page becomes destroyed at the very
head of it. This is going to cause that the entire
body of this "tapeworm" ceases to exist. Interestingly
this disappearance of UFOnauts from the realm of
existence, will look for them almost the same as these
countless disasters which UFOnauts prepared for
people during all these years. Simply at some
moment of time all these UFOnauts unexpectedly
for themselves will discover that they do not belong
any more to the world of living. In addition, they will
not know what hit them. Then the fate of individual
UFOnauts will be judged the same as are judged
fates of all others. Also every single one of them
will meet the exact fate for which deserved.
Part #E:
Time travel which utilises the principle of "waving the timespace":
The principle of travelling in time through the
"deformations of magnetic field", described
in parts A to C of this web page, has a whole
array of drawbacks and limitations, which are
explained previously in item #C2. But there
is also a different principle of travelling in time.
It is based on a different phenomenon of "waving
the timespace". This one does not have any
limitations. Fortunately for us, the UFOnauts
have NOT mastered this other principle yet.
Also every sign on heaven and Earth indicates
that because of their adherence to the
philosophy which in civilisations that follow it
kills all creativity, UFOnauts by themselves
never will be able to master this principle.
Also UFOnauts are unable to steal or to
rob this principle (similarly as they stole
or robbed other vehicles that they already
have). After all, the level of technology of
UFOnauts is incomparably lower than this
level in civilisations which already developed
such a principle. This Part #E describes what
we already know about this extraordinary
principle of unlimited travel in time accomplished
through waving the timespace.
The principle of time travel which is based on waving the timespace:
The principle and the phenomenon on which
the travel in time through "waving the timespace"
is based, are manifested on Earth since a
long time. Most frequently people have a
possibility of noticing it in the form of the
"effect of time duplication", which is described
more comprehensively in item #C6 of this web
page. I personally note various manifestations
of this effect at least once every year. It is
this phenomenon that can also be used
for travel in time. Fortunately, it is extremely
difficult to construct devices which would allow
to execute this means of time travel in a
controllable manner. Thanks to this,
"simulations" of UFOnauts who for thousands
of years use "time vehicles" described in parts
#A to #C of this web page, still do not have
devices capable of a controllable waving the
timespace. On the other hand, travel in time
based on this principle opens incomparably
greater possibilities than travel in time
on the principle of "getting between force
lines of the magnetic field" described
previously on this web page. For example,
by waving the timespace it is possible
to travel interactively in time to any
epoch, and a traveller is NOT limited
by the length of his or her own lifespan.
Also the access to unlimited immortality
is then gained.
In order to explain principles on which such
waving of the timespace allows unlimited time
travel, we firstly need to remind ourselves
the explanation how time works, provided in
item #B2 of this web page. According to this
explanation, time is a kind of landscape,
or more strictly "timespace", through which
everything that exists in the entire universe
does move. This "timespace" is extremely
elastic. Every rapid movement which takes
place on it, causes powerful waving of it.
In turn when these waves caused by something
are sufficiently powerful, then they cause
that some objects are moved from one
area of this timespace into another area.
In practice this means, that these objects
are shifted to totally different times. If
any person by a chance becomes one
of objects relocated in this manner, he
or she is then shifted from his own time
to a completely different epoch. "Simulations"
of UFOnauts are able to induce this phenomenon
only by accidents, e.g. during every starting
of their time vehicles, or during every
explosion of their time vehicles. Therefore,
the "effect of time duplication", which is
described more comprehensively in item
#C6 of this web page, is just an external
manifestation of this particular phenomenon.
But UFOnauts are unable to induce this
phenomenon in a controllable manner.
The inducing it in so controllable manner
that it would shift a selected object into a
chosen area of the timespace, is extremely
difficult. UFOnauts have NOT mastered yet
this skill. In my opinion they never will be
able to master it - after all, they are unable
to afford any creative activity. But other,
more totaliztic civilisations are able to use
such a waving of timespace for shifting
selected objects to specific points in time.
