The Concept of Dipolar Gravity
(bilingual: in
English and
Polish )
12 July 2013
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In 1985 I was granted the honour of developing one of the
most vividly discussed scientific theories of present times.
This theory is called the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity.
Everyone who familiarises himself with it, seems to take
towards it one out of two most radical stands possible.
Namely, either loves it and promotes it like his or her
own theory, or starts vigorously fight it out. This theory
displays a number of attributes, which in the same
configuration have not appeared in any other scientific
theory developed on the Earth so far. For example,
(1) the correctness of it is supported by a huge number
of facts and phenomena which are already identified.
(2) It redefines completely almost all aspects of the
universe which surrounds us - becoming in this way
the "theory of everything"
searched for so long by everyone. (3) It explains,
clarifies, and makes understandable all phenomena
and mysteries which previously remained for us
unexplained (e.g. telekinesis, telepathy, ESP, animal
instinct, the existence and nature of the "other world",
the existence, self-evolution, and nature of God, the
mechanism of feelings, the work of acupuncture, the
operation of human brain, principles of generation of
the so-called "free energy", morality, karma, happiness,
mechanism which governs weather and climate, the
origin of magnetic field and electrical charges, energy,
gravity, shape of the universe, etc., etc.). (4) It documents
that the so-called "red shift" in light of stars does
NOT originate from the "Big Bang" - thus it invalidates
completely the "founding theory" of adherers and
promoters of "atheistic evolutionism" (see items
#D2 and #D2.1 below). (5) It provides scientific
and philosophical foundations for the official
formation on the Earth a completely new "totaliztic
science" capable of breaking the "monopole for
knowledge" of the "atheistic orthodox science"
to-date and initiating the much more beneficial
for people research of the reality from an opposite
than previously "a priori" approach (i.e. from the
approach which scientifically considers and researches
the existence and actions of God) - as this is explained
in item #A2.6 of the web page named
and item #C1 of the web page named
Unfortunately, because of its breakthrough nature, the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity
encounters a very powerful action of the "mechanism
of self-punishment of immoral communities", which
mechanism in item #B4.4 of the web page named
is described under the name of "the
curse of inventors".
In fact, the gaining of recognition progresses for it
equally difficult as in past progressed the recognition
of the theory that the Earth is spherical, or later was
progressing the recognition of the Darwin's discovery that
utilises the
gradual evolution
for the continuous improvement of the universe -
means that God have NOT created everything
at once and in the final version of it. (As we know,
even today people do exist, who believe that the Earth
is flat.) Just because of this huge controversy of the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity,
and also because of the powerful resistance which this
theory encounters during the dissemination, I decided
to develop this web page. The goal of this web page is
to explain to the reader in simple words, what actually
this "theory of everything"
is, what benefits brings us learning it, and
how it explains the most significant phenomena which
surrounds us. (Of course, this theory explains much
more. But because of limitations imposed on the volume
of this web page, I am able to present here only a brief
summary of it.) In this way the web page allows the reader
to make up his mind on his own about the merit of this
theory, so that he or she does NOT need to relay in this
matter on mostly negative opinions which may be
stubbornly imposed on him or her by the sworn
enemies of this progressive theory.
Part #A:
Introductory information about this web page:
The name "Concept of Dipolar Gravity" is
assigned to a relatively new scientific theory
developed by the author of this web page
in 1985, which theory is capable of introducing a
paradigm shift
to our understanding
of reality, as it provides more complete and
more coinciding with the empirical findings
explanation for the structure and operation
of the reality. This explanation is based on
an informatics-derived model of reality.
The model describes reality as similar to a
present computer, i.e. composed of a kind
of "liquid hardware" called "counter-matter",
and "natural programs" contained in this liquid
hardware and defining how it should behave.
The most easily noticeable kind of these natural
programs, by the science is called the "laws
of physics". The elementary layer of these
"natural programs" orders the liquid counter-matter
to behave in such a manner, that it forms from
itself the elementary particles. Next layers of
these natural programs form from these elementary
particles the entire atoms, then molecules,
tissues, bodies, etc. In the result, according
to this "informatics-derived model of reality", the entire
human is simply an equivalent of present image
from the screen of modern computer, only that
formed in three-dimensions from the counter-matter
and maintained in operation by a whole pyramid
of natural programs - as more comprehensively
explains this item #C1 from the web page
A similar computer image (or a hologram) formed
from intelligent counter-matter is e.g. the entire
Earth, solar system, and even the universe.
The explanation for the reality that surrounds us,
which is provided by the Concept of Dipolar Gravity,
represents a more advanced alternative to a very
primitive explanation used by the official science
to-date - which could be described that it is based
on a material model of reality. In this to-date
scientific model, reality is described as formed
exclusively due to mutual interactions of "stupid" matter.
This in turn does NOT allow to explain naturally
and unambiguously what are e.g. laws of physics,
time, gravity, telekinesis, telepathy, intelligence,
soul, God, etc.
The scientific foundations of the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity
result from the proving by this theory that the
gravity field belongs to a general category of
the dynamic dipolar fields, not to the static
monopolar fields to which the gravity was
categorised by the Earth science to date.
Therefore, in the light of this concept, gravity
is more similar to a dipolar magnetic field,
or to a dipolar field formed by liquids or gases
pumped dynamically through any pipe, e.g.
through the interior of our home vacuum cleaner,
than to a monopolar field formed by static
compression of e.g. air into tyres from our car.
In turn this qualifying of gravity into dynamic dipolar
fields, leads to a completely different than so-far
description of the design and operation of the
universe. This web page tries, amongst other,
explain how the universe governed by such a
dipolar gravity really looks like.
How looks like and operate this dipolar gravitational field (i.e. the field described by the "Concept of Dipolar Gravity"):
We probably still remember this from classes
of physics, that there are two different kinds
of force fields. Their references usually use
names (1) a monopolar field, and
(2) a dipolar field. The first of these is
a static field, means it is formed in phenomena
in which force interactions appear while simultaneously
there is a complete lack of motion. In turn the
second one is a dynamic field, means it appears
in phenomena when it is the motion which
releases the action of any forces. Examples
of a static monopolar field is an electrical field,
and also a field formed e.g. after compressing
the air in a tyre from our car. In turn examples
of a dynamic dipolar field is a magnetic field,
and also a field formed at the inlet to our home
vacuum cleaner when through this cleaner
a stream of air flows. Each one out of these two
basic kinds of fields displays different attributes.
And so, for example the like "monopoles"
from a monopolar field always mutually repel
each other. It is because of this mutual
repulsion of identical monopoles that the air
from tyres in our car uses any opportunity to
escape, while objects charged electrically
push their charges onto the surfaces -
the consequence of which is that with the
elapse of time they gradually discharge by
themselves. But in dipolar fields is in opposite,
i.e. all objects subjected to the action of
a given pole of a dipolar field are mutually
"compressed" towards each other, thus forming
a dynamic pressure well known in hydromechanics
and described by the so-called "Bernoulli equation".
This compression of all objects on a pole
of dipolar fields makes an impression that
these objects mutually "attract" each other.
For example, it is because of this "compression"
of objects exposed to the action of a dipolar field
by a given pole, that a ping pong ball inserted into
a stream of water from a fountain maintains
hovering in this stream of water and looks as if
it is "attracted" by this stream of water. Similarly
is with the magnetic field, which makes an
impression that it attracts to itself all objects
susceptible to its action (e.g. ferromagnetic).
Of course, there are numerous further such
attributes unique for static monopolar
fields and dynamic dipolar fields - their
list is presented in subsection H1.1.1 from
volume 4 of
monograph [1/5].
If one analyses attributes which characterise
the gravity fields, then it turns out that all
attributes of gravitation coincide exactly
with attributes of dynamic dipolar fields,
and contradict attributes of static monopolar
fields. For example, gravity fields cause the
mutual "compression" of particles of matter,
which (the compression) makes an impression
as if this matter "attracts" other matter. But
it is only an impression, because the gravity
acts onto matter in exactly the same manner
as all dynamic dipolar fields act onto objects
susceptible to their forces. For example, the
same as onto matter, the gravity acts also
on different objects - e.g. on light (i.e. it is
known that a powerful gravity field bends
the path of electromagnetic radiation - as
is perfectly known and utilised e.g. in astronomy).
So both, matter and light subjected to gravity
display an effect which can be confused
with them being "attracted" - i.e. the effect
identical to the one which is experienced
by the ping pong ball hovering within a
dipolar stream of water from a fountain
and looking as of it is "attracted" by this
water. Means that matter behaves
totally opposite to the alike carries of
monopolar fields which always repel
each other (we can see this repulsion
e.g. amongst alike electrical charges, or
in particles of the air from tyres of our car).
The fact that attributes of gravity coincide
with all attributes of dipolar fields practically
means, that gravity is in fact a dynamic
dipolar field - in spite that the Earth's science
to date erroneously qualified it to monopolar
fields. So it is about time we repair this error
of science to date and qualify gravity correctly
to the group of dipolar fields.
If one accepts the evidence (which exists for long
time and is already well identified) stating that gravity
is a dynamic dipolar field, then one simultaneously
must accept the fact that the universe looks and
works completely differently than it was described
by scientists to date. After all, the to date description
of the look and work of the universe were worked
out and described for the highly erroneous
(non-written) fundamental assumption, that gravity
is a monopolar field. Since the scientific descriptions
of the universe to date were based upon such an
erroneous foundation, it is obvious that almost
everything that they state must also be erroneous
from the very foundations.
The first finding which hits our eyes immediately
after we recognise the merit of the Concept of
Dipolar Gravity, is that with the dipolar gravitation
the universe must be composed from two separate
worlds, similarly like in a vacuum cleaner there
are two poles for the air which flows through it.
(These two poles are the "inlet" for the air, and the
"outlet" for the air.) Our physical world
in which we live and which we learn with our
senses is just an "inlet" for the gravity. In turn
behind an invisible barrier there is another
world which is parallel to ours. The Concept
of Dipolar Gravity calls it the counter-world.
This counter-world is the "outlet" pole for gravity field.
Similarly as our world is filled up with matter,
also this other counter-world is filled up with a substance
which is appropriate for it. Only that this substance
from the counter-world must display attributes which
are exactly opposite to attributes of matter. The Concept
of Dipolar Gravity calls counter-matter this
substance from the parallel counter-world, which
displays attributes opposite to these of our matter.
Although the recognising the Concept of Dipolar
Gravity introduces a large number of this type
of shocking findings, just only the findings that
the universe is composed of two parallel worlds
(not just a single one) having a physical nature, which
are filled up with two (not just a single one) kinds
of substances having completely opposite attributes,
turns upside down everything that our science
to date, which is founded on the erroneous monopolar
assumption, tries to tell us. After all, such two-world universe
from the Concept of Dipolar Gravity, is more similar
to the one explained by religions, than to the one which
is being described by present physics or astronomy.
So let us read the rest of this web page in order to
learn a bit more of strange truths about it.
The development of the Concept of Dipolar Gravity
started from my humble attempts to explain what
actually is this gravity field, what character it displays,
how it works, etc. In the result of these attempts, in
1985 I formulated an entire new scientific theory on
the subject of gravity field. It is this theory that I
named the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity.
After I finished the development of this theory,
it turned out, that from just an ordinary scientific
theory, which only supposed to explain how gravity
field works, it turned out to be the
theory of everything
that was searched for so long. It seems to provide answers
to practically all questions that humans may have. In order
to give you some idea, as how wide range of questions
this theory answers, I suggest to consider the wide range
of key words and key phrases incorporated into this concept.
Amongst other questions, the Concept of Dipolar Gravity
also answered these very old ones (by the orthodox
science to-date considered to be unanswerable), e.g.
whether we have souls and spirits, whether God does
exist, how our brain operates and why we sometimes
remember things that happened before we were born,
how telekinesis, telepathy and acupuncture works,
what are feelings, what is
what is radiesthesia, what is energy, what is time, how to build
time vehicles,
and many more.
Immediately after being developed the Concept
of Dipolar Gravity was published in a whole range
of publications. Thus, descriptions of this theory
are available to interested researchers starting
from 1985 (means during the last over quarter of
century). Currently the most widely circulated publication
of it is contained in volumes 4 and 5 of my newest
monograph [1/5]
entitled "Advanced magnetic devices".
(Notice that copies of this monograph [1/5]
can be downloaded free of charge via
menu or green links from this web page, and
also from other web pages listed in item #K2.)
But almost the same complete versions of the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity were also published
in volumes 4 and 5 of my older monographs marked
[1/4] and
that also are disseminated free of charge via internet.
Brief summaries of the Concept of Dipolar Gravity
are also available on various web pages. One can
find these web pages through "search engines" after
using the name of this theory for key words, i.e.
after providing the key words
"Concept of Dipolar Gravity".
This web page is another one amongst internet
publications on the subject. It is aimed at explaining
most important findings of this concept in a manner
that would be understandable for laymen.
Therefore this web page summarises briefly
most vital parts of the Concept of Dipolar Gravity,
for simplicity and in order to shorten presentations
removing from them almost the entire apparatus
of logical deductions and almost all evidence.
Unfortunately, after the removal of deductions
which explained "why" this concept arrived at
specific findings, and also after the elimination
of evidence which proves that these findings
coincide with the reality, the presentation of
subsequent explanations in a manner that
would NOT sound naive but still would be
understandable for laymen, turned out to be
extremely difficult. Therefore I would like to
notify readers here that this web page only summarises
what the Concept of Dipolar Gravity
determined and states. In turn to learn why
it states this instead of something completely
different, and also which evidence confirms this,
the reader should reach for these monographs
indicated in the previous paragraph, which
contain the complete presentation of this concept.
As this already was mentioned in previous
item #A3, complete and the most recently
updated textbooks of the Concept of Dipolar
Gravity are disseminated free of charge via
the internet in the form of volumes 4 and 5
of two my newest monographs marked with
symbols (click onto such a green symbol-link
to download a selected free monograph)
[1/5] and
Counter-material duplicates of physical objects, means "phantoms" ("spirits" or "ghosts") of these objects:
The Concept of Dipolar Gravity postulates,
that the universe must be composed of two
parallel physical worlds (i.e. "our world",
and the "counter-world"), the attributes of
which are to each other as attributes of
spaces that prevail at opposite poles of
magnetic dipoles. These two worlds are
separated from each other by impenetrable
barrier, while to each one of them an
opposite pole of gravity extends. Because
of the nature of gravity, which requires
that this field must always link some clusters
of substances, all gravity dipoles are
behaving as kinds of "marriage bounds",
which link with each other into
symmetrical pairs, all similar particles
of substances that prevail on both ends
of given gravity dipoles (i.e. substances
that prevail in both these worlds). In the
result, for every object that exist in one
of these two worlds, the gravity field forms
an identical duplicate that appears in the
second of these two worlds. Thus one of
the major discoveries of the Concept of
Dipolar Gravity, is the postulate, that all
material objects that exist in our set of
dimensions (i.e. existing in "our world")
must have their counter-material duplicates
that exist in the parallel set of dimensions
(i.e. duplicates existing in the "counter-world").
Actually the real existence of these counter-material
duplicates can already be conclusively
proven with our present technology by
showing them with the use of Kirlian cameras.
The best experiment which proves the
existence of counter-material duplicates
is the so-called "leaf ghost effect" described
by Daniela Giordano in subsection C9 of
treatise [7/2],
and also mentioned in item #D1 of this web page.
(In this effect the Kirlian camera shows the
shape of a counter-material duplicate of
a whole leaf, even if someone cuts this
leaf in half and puts on the camera only
a half of it.)
The fact, that according to the Concept of Dipolar
Gravity every material object existing in our physical
world has its own counter-material duplicate existing
in the counter-world, introduces for us immensely
vital consequences. After all, it realises to us, that
the dipolar gravity confirms exactly what we were
informed about by all religions. Religions for a long
time tell us, that independently from our physical
bodies, each one of us have also a "phantom" or
a "spirit" existing in a separate world. This "phantom"
is actually the counter-material duplicate of a given
physical object that is described here. The Concept
of Dipolar Gravity not only confirms the statement of
religions, but even extends and generalises it. It
explains that such a "phantom" (means such a
counter-material duplicate) exists not only for people,
but also for animals, vegetation, and even for objects
which so far were considered to be "dead" - such as
stones, furniture, cars that we use, computers, etc.
(If the reader does not believe that his car has its
own phantom, then I suggest to take this car into
a longer drive when the reader is in a bad mood,
while at a nearest opportunity to swear at the car
or, even better, to attack it with a hammer - and the
reader experiences what happens during this drive.
If one does not wish to risk just such a check, then
it is enough to recall in what mood one was when
one had the last traffic accident in his car, and
what one thought then about his car.) The
most extensive and complete descriptions of
counter-material duplicates from the counter-world
are contained in subsections I5.1 and I3.4 from
volume 5 of my newest
monograph [1/5].