There is a huge body of evidence, which
confirms that such shifting of objects in time
through waving the timespace is possible and
that in fact every now and again it uncontrollably
takes place around us. A significant amount
of such evidence is presented in subsection
V5.3 from volume 16 of my older monograph [1/4]
(see item #4 over there). For a scientific
exactitude I am going to repeat here the
most representative examples of it.
And so, it was just through such a waving
of timespace, that in New Zealand a lizard-like creature
called "tuatara" was shifted to the present times from
the epoch when dinosaurs used to live on Earth.
Just because of this extraordinary fact, that the
mastery of the process of waving the timespace
opens all possibilities, including the immortality,
a Maori name for "tuatara" means a "key to the
(See also item B1 in English monograph
which in subsection C7.3 from a Polish version
of this monograph was enriched by further details.)
Also in literature there are descriptions of numerous
phenomena induced by waving of timespace, which
caused appearance and disappearance of various
objects. Several examples of such cases are provided
in subsection "Tajemnicze materializacje" from pages
57 to 83 of the Polish translation of the following book
[8V5.3] by Rodney Davies "Nadprzyrodzone
zniknięcia" (title of the original: "Supernatural
Disappearances"), Dom Wydawniczy Limbus
(85-959 Bygoszcz, skr. poczt. 21, tel./fax 28-79-74),
1995, ISBN 83-85475--80-X, 255 pages, pb.
For example, on pages 78 to 83 of this book, a well
documented case is described, when in 1979 four
tourists from England, namely a brick layer Len Gisby,
his wife Cynthia, and their friends - a rail-road worker
Geoff Simpson and his wife Paulina, spend a night
in a hotel from the village Cuccolde in Southern France.
As it later turned out, this hotel, together with all
employees, old furniture, and even old visitors
and gendarmes, was shifted temporally to present
times from around 1905. When, after their history
was published, in 1983 searches for this hotel
were initiated, only remains of the old foundations
of it were found.
Characteristics of the time travel accomplished through waving the timespace:
Time travel which is based on waving the
timespace has practically no limits, conditions,
nor drawbacks imposed onto it. So the
traveller can take with himself or herself
to such a trip practically every object that
he or she has, and every person or creature
the company of which he or she wishes to enjoy.
It also allows to shift in time to any epoch
or period of time and stay there for as
long as one wishes. Also all visits in
different epochs and periods of time
have interactive character, means a
given traveller in time is able to participate
actively in everything that he or she
encounters in the epoch being visited.
True immortality:
Travel in time carried out on the principle
of waving the timespace described in this
Part #E, provides true immortality to the ones
who mastered it. The owners of time vehicles
working on this principle are able to shift
to any epoch which they wish to visit,
stay there for any length of time, and also
take with them over there, or to take back from
there, everything that they wish. Because
simultaneously they have the good luck to
live in a totaliztic civilisation, because only
totaliztic civilisations are able to develop this
kind of time vehicles, in fact their infinitively
long lives are also full of infinitive happiness.
So they practically live like gods. Our civilisation
should try to adopt the following major goal
of all human efforts: to cut humanity off from
the parasitic future into which UFOnauts secretly
are trying to force us, and to join the opposite
club of these immensely happy totaliztic civilisations.
Part #F:
Why it would really be worth to assist me now:
The court-hearing of the last judgement just started on Earth - and you are the judge and the accused:
"If you are a man born on Earth, then no matter what laws are imposed onto you, for
the patriotic duty and also for your own good, in every life situation you should act
pedantically moral - exactly as the conscience commands you to do."
The humanity just entered the most breakthrough
period in the history. Never before in the
past, a future fate of all people on Earth was
depended forever on what the present
generation of people does. This is because
inclusively with the generation of people who
were lately born on Earth, every next generation
of inhabitants of our planet is able to build
time vehicles for themselves - if they only
decide to have them. All what is needed to
build time vehicles, is to trust in truths that
I explain to people, and to mobilise themselves
to a common effort of technical implementation
of my guidelines. In turn since the moment when
a given generation of people build time vehicles
for themselves, every inhabitant of the Earth
becomes immortal. This is because every
person obtains then the ability to renew his
or her body infinitive number of times by
shifting back in time, while his or her
memory and his or her awareness of the
continuity of the life will remain unchanged.