Explanation of the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity,
that magnetic field is a stream of circulating
Physical attributes of counter-matter, such
as the lack of inertia or viscosity, cause that
this substance can be imagined as a hyper-active
liquid. This liquid continually forms various
circulations, streams, whirls, etc. - as more
comprehensively is explained on a separate
web page e.g. about the mechanism of formation of
A simplest object known to us, which forms just
such a circulation of this extraordinary liquid is
every magnet. As this is explained by the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity,
every magnet is simply a kind of "fan" or
"vacuum cleaner" which creates a rotation
of counter-matter along closed circuits. Of
course, every magnet is linked by gravitational
interactions with the counter-matter which
it puts into the circulation. Thus, if two such
magnets are directed towards each other
with their like magnetic poles, then they
must mutually repel each other. This repulsion
is identical as the one that appears between
two fans which blow at each other. Only
that fans blow the viscous air, while
magnets "blow" the counter-matter which
is deprived viscosity and inertia. Therefore
two magnets mutually repel each other even
when they are directed towards themselves
with their "inlet" poles (I).
The explanation of the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity,
that "magnetic field is simply a stream of
circulating counter-matter" has this consequence
that in fact in this concept every magnet has
two poles like a fan, namely an "inlet" (I) pole
and an "outlet" (O) pole. My research established,
that the inlet pole (I) of every magnet is this pole
which in the Earth's magnetic field is located
near the northern geographic pole "N" of Earth.
In turn the outlet pole (O) of every magnet is
this one which in the Earth's magnetic field is
located near the southern geographic pole "S"
of Earth. Therefore our planet Earth actually
works like a huge vacuum cleaner, as one can
appreciate by viewing e.g. polar lights (auroras)
or the ozone hole.
There is available a huge body of evidence which
documents the correctness of the above explanation
for the mechanism of formation of magnetic field.
A description of this evidence is provided in subsection
H5.3 from volume 4 of my newest
monograph [1/5].
For these readers who like to touch and see the
evidence, one of the most tangible kinds of such evidence
is so-called "onion charcoal". It is described
and illustrated more comprehensively on a separate
web page named
This charcoal is formed in UFO vehicles in the result
of sucking organic matter by a powerful stream of
counter-matter circulated by propulsion systems
of these UFOs. Expressing this in
other words, because propulsors of UFO vehicles
always form extremely powerful circulations of
counter-matter, when these vehicles fly low
above the Earth, they act like powerful vacuum
cleaners sucking from the ground leafs, grass,
and all sorts of other light rubbish. In turn, after
sucking it, this organic matter is compressed
at the inlets (I) of UFO propulsors, and then
magnetically scorched. So during landings of
these UFO vehicles it sometimes crumbles
and falls down to Earth.
In a quite similar manner as the magnetic field,
counter-matter forms also electrical field.
Only that electrical field is not the circulation itself,
but a change of pressure of counter-matter caused
by this circulation. More about the mechanism
of formation of electrical field is explained in
subsection H5.1 from volume 4 of my newest
monograph [1/5].
The mutual relationship between each
material object existing in our set of
dimensions (i.e. in our world) and its
counter-material duplicate existing in
a parallel set of dimensions (i.e. in the
"counter-world") can be described with
analogies or similarities between an
object and its mirror reflection, or with
similarities of computer hardware and
computer software, or differences between
the idea of 'body' and 'spirit' postulated
by various religions. Similarly like an
image and its mirror reflection, both parts
of an object are exact copies of their
opposite duplicate, and also they exactly
imitate each other's movements. Moreover,
both - the material object and its counter-material
duplicate - can also be independently
taken hold of and dislocated in space.
But because of the gravitational links between
them, independently of which part is grabbed
and dislocated first, the other part must imitate
exactly its motion. For this reason, depending
on which part of an object is grabbed first and
thus first dislocated in space, the Concept of
Dipolar Gravity distinguishes between two
different types of motion, named "physical
motion" and "telekinetic motion". A physical
motion occurs when the material part
of an object is moved first, whereas the
counter-material duplicate is pulled behind
it by forces of the gravitational links. In turn
a telekinetic motion occurs when the
counter-material duplicate is moved first,
whereas the material part of this object is
pulled behind the counter-material duplicate
by forces of their mutual gravitational links.
To illustrate this with an example, the Concept
of Dipolar Gravity shows that the telekinetic
motion is like forcing an object to move by
shifting its reflection in a mirror, so that this
re-located reflection causes the object to
move also. Of course in order for this
example to work in reality, light would
need to behave like gravity forces. The
other, even more illustrative explanation
for the telekinetic motion would be to liken
it to the "shifting material objects by
dislocating their counter-material 'spirits'".
The term
is a popular name for telekinetic motion described
here. Telekinesis have two main versions, namely
human and technical. A human version of
telekinesis usually is described by the term
"psychokinesis". Most frequently encountered
examples of it include telekinetic bending of
divining rods, and levitation. In turn technical
version of telekinesis most frequently is
manifested in the form of so-called "permanent
telekinetisation of substances", described in
item #F2 from this web page. Other source
of technical telekinesis are so-called
free energy devices.
In 1924 the great French physicist, Louis DeBroglie,
published the very important finding, sometimes
called "Principle of the Symmetry of Nature".
It states, that in our Universe everything is strikingly
symmetrical in many different ways. Some more
common manifestations of this symmetry are discussed
in subsection H6.1 from volume 4 of monograph [1/5].
For example, everything has an opposite of itself.
This means that every particle has its own antiparticle
(e.g. electron and positron, proton and antiproton).
Also every phenomenon must have its own anti-phenomenon.
The DeBroglie's "Principle of the Symmetry of
Nature" indicates a fundamental rule which is
in power for the entire our universe, namely that
"every phenomenon must have an appropriate
anti-phenomenon". So far a large number of
phenomena and corresponding counter phenomena
has already been discovered, which confirm
the correctness of this rule. For example, the existence
of electrical luminescence utilized in fluorescent
bulbs and in various light-emitting diodes to transform
electricity into light, has a counter phenomenon
in the form of the photoelectric effect that in photocells
and solar panels transforms light into electricity.
The so called "left hand rule", also called the
"motor effect", which describes phenomena
used for the transformation of electricity into
motion, has its counter rule in the form of
"Fleming's right hand rule", also called the
"generator effect", which works in reverse,
i.e. transforms motion into electricity. The
Seebeck Effect, which produces a flow of
electrons through a junction of two dissimilar
conductors being heated, has its counter
phenomenon in the form of the Peltier Effect,
which causes the heating and cooling of
materials in a similar junction when a current
is flowed through it. The piezoelectric effect
which converts the deformation of a crystal
into electricity, and which is utilized e.g. in
piezoelectric lighters to produce an igniting
spark, has its counter-partner in a phenomenon
which also is called "piezoelectric effect",
although it works in a reversed manner -
i.e. it converts the electric impulse into a
deformation of a crystal (this counter-phenomenon
is utilized for example in piezoelectric vibration
generators, and also in our quartz watches). Etc., etc.
If we find an exception to this DeBroglie's symmetry
of nature, it is obvious that its anti-partner still remains
undiscovered. Until 1985 one such an exception
was gravity field. However, the Concept of Dipolar
Gravity described on this web page indicated that
the anti-partner for the gravity field prevailing in our
world is hiding from us in the counter-world. Another
exception from the symmetry of nature was the
phenomenon of friction. Therefore the intensive search
for the anti-partner of friction was fully justified. This
anti-partner was revealed during the research on
the telekinetic motion. Namely, the phenomenon
of telekinesis turns out to be an exact reversal of the
phenomenon of friction (means telekinesis is an
anti-phenomenon for friction). In the exactly
reversed manner as the phenomenon of friction
spontaneously consumes energy of motion
to produce thermal energy (i.e. friction transforms
motion into heat), the phenomenon of telekinesis
spontaneously consumes thermal energy
contained in the environment of objects moved
telekinetically and produces motion (i.e. telekinesis
transforms heat into motion). This extraordinary
ability of telekinesis, to extract thermal energy
from the environment and transform this extracted
heat into motion, introduces immense consequences
for our energy production. After all, it allows to build
technical devices, which due to the release of technical
version of telekinesis will spontaneously absorb
thermal energy from their environment and convert
this energy into a useful form. Such devices are
popularly called
free energy devices.
Several their prototypes which already exist are described
on the separate web page that is devoted to them.
The spontaneous consumption of heat from the
environment during the formation of telekinetic
motion has several side effects. For example, it
causes that close to such technical devices which produce
telekinetic motion, rapidly becomes very cold. This
temperature drop can even be sensed, when the
telekinetic devices which cause it remain invisible
to us because they work in the "state of telekinetic
flickering" described in next item of this web page.