But in this most breakthrough time in the history
of the Earth, when the humanity accomplishes
the ability to live forever, the entire our civilisation
is going to subject itself to the "final judgement",
to pass on itself the final verdict. This verdict
either advances every inhabitant of the Earth to
the life in an "everlasting happiness", or condemns
every inhabitant of the Earth to the life in an "everlasting
hell" - as this is explained in item #C7 of this
web page. After all, if every person on Earth
manages to accomplish the state of the totaliztic
still before he or she shifts back in time for the
first time, then the humanity will be advanced to
the honourable privilege of further life in the
state of an everlasting happiness. Thus every citizen
of Earth will then be able to live infinitively long,
and to maintain during this infinitive life the unimaginable
happiness. But if people begin to repetitively renew
their bodies without the previous accomplishing the
state of continuous totaliztic
then their minds begin to roll downhill into the fires
of increasingly higher suffering and unhappiness.
After all, with each shifting back in time, only their
bodies become renewed. In turn their minds remain
equally disillusioned, disappointed, scared, bitter,
unhappy, and full of unfulfilled desires, as they were
before the shifting in time. Because with the progression
of the number of such shifting back in time everyone
is going to live in the society which is composed of
exclusively such "disillusioned oldies in renewed
bodies", also the level of morality and happiness
of the entire society begins to rapidly fall down.
In the result, soon afterwards the life in such a
society becomes like a punishment in the hell -
all will be increasingly more unhappy, increasingly
more aggressive and unpleasant to others,
increasingly more burned by fires of unfulfilled
desires, increasingly more disillusioned and
bitter, etc., etc. Actually in case when someone
accomplishes the immortality without previous
accomplishing the permanent state of totaliztic
then such someone is going to live like in the
everlasting hell. After all, he or she will be
unable to resist the temptation of a repetitive
avoiding the death through renewal of his or her
body, but simultaneously after each such
renewal of the body he or she becomes
increasingly unhappy.
Although the above verdict about a kind of the
future which awaits humanity becomes announced
only at the moment when people build time vehicles
for themselves, the court procedures for this final
judgement begins already now. After all, humanity
knows already now that at each of its wish it can
accomplish the immortality, and also that the
fate which people meet after this immortality is
achieved will depend on whether by that time
people earn for themselves the moral tradition
of accomplishing the totaliztic
In this proceeding of the "final judgement"
of humanity just being initiated, everyone amongst
us is both, the judge, and the accused. The
judge is because by the level of happiness which
the society around allows him or her accomplish
in this life, he or she is able to determine precisely
which one out of both fates to select from (i.e. the
"everlasting happiness", or the "everlasting hell")
the humanity already earned for itself by a given
time. Simultaneously each one amongst us
is also judged. After all, the fate which is going
to be met by the entire humanity, can also be
met by each one of us. This is because after
building time vehicles, the skill of their building
will begin to shift back in time - as I explained
this in item #C10 of this web page. So in some
moment of time in the future, we also can be
included into this cycle of reviving and repetitive
renewals of the body, even if earlier we are
going to die. (Not mentioning that for sure this
fate is going to be met by our descendants.)
The above explanations reveal clearly how the
old expression "final judgement" should be defined
in the light of the situation called the "imprisoned
immortality" that is repetitively implemented by
the owners of time vehicles. According to this definition,
by the term "final judgement" the civilisation
which builds time vehicles should understand
the period in its own history through which is
going to shift backward the technology and
the skill of constructing time vehicles, and thus in
which (period) is decided the moral situation
of people who later are to use these time
vehicles for accomplishing "imprisoned immortality".
This "final judgement" issues a single verdict,
to which are subjected later all people who in
this civilisation use time vehicles for accomplishing
"imprisoned immortality". Namely this
verdict is either "everlasting happiness" or
"everlasting hell". The verdict is going to depend
on whether or not all people who are being shifted
back in time to days of their youth managed to
accomplish the state of
totaliztic nirvana
before this shifting back in time is executed
for them.