This is the reason why folklore states, that after any
"supernatural" being appears, always an intense
cold spreads over a given room. The second
consequence of telekinetic motion which hits
our eyes, is the appearance of an unique glow
which is called the "extraction glow". An
example of it is shown on photo from "Fig. #1".
These side effects which accompany telekinesis,
i.e. the temperature drop and the appearance of
the extraction glow, make possible for almost
every reader to complete empirical experiments
which are able to illustratively convince him that
the Concept of Dipolar Gravity is correct.
The technical version of telekinesis is relatively
simple for releasing. It is manifested every time
when the force lines of magnetic field are
accelerated or decelerated. This easiness
of triggering the technical version of telekinesis
turns out to be very promising in utilisation of
this phenomenon for propelling purposes.
It is possible to build space vehicles with magnetic
propulsion, almost identical to the one described
on a separate web page and called the
which will be moved in space with the use of
the phenomenon of technical telekinesis. The
the Concept of Dipolar Gravity calls these
vehicles the "magnocrafts of the second generation".
The comprehensive description of these vehicles
is presented in chapter LC from volume 10 of
my newest
monograph [1/5].
Much more information about telekinesis is
presented in subsection H6.1 from volume 4
of my newest
monograph [1/5].
In turn various technical implementations
of telekinesis are described in chapters K
and L from volumes 9 and 10 of monograph [1/5].
To the description of telekinesis is also
devoted a separate web page named
At this point it is worth to notice, that the sole
fact that telekinesis does exist in spite that
our official science based on erroneous
foundations of monopolar gravity was unable
to explain this phenomenon, is still another
evidence in a huge pool of empirical
confirmations which support the correctness
of the Concept of Dipolar Gravity described
Fig. #1 (H1 in [1/5]): The "extraction glow" emitted spontaneously by
all objects dislocated on principles of telekinetic motion,
which during their motion encounter an opposite force
that opposes their motion. This glow is like a "supernatural"
white light emitted from the space that directly surrounds
objects moved telekinetically. Means, it is emitted from
the space which looses the thermal energy extracted
spontaneously from this space by telekinetically moved
objects. This glow is very similar to a cold glow of the
Moon. In past it was considered
to be supernatural. On the above photograph it
is emitted from the space surrounding the divining rod
which was moved on principles of human telekinesis.
Such a "supernatural" extraction glow, together with the
temperature drop, are two most significant indicators of
telekinetic motion. Their appearance allows us for a simple
distinguishing between a telekinetic motion, and an ordinary
physical motion.
Extraction glow is generated when, according to the so-called
"Postulate of Interchanging Thermal Energy with the Environment",
described in subsections H6.1.3 and H1.3 of monograph [1/5],
the objects moved telekinetically must compensate their
consumption of energy through a spontaneous extraction
(conversion) of thermal energy contained in the close environment
of these moved objects. Therefore, the result of such rapid extraction
of thermal energy must be the fall of electrons in the atoms from
the affected area, down into their lower orbits. Quantum physics
states that such a fall of electrons into lower orbits must be
accompanied by the emission of photons detectable on a
sensitive photographic film as a kind of "extraction glow".
Thus the consequence of a telekinetic motion must be the
glow of atoms of matter which surrounds the telekinetically
moved object. The extraction glow appears not only in all
forms of psychokinesis caused by the human brain,
but also in the "technical" equivalent of this phenomena
occurring in devices which utilise telekinesis for their
operation. The most frequent subjects (and therefore also
the most easily available for research) utilizing the human
version of telekinesis (usually called the "psychokinesis"), are
dowsers whose success in searches for water is indicated
through the psychokinetic bending of their divining rods.
The above photograph illustrates the powerful extraction
glow which appears during such a bending. It was originally
published in two books by Christopher Bird entitled: [1FigH1]
"The divining hand" (1st edition, E.P. Dutton, New York 1979,
ISBN 0 525 09373 7, page 7) and [2FigH1] "Divining"
(A Raven Book, London 1979, ISBN 354 043889, page 7).
At the beginning of my research on the phenomenon of
telekinesis I also have taken my own series of photographs
of divining rods, capturing a weak extraction glow which
appeared on them. Although I managed to register cases
which were sufficient for proving that my theories are correct,
radiesthestists whom I photographed did not generate
as spectacular glows as the one shown on the above
photograph. My research revealed that individual dowsers,
similarly like individual healers, are able to generate
the human telekinesis of varying intensity. People able
to generate an effect with the intensity so high like this
one shown on the above photograph appear extremely
rarely. Further descriptions of the above photograph
are provided in captions under illustrations from Figure
H1 in monograph [1/5], and Figure L1 in monograph [8]
(all these monographs are available for free from
"Menu 2" on this web page).
* * *
Notice that you can see the enlargement
of each illustration from this web site. For this, it suffices to click
on this illustration. Furthermore, most of the internet browsers that you may
use, including the popular "Internet Explorer",
allow also to download each illustration
to your own computer, where it can be looked at, reduced or enlarged to the
size that you may want, or printed with your own graphical software.
The mechanism of telekinetic motion differs
significantly in a whole range of aspects, from
the mechanism of physical motion. A very
significant one amongst such differences,
is that during telekinetic motion the moved
object changes its consistency from matter
into a kind of energy, or into a kind of a
non-material pattern. During this change of
consistency, the object disappears from the
view for a very small duration. After all, it exists
then exclusively in the form of energy, not in form
of matter. So during telekinetic motion a given object
is visible only at the starting point of this motion,
and then again after the motion is completed.
In turn during the course of this telekinetic motion
the object becomes invisible. Only that because
of the huge speed of completion of telekinetic
motion, the period of time for the duration of
which a given object becomes invisible to
human eyes is very short. However, this
period of time can be artificially extended
by its fast repetition, means through the
technical formation of an extremely unusual,
so-called "state of telekinetic flickering".
This "state of telekinetic flickering" is simply
a fast repetition of impulses of telekinetic motion.
These impulses are carried out so fast, that
the short durations of time when the object
subjected to the telekinetic motion changes
its consistency into an energy invisible to
human eyes, start to dominate the elapse
of time. Means, that the object subjected to
these impulses, is longer invisible than visible,
and thus it completely disappears from the
human sight. In fact, this state of telekinetic
flickering utilises exactly the same phenomenon
which causes that in our cinemas a sequence
of static frames on film becomes seen as a
moveable picture. Only that in the state of
telekinetic flickering the subsequent impulses
of telekinetic motion which cause that the object
disappears from the view are repeated usually
with huge frequencies of around 3000 Hz - for
details see subsection K5.1.1 from volume
9 of monograph [1/5].
(For comparison, the motion picture in cinemas
was formed in past with the frequency of flickering
amounting to around 24 frames per second, while
the picture in our TV flickers with the frequency of
50 Hz.) Such a fast repetition of these impulses
of telekinetic motion causes, that the solid object
subjected to these impulses becomes completely
invisible to human sight.
The state of telekinetic flickering has also this
attribute, that in the brief moments of time, when
a given physical object becomes energy, atoms
of this object can be shifted between atoms of
another solid object. In this way vehicles propelled
telekinetically are able to move through any solid
objects. All solid objects obstructing their way
behave then as if they are made of some strange
liquid, not of solid matter.
Much more information about the highly extraordinary
state of telekinetic flickering is presented in
subsection LC3 from volume 10 of my newest
monograph [1/5].
Which evidence confirms the correctness of the Concept of Dipolar Gravity:
Already now accumulated is a whole ocean
of empirical evidence which confirms that the
counter-world definitively does exist and thus
that the Concept of Dipolar Gravity is correct.
Let us indicate here several examples of this
People are, of course, the most convinced when
they can see something with their own eyes.
English saying goes that "seeing is believing".
As it turns out, the existence of the counter-world,
or more strictly the existence of the counter-material
duplicates ("ghosts" or "phantoms") formed in
the counter-world, in fact can be seen with
our own eyes. It is enabled by the so-called
Kirlian photography. It allows us to
see objects which exists in this counter-world -
but do NOT exist in our world. The most illustrative
pictures from this counter-world are formed
during the so-called "ghost-leaf experiment"
carried out with the Kirlian camera. In this
experiment, a half of a leaf is removed,
while the remaining half is placed on the
Kirlian camera. But the camera shows the
whole leaf. In a similar manner the Kirlian
camera shows pictures of whole amputated
fingers - the duplicates of which still are
present in the counter-world. (More about
this "ghost-leaf experiment" is explained
in subsection C9 from
treatise [7/2].)
In a visual manner effects of the existence of
so-called "whirls of counter-matter" from the
counter-world, can also be noticed on pools
of water formed after rains. Perhaps the reader
noticed at some stage, that after a rain forms
on the ground such pools of transparent water,
waves formed on surface of these pools disclose
rapid movements of something invisible inside
of these pools. These movements are not caused
by wind, because they appear and disturb the
pools with equal force also in windless days.
Besides, if one seeks them intentionally then they
can be seen in our bath tabs and in saucers with
water (even when water is hot). They are also
not any water creatures, because the transparent
water reveals that there is lack of any living
creatures in it. But still something
sporadically disturbs the surface of such pools,
causing the formation of trails on this water, similar
to these from invisible miniature powerboats.
This invisible something, that penetrates and
disturbs water after each rain, are so-called
"whirls of counter-matter". Huge versions
of these whirls cause hurricanes and tornados,
and also propel sea currents on Earth. These huge
versions are described on the web page about
But independently from these huge ones, in the
counter-world also smaller versions of these whirls
do exist. They have diameters of strings and sizes
of e.g. elastics from underwear. It is the motion of
these smaller versions of whirls of counter-matter
through the pools of water that can be visually noticed
by us after every rain.
The existence of counter-world is also described
by almost all religions. After all, this is the same
world in which our ghosts stay. So another one
commonly known evidence for the correctness
of the Concept of Dipolar Gravity are relatively
agreeable with each other statements of almost
all religions in existence on Earth.
The existence of counter-world can also be
proven scientifically by analysis of behaviour
of force lines of gravity field. Namely, a wealth
of evidence confirms that force lines of gravity
field display a dynamic dipolar character, just
similar to the dynamic character displayed by
magnetic field. An example from this category
of evidence, is the "compression" force (by us
perceived as "attraction") exerted by gravity
not only onto matter, but also onto all other
objects, e.g. onto light - as explained in item
#A2 of this web page. So similarly like magnetic
fields, gravity also has two poles (namely
inlet "I" and outlet "O"). Only that in spite
of this dipolar character of gravity, in our
world we see only the first pole (i.e. the inlet
"I"). This practically means that the second
pole of the dynamic gravity field disappears
from our world and reappear in another,
parallel world. Unfortunately, because our
senses are located in this physical world,
we do not see what happens in this parallel
counter-world. This is a bit like with people
who swim in a sea. Because their eyes
remain above the level of water, they are
not able to see that under the surface of
water another underworld is hidden. But
the fact of the existence of this another
world is disclosed by the course of phenomena
which we are able to witness. After all, all
such phenomena, which are carried out
simultaneously in both worlds, must display
a dual character. And in fact, for example light
is already know to us from this dual character.
This duality of light is described by the coexistence
of the corpuscular and wave theories of light.
As it is perfectly quoted in the book [1H1.1]
by O.H. Blackwood and others: "General Physics",
4th edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1973 page 665,
"Physicists have been jokingly accused
of believing in light waves on Mondays,
Wednesdays, and Fridays and in photons
on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays".
{My own observation adds to this that "on
Sundays in churches physicists display the
complete negation of statements, which their
own physics is making to-date".}
Of course, not only the light shows such a duality.
For example, the theory on the "wave particle
duality of nature" states, that this duality is also
displayed by elementary particles, and practically
by all matter.
The greatest number of well-camouflaged
evidence for the existence of the counter-world
is contained in textbooks of physics.
Let us indicate here at least a single
example of such evidence. People who
know physics are tripping over it during
studies of electromagnetic waves. Namely,
as the reader probably knows, all waves
that exist in the entire universe subdivide
into two major categories, namely the so-called
"transverse waves" and the "compression or
longitudinal waves". The transverse waves
are created exclusively on the border of
two media - e.g. we can frequently see
them on the surface of the sea, or on the
surface of a waving flag. In turn inside
of a given medium exclusively compression
or longitudinal waves can propagate.
However, electromagnetic waves
display all attributes of transverse waves.
This means, that they must propagate
along the border of two worlds - i.e.
"our world" and the "counter world". So
if the counter-world would NOT exist, it
would be impossible to create transverse
electromagnetic waves.
One of the most spectacular pieces of evidence
for the correctness of the Concept of Dipolar Gravity,
which is already known by human science for a
long time, is this red shift of the light of
distant stars observed from the Earth. It is the
same "red shift" which the opponents of the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity quote as their
"crown argument" for the supposed "escape
of galaxies" and for the "expansion of the
universe". Because of this contradictive situation,
that the same "red shift" is presently considered
to be a piece of evidence for the correctness
of two mutually contradictive scientific theories,
it is going to be discussed more comprehensively
in a separate (next) item #D2 of this web page.
Of course, in addition to evidence on the
correctness of the Concept of Dipolar Gravity
listed above, volumes 4 and 5 of my newest
monograph [1/5]
present a whole ocean of further evidence. In
order to name here at least some of them, they
include so-called "extraction glow" emitted during
telekinetic motion (see "Fig. #1"), ESP and animal
instinct - means the fact of communication of people
and animals with this thinking substance from the
counter-world, actual existence of phenomena of
telekinesis and telepathy, etc., etc. In order to learn
all these evidence, best is to read the entire
monograph [1/5].
or at least read subsections H1.1, H5.3, I3.3,
and I7 from its volumes 4 and 5.
The "red shift" in light of distant stars is the most noticeable scientific evidence for the correctness of the Concept of Dipolar Gravity:
I wonder whether the reader have ever noticed
the apparent differences between behaviors
of the waves on a river depending whether these
waves move along the powerful current of the
river, or opposite to the direction of the current
of water. Although the real parameters of these
waves on a fast flowing river do not change, their
so-called "apparent parameters" become different.
After all, on these waves a phenomenon acts
in such a case, which is easy to check by
everyone, and which produces quite similar
outcomes to outcomes of the "Doppler Effect" -
although this phenomenon has nothing to
do with the Doppler Effect. Namely,
all waves which move along the
medium that is in the state of motion
with the speed similar to the speed of
the propagation of these waves, change
their speed of propagation in relationship
to a motionless observer in a manner which
is proportional to the vectorial difference
of speed of this medium in relationship
to the vectorial speed of these waves.
In turn this change of the speed of waves
in relationship to a motionless observer,
causes that this observer perceives them
as "apparent waves" of deformed parameters,
means waves which are just like a "model"
or a "picture" of real waves, and thus
which have changed length and frequency
in relationship to the real waves. The above
phenomenon is widely known on empirical
principles. However, in spite that I intensely
searched the name and description of this
phenomenon in textbooks of physics, as
so-far I have not found this name (perhaps
it awaits until it will be able to be called the
"Pajak's Wave Effect"). Of course, the
phenomenon described above clearly differs
from the Doppler Effect. After all, the Doppler
Effect assumes that the speed of light (or
other analyzed waves) remains unchanged
no matter what is the speed of the medium
in which this light (or other analyzed waves)
propagates. Therefore the Doppler Effect
relates exclusively to cases when the source
of waves is moving, while both the medium in
which these waves propagate, as well as the
observer, remain motionless, and thus when
the motionless observer sees the "real waves".
In turn the phenomenon described here
takes place when the source of waves is
motionless, while the waves propagate along
a medium that is in motion in relationship to
the motionless observer, and thus when
the speed of these waves is subjected
to an apparent change and therefore the
motionless observer sees the "apparent
waves" which display "deformed parameters"
in relationship to parameters of the real
At this point I should emphasize, that because
of this major difference of the phenomenon
described here and the Doppler Effect, their
perception by the motionless observer is also
completely different. Namely, in the Doppler
Effect the motionless observer sees the real
waves. Thus to whatever he sees the same
description and the same model of reality
applies, as to these real waves. For example,
both, what the observer sees and the real waves
can be described by the same equations.
In turn in the phenomenon described here,
the motionless observer sees "apparent
waves" - means like a different scale model
or picture of the real waves. Thus the relationship
between these real waves and these observed
"apparent waves" are like relationship
between a specific phenomenon, and a
model of this phenomenon completed in
a different dimensional scale and in
different conditions. Therefore for example
equations which describe real waves loose
their validity for the description of such
"apparent waves".
The phenomenon described in this item in a
best way is known to "surfers" who ride on
sea waves. This is because it is a source of
extraordinary phenomenon of "slowed-down
waves" which in English are called the
bore waves.
Such bore waves appear only in a few sparse
areas in the world. In these areas a combination
of parameters and configurations required for
the creation of such waves must exist, such
as the funnel-shaped river outlet, the correct
speed of the river current, the required depth
of water, the appropriate force and amplitude
of the sea tide which propels these waves, etc.