So in reality right now the eternal fate of
humanity is being decided. Therefore each
one of us have now not only a moral duty,
but also a personal interest, to put the entire
energy which is able to yield, into the lifting
of the level of morality around us. In turn by
lifting this morality every one of us is going to
contribute towards the creation of the moral
climate on Earth in which every single citizen
will be able to accomplish the totaliztic nirvana.
Fortunately, this lifting of morality is simple -
we only need to mobilise
ourselves to implement it. It boils down to
listening the voice of our conscience in everything
that we do. Means in every situation that we
encounter in our lives we should always
choose such a line of action, that is agreeable
with the voice of our conscience, and thus
moral, while simultaneously does not break
the requirements which are imposed on
us by the society around us.
The only problem which during this lifting of the level
of morality still does exist, is that mixed with us
and hiding in crowds are UFOnauts who already
long ago entered the state of an "everlasting hell".
To be even worse, these UFOnauts occupy
almost all key positions on the Earth. They
impose on us their laws, provoke us to aggression
and immoral activities, sabotage our efforts to
spread knowledge and truth about the role of
morality in our lives, and do everything in their
powers to push us onto the path of an identical
"everlasting hell" as the one along which they
are moving. In order to act even more effectively,
in present times they assumed the tactics of
"wolves in ship skins" - about which the Bible
warns us. For example, in Poland many of them
for a long time impersonate adherers of
only to be more effective in pushing the totalizm
down and in sabotaging my activities on the Earth.
Thus another duty of each one amongst us
(in addition to the doing everything in life in harmony
with requests of our conscience), is that we have
the duty to oppose all these provocations,
commands, and cunningness, with the assistance
of which UFOnauts continually try to push us from
the path of moral behaviour.
* * *
The expression "final judgement" described
here, as well as an array of similar biblical
expressions such as "everlasting life", "everlasting
happiness", "everlasting hell", "resurrection
of dead", etc., all of them contain an extremely
vital warning which the entire humanity should
study thoroughly. Unfortunately,
UFOnauts (changelings)
on purpose so distorted religions, that these
incline us towards ignoring such warnings.
This is because all religions suggest that
such warnings do NOT apply to our physical
life, but to the afterlife.
Furthermore, they imply that the reality
presented in these warnings was already
preprogrammed into the fate of humanity -
thus actions of individual people is unable
to change them. However, the newest research of
which implements the emerging knowledge
about time vehicles, and also the knowledge
about so-called
telepathic projectors,
explains something completely opposite.
Namely, it reveals that an array of
biblical expressions in fact describes and
explains the warning against the trap of
selecting a wrong path, into which people
can fall when our civilisation builds first time
vehicles. In turn saving ourselves, and
also the entire humanity, from entering this
wrong path lies in capabilities of every person.
After all, it boils down to earning by each
one amongst us the
totaliztic nirvana.
A whole selection of biblical expressions which
contain this warning, interpreted from the point
of view of explaining to us the wrong manner
of using time vehicles, is described in Part #F
of a separate web page about
Try to help me actively already now, so that when your
life comes close to the end, you will NOT be sorry that
you ignored my appeals for help in the completion of time
vehicles - which by pressing a button would shift you back
to years of your youth and allow you to enjoy life forever:
"Someone claimed that 'seeing is believing' - obviously he had no experience with present generation of passive worshippers of TVs."
The present "television-based" way of living
taught us impassivity and exclusion from
all proofs and from everything that happens
in the distant world. After all, continually there
is a war somewhere and always people die -
but we do NOT have influence on it. Continually
someone works on a new medicine - but we have
not "caught" yet this particular disease. Somewhere
is possible to earn millions - but we can't be
there. Etc., etc. So when we hear about a
next "distant" development, i.e. about the "time vehicle",
then we also treat it with equal passiveness and
exclusion. We consider this vehicle to be
just a "private business" of some
Jan Pajak -
while we do NOT have anything to do with it.