These "slowed-down waves" always have
the deformed parameters in relationship to
to the natural waves. For example, they move
much slower than the natural waves, sometimes
even standing still in their motion (i.e. they
significantly slow-down their frequency).
Simultaneously their length becomes shorter
from the length of natural waves. Sometimes
they become so short, that several of them
superimposes on each other, thus forming
a single huge "super-wave". Their behavior
does NOT fulfill the known equations for the
wavy motion. If they would be waves of light,
not waves of water, their observer would
see them as clearly "shifted towards red".
These waves always appear in areas where
the sea waves enter a river outlet and move
opposite to the current of water.
Such "slowed-down waves" are formed only
in several areas of the world, and usually
only once or twice a year - when the required
combination of conditions appears in there.
The most well known areas where these waves
appear include: the outlet of the Amazon river
(locally these waves are called there the
"pororoca"), Hangzhou harbor in China
(locally known as "Silver Dragon"), Solway
Firth w Scotland, Bay of Fundy in Canada.
One of the most interesting practical applications
of the phenomenon described above, is to provide
the explanation for the mechanism that causes
so-called "red shift" in the light from distant stars
observed from the Earth, and also the mechanism
which causes the "shift towards blue" of the white
light that falls on a given (e.g. our) planet and is
observed from the surface of this planet. This
explanation results from the definition of the
"gravity field" provided by the Concept of
Dipolar Gravity and described in item #G2
below. According to this definition, almost
everything in our universe, including light into
this number, is a kind of natural programs
which have the ability to move according to
the preprogrammed "laws". In turn the kind of
a force field similar to friction, that is formed
during the motion of these programs, is just
called the "gravity field".
So let us explain more comprehensively this
definition of gravity field provided by the Concept
of Dipolar Gravity. According to it, the gravity
field is simply a kind of "friction forces" formed
by the flow of a whole range of natural programs
which concentrically fall down from the cosmic
space onto a given heavenly body, then move
towards the centre of gravity of this body, to
finally pass in this centre of gravity to the other
world called the "counter-world". (The existence
of the counter-world is formally proven in item #D3
below.) In the result of this continuous flow of
natural programs, light (note that "light" is also
one amongst such natural programs) in the
vicinity of heavenly bodies always moves in
the fast flowing stream of these programs.
Therefore, if this light falls from the cosmos
onto the surface of a given heavenly body
(e.g. onto our planet), it is going to move
"along the current" of this stream of flowing
programs. Its speed thus must show then the
apparent increase in relationship to a motionless
observer from the surface of this planet. In turn
this apparent increase of speed in relationship
to a motionless observer is going to cause, that
the observer will see it in the form of an
"apparent light" - means the light which
"deformed" its parameters through apparent
extending its wavelength, but simultaneously
increasing its frequency. This in turn is going
to be manifested in eyes of this observer as
a "blue shift" of this light (means the shift of
the color of this light towards a blue color).
If in turn light is going to emerge from a
heavenly body, e.g. from a distant star, then
it will be moving "opposite to the current" of
this stream of natural programs. So it then is
going to show an apparent slowing down its
speed in relationship to a motionless observer.
In turn this apparent slowing down of its speed
is to cause, that the motionless observer is
going to see it as an "apparent light" - means
the light that "deformed " its parameters through
apparent shortening its wavelength but simultaneous
apparent shortening (slowing down) also its
frequency. This in turn will manifest itself in
eyes of a motionless observer as a "red shift"
of this light (i.e. the shift of color of this light
towards a red color).
Why the "red shift" confirms the correctness of the Concept of Dipolar Gravity
and contradicts the correctness of the "theory of the expanding universe":
"Although the same phenomenon can be claimed a 'proof' by both sides which argue with
each other, in fact always are attributes present in it which contradict one of these sides."
It is a public secret that this "red shift" of the
light from distant stars becomes a key argument
for adherers of the so-called "theory of the
expanding universe". However, because
the theory described here and called the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity states an exact
reversal of whatever claim the adherers of the
"theory of the expanding universe", the same
phenomenon of the "red shift" in reality cannot
simultaneously support the truth of both these
contradictive theories. Thus there must be some
overlooked facts, and also various experiments
which can be completed, and which are going
to support the correctness only one out of these
two contradictive theories, simultaneously
certifying against the correctness of the other
one. According to my own research, the following
facts which are overlooked by adherers of the
"theory of the expanding universe" deny the
correctness of this theory, but simultaneously
confirm the correctness of the Concept of Dipolar
Gravity described here:
(i) All stars and galaxies display the "red shift",
while if the universe really expanded, a significant
proportion of them should display a "blue shift".
The point is, that this "red shift" could be observed
from the Earth in all stars only in case when the
Earth is located in the exact centre of the universe
(i.e. in the zero point). However, the Earth is located
on peripherals of the universe. Thus in case of
correctness of the "theory of the expanding
universe" only a part of stars and galaxies should
indicate the "red shift", while the remaining stars
and galaxies should indicate a "blue shift".
(ii) Apart from this "red shift" there are no other
facts that would support the correctness of the
"theory of the expanding universe", while there
is a wealth of evidence for the correctness of the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity described here - and
with it for the fact that the universe does NOT
expand at all. An example of just such
evidence is the fact described before that the
"sky is blue", although the earth's atmosphere
does NOT "implode" at all - means does NOT
shrink in the direction opposite to the direction
of supposed expansion of the universe.
Thus there must be another reason, unconnected
to the Doppler Effect, which causes this tendency
in shifts of colors. The physics tries of explain
clumsily the "blue sky" as a result of the phenomenon
which is completely different than the "blue shift".
Of course, it conveniently forgets then to check
experimentally, that the "red shift" of the light of
stars in fact displays mirror attributes to this "blue
shift" of the blue light from daylight sky.
(iii) Electromagnetic waves belong to the
category of so-called "transverse waves" (as
explained in item #D3 below) - exactly the
same as waves on water. Thus all phenomena
which occur in waves of water must also appear
in electromagnetic waves, and vice versa.
Expressing this in other words, the fact that
the phenomenon taking the form of the
so-called "bore waves" of water (described
in the previous item #D2) illustrates the watery
equivalent for the "red shift" in light from distant
stars, means that the present scientific
explanation for this "red shift" is entirely
wrong. Thus according to the DeBroglie's
Principle of the Symmetry of Nature, this
"red shift" of the light from stars is NOT
caused by the Doppler Effect of the escaping
galaxies, but by an ordinary motion of
electromagnetic waves "upstream" of
gravity fields of their own stars.
* * *
Independently from the above facts, which are
directly linked to the "red shift" discussed in
item #D2, also various other facts certify for
the absurdity of the "theory of the expanding
universe". Let us list here at least most vital
out of these other facts.
(iv) The configuration of the universe does
NOT correspond to the known explosive configurations.
Explaining this in other words, the universe is
filled up with matter in a "planned" manner" -
means as if someone intelligent (God) on
purpose distributed all the matter in a most
beneficial manner. In turn if the universe
originated from a "big bang" - as the
adherers of the "theory of the expanding
universe" claim, then it would need to display
the configuration which is characteristic for
an explosion. For example, instead of having
all the masses distributed in an intelligent and
approximately even manner, it would have
a whole mass clustered on peripherals. In
fact, if we even assume the phenomenon
of the "expansion of the universe" did occur,
then for the configuration of the physical
world that is already recognized by human
science, the mass of this universe would
need to continually flown out of a source,
or more correctly from a number of sources.
In turn such a continuous inflow of matter
is contradictive to the principles of "explosion".
In turn without an "explosion" which would
give the initial motion to masses, the universe
would NOT be able to expand. Summarizing,
the configuration of the universe and the
distribution of masses in it, suggest that
our physical world (this visible one) was
created intelligently, and has NOT
originated from an explosion.
(v) The theory of the "big bang" and the
expanding universe contradicts other physical
theories. For example, in the time of the
"big bang" the speed of the flow of matter
would suppose to exceed the speed of light.
But other theory (that of Albert Einstein) states
that supposedly the speed of light cannot
be exceeded - because the mass of matter
then increases infinitively. In turn we know
that the matter of infinitively large mass
no explosion would be able to neither move
nor accelerate. Means that we have a physical
paradox here, which can be solved only if
physicists begin to assume in their speculations
various unbelievable and unrealistic assumptions.
And all this improbable gymnastics and accepting
unrealistic assumptions is just to avoid the statement
that after all
does exists and God created the physical world -
as this is described and supported with numerous
evidence in item #I4 of this web page, and in a
separate web page about
(some matters linked to the creation of the world
and man by God are also discussed on the web
page about
time vehicles).