However, the reality turns out to be exactly
opposite. The time vehicle is NOT just
a private business of Jan Pajak, but an important
business of each inhabitant of the Earth. After
all, it is going to allow us to defeat the death.
In turn every inhabitant of the Earth one day
is going to be on the so-called dead-bed.
Also everyone must finally give to death all
these ones whom he or she loves the most.
Thus everyone who then recalls that much earlier
could actually help me to build the time vehicle -
which by pressing a button would shift him and people
most close to him back to years of their youth
and allow them to enjoy life forever, will be very
sorry that had not helped this Jan Pajak.
Therefore, you should try to save yourself
from this indescribable sorrow that is to
come at the time of death. Do not wait
until it is going to be too late. Begin to help
already now. After all, even if you are
poor like a church mouse, and have NO
influence at any decision, you still have
eyes which are able to see proofs that I
am describing here, rational thinking which
allow you to appreciate these proofs, and also
have fingers capable of pointing these proofs to other
people. You still have mouth capable of convincing,
logic that allows you to detect, disclose, and fight
out unjustified attacks on my accomplishments,
constructive mind that can deduce how to
effectively help me, and a pen capable to act
at a distance. So even without our meeting and
direct support, you still can help me indirectly,
e.g. through just preparing people for the
acceptance of the idea of this revolutionary
invention and by creation of the atmosphere
in which it is the people's common wish that
my time vehicles are build.
Part #G:
Summary, and final matters of this web page:
Let us summarise what this web page tries to realise to us:
In present world it is extremely difficult to
disseminate any new idea which has a
potential to lift our civilisation to a higher
level of development. After all, the present
orthodox Earth science acquired a character
of a religion. It orders authoritatively to
believe unconditionally in whatever it states.
It also implies in its statements, that it is
errorless. But simultaneously, because
of the secretive occupation of the Earth
by morally decadent
this science is strongly infiltrated by
of these UFOnauts, and forced to mislead
humanity on purpose. Therefore, all truly
progressive and breakthrough ideas or
inventions on Earth, starting from the historic
experiments with the construction of
first airplanes
and finishing on
Oscillatory Chambers,
Magnocrafts, or
time vehicles
described on this web page, are always
initially persecuted by this official Earth science
in an open manner. (Scientists begin to
acknowledge such ideas and inventions
only at the very end, when these become reality and
when the science has no other option but
to begin claiming benefits resulting from
these ideas.) So it should not surprise anyone,
that also descriptions of the mechanism of
time and the operation of
time vehicles
provided on this web page,
as well as the scientific theory called the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity
from which these explanations originate,
are similarly persecuted and purposely
ignored by the present official science on
On the other hand, explanations for the work
of time and time vehicles provided on this web
page, are extremely vital for our civilisation. After
all, they are the key to everything. These explanations
can open not only a path to the release of humanity
from all plagues which trouble us - including
these UFOnauts which persecute people since
the beginnings of time. These explanations can also
give to people a key to immortality. Furthermore,
these explanations unambiguously indicate the
only correct path to the happy future of all people.
(Which is to adopt the pedantically moral principles
of behaviour by all people.) So in spite of whatever
would say about this web page any highly paid
of UFOnauts, in a vital interest of all of us lies that
the findings from this page are studied carefully
and applied, or compared, to events from our
everyday life.
It is worth to return periodically to this web page:
Unfortunately, the subject area of manipulation
on time, and thus also the development of
time vehicles, is a very complex one. It hides
a number of aspects, which require skilful
presentation. Simultaneously, because
of the belonging of many of these aspects
to the level of our science and technology,
which still did not arrive to the Earth, their
explanations require a huge amount of thinking
and perfecting. Therefore, this presentation
is still only just an initial realising, that "time
vehicles" and a technical manipulation on
time are actually possible, that that the knowledge
on this subject is absolutely vital for our civilisation
because it allows to defeat death, and that
I would be able to build time vehicles if other
people would assist me in my efforts instead
of persecuting me for dissemination of this knowledge.
In order this initial realisation is to be converted
into a full explanation of all aspects of this difficult
and delicate problem area, the above descriptions
must be extended for additional aspects,
improved, and shown from several different
points of view. Therefore, it is worth to return
periodically to this web page in order to check
how the matter of explaining the time travel
develops and is presented then here.
It is also worth to check periodically the blog
of totalizm available under several address, e.g.:
(Notice that all these addresses hold the same
blog with the same content of messages.)
On this blog many matters discussed here
are also explained with additional details
written as new events unveil before our eyes.
Emails and contact details to the
of this web page:
Current email addresses to the author of
this web page, i.e. officially to
Dr Eng. Jan Pajak
while courteously to Prof. Dr Eng. Jan Pajak,
at which readers can post possible comments,
inquiries, or replies to questions which I ask on
my web pages, are provided on the web page
about me (Dr Eng. Jan Pajak).
That page also provides other commonly used
contact details to the author.
The author's right for the use of courteous
title of "Professor" stems from the custom that
"with professors is like with generals", namely
when someone is
once a professor, than he or she courteously
remains a professor forever. In
turn the author of this web page was a professor
at 4 different universities, i.e. at 3 of them,
from 1 September 1992 untill 31 October 1998,
as an "Associate Professor" from English-based
educational system, while on one university as
a (Full) "Professor" (since 1 March 2007 till
31 December 2007 - means at the last place
of employment in his professional life).
However, please notice that because of my
rather chronic lack of time, I reluctantly
reply to emails which contain JUST time
consuming requests, while simultaneously
they document a complete ignorance of their
author in the topic area which I am researching.
Therefore, if the reader sends a request to me,
I suggest to let me know somehow that he or
she actually went through the trouble of reading
my web pages and learning what these pages
try to say.
How with the web page named
one can find totaliztic descriptions
of topics in which he is interested:
A whole array of topics equally interesting
as these from the above web page, is also
discussed from the angle that is unique to
the philosophy of totalizm. All these related
topics can be found and identified with the use of
content index
prepared especially to make easier finding
these web pages and topics. The name "index"
means a list of "key words" usually provided
at the end of textbooks, which allows to find
fast the description or the topic in which we
are interested. My web pages also has such
a content "index" - only that it is additionally
supplied in green
which after "clicking" at them with a mouse
immediately open the web page with the topic
that interest the reader. This content "index"
is provided on the web page named
It can be called from the "organising" part of
"Menu 1" of every totaliztic web page. I would
recommend to look at it and to begin using it
systematically - after all it brings closer hundreds
of totaliztic topics which can be of interest to
This web page is also available in the form
of a brochure marked [11], which
is prepared in "PDF" ("Portable Document
Format") - currently considered to be the
most safe amongst all internet formats, as
normally viruses cannot cling to PDF. This
clear brochure is ready both, for printing,
as well as for reading from a computer
screen. It also has all its
green links
still active. Thus, if it is read from the computer
screen connected to internet, then after clicking
onto these green links, the linked web pages
and illustrations will open. Unfortunately, because
the volume of it is around a double of the volume
of web page which this brochure publishes,
the memory limitations on a significant number
of free servers which I use, do NOT allow to
offer it from them (so if it does NOT download
from this address, because it is NOT available
on this server, then you should click onto any
other address from
Menu 3,
and then check whether in there it is available).
In order to open this brochure (and/or download
it to own computer), it suffices to either click on
the following green link
or to open from any totaliztic web site the
PDF file named as in the above green link.
If the reader wishes to check, whether some other
totaliztic web page which he or she just is studying,
is also available in the form of such PDF brochure,
then should check whether it is listed amongst links
from "part #B" of the web page named
This is because links from there indicate all totaliztic
web pages, which are already published as such
brochures from series [11] in PDF format.
I wish you a fruitful reading!
If you prefer to read in Polish
click on the Polish flag below
(Jeśli preferujesz czytanie w języku polskim
kliknij na poniższą flagę)
Date of starting this page: 25 May 2001
Date of the latest updating of this page: 17 March 2013
(Check in "Menu 3" whether there is even a more recent update!)