To summarize this item, the noisily promoted
"theory" about the existence of the "big bang"
and about the "expansion of the physical world",
turns out to be just a big "nonsense on wheels",
with which some fatalistic individuals try to scare
people and divert the attention of humanity from
the existence of God and from the researching
how God really created the physical world (see
item #I4 of this web page).
A formal scientific proof of
that the counter-world does exist,
formulated according to principles
of mathematical logic:
The first formal scientific proof for the
existence of the counter-world was
published in subsections H1.1 to H1.1.3
from volume 4 of scientific monograph
[1/4] "Advanced magnetic devices"
in 2000 (means quite a long ago).
In fact this proof was repeated three times
in the indicated subsections, each time
completed with a different physical methodology
of scientific proving. This in turn illustrates
that the scientific proving of so obvious
matter as the existence of the counter-world,
can be carried out not just on one, but
on many entirely different ways. The
scientific proof that "counter-world does exist"
is quite important. It confirms scientifically
facts which are explained to us by religions
for thousands of years. Namely, it proves
that this another world, popularly called the
"other world" (e.g. consider the saying "they
send him to the other world"), or "afterworld"
(e.g. consider the saying "he shifted to the
afterworld"), in fact does exist in an objective
manner. In turn this objective existence of
this world can be confirmed in a scientific
manner. From this in turn is just a small step
away from the scientific proving, that
whatever religions and folklore claim
about God living in this other world, and
about us going in there after our death,
is also an objective truth and can be confirmed
objectively with scientific methods.
The scientific proof that "counter-world
does exist" is for us equally binding as
all other scientific proofs - for example
as the proofs that the Earth is spherical,
or that sides of a right-angled triangle
fulfill the Pythagoras equation.
For our own good we should rely on
indications resulting from this proof
in everything that we do. After all,
if we do not consider it, then we
are to stick to views and undertake
actions which run against truth - means
which contradict the true operation of the
counter-world and the universe. In turn
thinking and acting contradictively to the
truth and to reality, inevitably brings
not very pleasant consequences to us.
In turn if we consider in our lives indications
resulting from this proof, then in almost
everything that we do, we are inclined to
make corrections for the existence and
influence of the counter-world on our lives
and on the world around us. This in turn
is the key to us reaping fruits and rewards
in the future, which await for these who
learned the truth and who recognize it.
During my professorship at a
Korean University
in 2007, by some strange act of
in the second semester which coincided
with the update of the fifth edition of my
most important
monograph [1/5],
I was granted the privilege of giving a series
of lectures concerning the mathematical logic.
A "by product" of these lectures was that to three
previous versions of the formal proof for the
existence of the counter-world completed before
with the use of physical methods, I could add
another version of the formal scientific proof
for the existence of the counter-world which
this time is completed with the use of methods
of mathematical logic. Because this proof
is short, I am quoting it below for the use of
these readers who would like to get familiar
with it, or wish to check the validity of it.
However, I would still encourage to reach
for further information regarding it, which is
provided in subsection H1.1.4 from volume
4 of the newest
monograph [1/5].
The base propositions of the above proof for
the existence of counter-world stem from attributes
of so-called "transverse waves" - the more
extensive description of which is provided
in previous items of this web page about the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity -
see items #D1, #D2, #D2.1 above. But in
order to save the reader reading these other
descriptions, I remind here briefly that
every wave is simply a moving oscillation.
Thus in every wave two directions of motion are
coexisting, namely the main direction in which
a given wave moves, and also the main direction
in which occurs the oscillatory motion that forms
this wave. The "transverse waves" are simply
such waves in which the main direction of a
given oscillatory motion is perpendicular to
the direction into which the entire wave moves.
Most common examples of "transverse waves"
are waves on water.
The "transverse waves" must be clearly distinguished
from the so-called "longitudinal waves" in which
both above componential directions of motion occur
along the same line. A most common example of
longitudinal waves is probably a home toy in
which steel balls hang on strings in a row, like
pendulums, touching each other sideways. When
we lift a first of these steel balls and provide it with
a pendulum motion, then with the use this longitudinal
wave this pendulum motion is transferred onto the
last ball, which repeats it, then then the motion is
transferred back onto the first steel ball, etc.
So here it is, the entire formal proof for the existence of
the counter-world, completed with the use of methods
of mathematical logic:
"The counter-world does exist".
Basis propositions:
The electromagnetic waves display all attributes of the so-called
"transverse waves", and according to the present knowledge
the electromagnetic waves must propagate in exactly the
same manner as all known to us kinds of transverse waves
do propagate. All known kinds of transverse waves propagate
exclusively along the border between two mediums.
The belonging of electromagnetic waves to the
category of transverse waves which propagate
along the border between two mediums means
that in the space which these waves cross must
either exist a border of some sort between two
mediums which occupy our physical world, or
must exists a border which remains invisible to
our senses and undetectable to our instruments
and which separates our physical world and the
counter-world (the counter-world also remaining
inaccessible for us and undetectable for our
instruments) - each of these two worlds being
filled up with a different medium.
The fact that electromagnetic waves propagate
across space in which our advanced physical
instruments nor excellently provided and well
paid scientific laboratories are unable to detect
neither the existence of two different mediums,
nor detect the existence of a border between
two different mediums, eliminates completely
the possibility that electromagnetic waves could
propagate along a border between two different
mediums that fill up our physical world.
(Explanation complementing this set (2) of premises:
The cross-volume propagation of electromagnetic waves
researched by our science, occurring through the space
which for our measurement instruments appear as filled
up with an uniform medium, combined with simultaneous
behavior of these waves as if they propagate along the
border of two different mediums, may only then take place,
when these waves propagate along the surface of two
different worlds, means along the border of our physical
world, and some other world which remains inaccessible
to our senses and undetectable to our instruments, and
which is filled up with a different medium than our physical
world. Since this other world had no scientific name so-far,
the Concept of Dipolar Gravity which discovered and
described it, named it the "counter-world".) (3)
The counter-world does NOT exist, or does exist. The propagation
of electromagnetic waves along the border between our physical
world and this counter-world eliminates completely the possibility
that the counter-world does NOT exist.
The first basis proposition is to be transformed with
the use of tautological form of the method known
under the name of "hypothetical syllogism". This form
can be written as [(p =>q) && (q => r)] => [p => r],
in which the assertion "p" says "the electromagnetic
waves display all attributes of the so-called
transverse waves", while the assertion "q"
says "according to the present knowledge
electromagnetic waves must propagate in
exactly the same manner as all known to us
kinds of transverse waves do propagate",
in turn the assertion "r" states "all known
kinds of transverse waves propagate
exclusively along the border between two
mediums". The transformation of these
propositions implies the conclusion that
"the electromagnetic waves propagate
exclusively along the border between
two mediums".
Accepting this previous conclusion for an assertion
in the next phase of inference, and using the method
of "disjunctive syllogism", the tautological form of which
can be written as: [(p || q) && !p] => q, we obtain a
next conclusion which states that "the electromagnetic
waves must propagate along the border between
our physical world and the counter-world."
The last couple of propositions allows us to derive
the final conclusion with method called the "disjunctive
syllogism", the tautological form of which can be
written as: [(p || q) && !p] => q. In this form the assertion
"p" says "the counter-world does NOT exist", while assertion
"q" states "the counter-world does exist". Thus the final conclusion
states "the counter-world does exist"!
The above inference chain unambiguously and conclusively
proves the truth of the theorem that "the counter-world does exist".
* * *
For the use of these readers who are NOT
familiar with the notation that is applied in the
above proof, I would like to explain that
symbols "p", "q", and "r" mark subsequent
"assertions" utilized in this proof as logical
variables. In turn symbols "&&", "||", and "=>"
mark logical operators "and", "inclusive or",
and "implies" (if ... => then ...").
It is also worth to mention about the validity of
the above proof. Because this proof utilizes
exclusively tautological forms of subsequent
methods, it remains valid for all values of
variables it uses. Thus practically it is error-proof.
If someone would like to undermine it, he or
she would need to undermine first the validity
of mathematical logic. In turn this logic is a
foundation for countless mathematical proofs
which with a large success were used by the
effective and precise discipline of mathematics.
Thus, since so strong proof for the existence
of counter-world finally we were able to develop,
it is worth to check now whether we live according
to this proof. After all, the guesses to-date
about the existence of the counter-world this
proof replaces with the reliable knowledge
and certainty of the existence of counter-world.
At this point I would like to appeal to other lecturers
of logic. Namely, I propose to take notice of the
lack of meaning, motivation, and the absence
of engagement in examples of proofs presented
in textbooks of logic - as an example consider
the textbook proof "modus ponens" of the kind,
quote: "Samson is strong", and "If Samson
is strong, then it will take a woman to do
him in." We can conclude "It will take a
woman to do Samson in." (End of quote.)
So instead in our lectures we use such
examples deprived of actuality and sense,
I would rather suggest for example of proofs
use e.g. the proof explained above, or the
proof indicated below. After all, these proofs
are to inspire students to thinking and to
searches for truth, give more sense to
their lives, will be agreeable with indications
of our conscience, and in a non-imposing
manner are going to add our own contribution
to the fight for the prevalence of truth.
The proving procedure presented above was also
utilized in several other formal scientific proofs
developed for the first time in the world by the
author of this web page, and listed (and linked)
in item #G3 from the web page named
All these proofs are extremely important for each
one of us, as they repair the ignorance and
misinformation disseminated so-far by the
old official "atheistic orthodox science" (i.e.
by this monopolistic science, which erroneous
claims we still must learn in schools and at
universities, and which immoral practices are
disclosed more comprehensively in items #C1
to #C6 from the totaliztic web page named
An example of an immense importance of all these
formal scientific proofs developed by the author
of this web page is the fact, that one amongst
them is the formal proof that God exists.
It was completed with several different proving
methods utilised by present science. One amongst
these formal scientific proofs for the existence of
God, completed with the use of methods of mathematical
logic, is presented in item #B3 of a separate web page
god.htm - about the secular and scientific understanding of God
in item #G2 from the web page named
as well as in subsection I3.3.4 from volume 5 of my newest
monograph [1/5].
The same procedure allowed to formulate also
the formal proof that God created the couple
of first people - the appropriate formal proof
is presented in item #B8 of the web page about
and in subsection NF9 from volume 12 of my newest
monograph [1/5].
Finally the same procedure allowed also to prove that
people have ethernal soul - the appropriate
proof is presented in item #G2 of the web page named
and in item #C1.1 of the web page named
as well as in subsection I5.2.1 from volume 5 of my newest
monograph [1/5].
Part #E:
In what manner the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity
provides a key for understanding the spiritual world:
The second body which we have, moral energy, feelings, nirvana, depression, acupuncture, morality, moral laws, totalizm, parasitism, etc.:
Let us explain now the most vital details
regarding this mysterious "counter-world",
which contains the software part of our
universe. We actually hear about this
counter-world from our religions. Except
that being formed thousands of years
ago, religions are unable to explain it with
present terminology and modern ideas.
Religions call the counter-world with different
names, e.g. as this "other world", "second
world", or "world of souls and spirits", etc.
It is this counter-world where our souls are
kept and where we go after our death.
Fortunately for us, the Concept of Dipolar
Gravity can already explain much more
about this other world than religions could.
This concept proves that the gravity field
is actually a dipolar dynamic field, quite
similar to magnetic field, meaning a field
that has two poles: an inlet "I" and outlet "O".
But because gravity field is concentric,
in our world we can only see the inlet "I" pole.
The second pole "O" of gravity disappears
from our world behind an impenetrable
barrier and emerges in a different world
that is parallel to the our one. This other
"counter-world" is also filled out with appropriate
substance named "counter-matter".
The substance named "counter-matter"
forms in the counter-world exact duplicates
of objects existing in our world. In fact,
every object that exists in our world,
in this counter-world has an exact replica
of itself. For the philosophy of totalizm
this exact replica of our physical bodies
contained in the counter-world carries
a very special significance. Totalizm
calls this replica a counter-body.
(Religions call it a "phantom", a "spirit",
or a "ghost", while the so-called
"alternative sciences" usually refer to it
as to "astral body", "energy body", "aura",
The fact that we have a second body, by the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity called the "counter-body",
introduces a whole series of interesting consequences.
The most fundamental out of these is that our
physical body from this world continually exchanges
a kind of intelligent energy with the counter-body
contained in the counter-world. This energy is called
the moral energy. This particular name was
assigned to it for an important reason. Namely,
the moral energy is generated by us only when
we carry out some morally correct actions (i.e.
actions which by religions are called "good deeds").
Interesting, that moral energy was NOT known so
far to human science, although the action of it hits
our eyes in a huge number of situations. When
moral energy flows between our physical body and
the counter-body, the flow of it generates in us
specific sensations. These sensations are called
feelings. Thus the Concept of Dipolar Gravity
defines feelings as sensations experienced during
the flow of moral energy between our physical body
and the counter-body. Generally speaking, all
pleasurable feelings are formed when this moral
energy flows out from our counter-body and
enters the physical body. In turn all unpleasant
feelings which we usually do not like, e.g. effort,
tiredness, or hunger, are formed when our physical
body with an effort pumps back this moral energy
into the counter-body. If our counter-body experiences
the lack of moral energy, then we are overtaken
by the feeling of depression. In turn if our
counter body accumulated an excess of this moral
energy, then the energy is spontaneously escaping
to our physical body, which situation we experience
as the feeling of indescribable sensation of happiness
Moral energy flows between physical body and
the counter-body (or in case of the planet Earth
and other material objects - between these objects
and their counter-material duplicates)
through special "valves"-like organs
which philosophies of the East call chakras.
In turn within our body and counter-body it flows
along special "pipelines" - which by the acupuncture
are called meridians. The attribute of these
meridians is, however, that various illnesses cause
local blockages in them. These blockages can be
removed on several different manners, one of which
is acupuncture. Therefore the Concept
of Dipolar Gravity explains acupuncture as a skill
of elimination of blockages in flows of moral energy
through these meridians. Of course, all where there
is any form of energy, there are also laws which
rule the behaviour and flow of this energy. In case
of "moral energy" laws which rule it are called the
moral laws.
As this item reveals it, these moral laws exert
a direct influence on our feelings, wellbeing,
health, etc. So in order to feel good in our life,
we must learn to obey these moral laws. Therefore
formed was a special philosophy called
which teaches us how to obey these "moral laws"
in all our actions, and thus how to live a happy,
fulfilled, peaceful, and healthy lives. The only
principle of this philosophy states that "in everything
that you do pedantically obey moral laws".
Translating this into a simpler language, the only
principle of totalizm states that in every our activity
we must act in a manner which is moral, means
which does NOT break any amongst moral laws.
It is worth to notice, that in present times another
philosophy of everyday life escalated throughout
the world, which represents an exact reversal
of totalizm. This another philosophy is called
"parasitism" by the Concept of Dipolar
Gravity, because people who practice it lead
lives of intelligent parasites. The main doctrine
of the philosophy of parasitism states "obey only
these laws and requirements which you are
forced somehow to obey".
More information about moral energy, mechanism
of feelings, work of acupuncture, manner of
earning the nirvana, etc., etc., is provided in
monograph [1/5]. For example see subsections:
I4.3 (and also JG3.7 and OA8.6.3) from volumes
respectively 5, 8 and 13 - for descriptions of moral
energy, I5.5 and I5.6 from volume 5 - for description
of feelings and acupuncture, OA8.6.3 and JG4.1
from volumes respectively 13 and 8 - for the
description of depression, JE1 to JE9 from volume
8 - for the description of nirvana, I4.1, JA1, JA2.5
from volumes respectively 5 and 6 - for descriptions
of moral laws, or the entire volume 6 - for descriptions
of the philosophy of totalizm.
Intelligent counter-world:
The substance called "counter-matter",
which prevails in this parallel "counter-world",
as well as all objects formed from it including
our counter-bodies, display properties which
are exactly opposite to properties to our "matter"
and our physical bodies. For example, our
matter displays mass, inertia, and friction.
Therefore counter-matter is weightless, has
no inertia, and produces no friction. But the
most important for us turn out to be the intellectual
attributes of our matter and this counter-matter.
Namely our matter is "stupid" in the natural state.
Therefore the counter-matter must be opposite
to stupid, means must be "intelligent" in the
natural state. This practically means that the
entire ocean of counter-matter which is contained
in the counter-world displays all properties which
we know as carriers of intelligence. For example
counter-matter in the natural state can gather
information, can store or memorise information,
retrieve information, and think. Practically this
means that the entire counter-world is like one
huge computer. It can create computer-like
programs, and it also can run these programs.
One type amongst numerous such programs
created and stored in the counter-world, are
programs of various laws of nature, including
programs of moral laws. Of course, there is
a wealth of evidence that the counter-world
does exist and that it is intelligent. Several
examples of this evidence are discussed
on the web site
Further descriptions of the Concept of
Dipolar Gravity, including various evidence
and a formal logical proof for the existence
and intelligence of the counter-world, are
provided in volumes 4 and 5 of monograph
[1/5] "Advanced Magnetic Devices", and in
volumes 6 and 7 of monograph [8] "Totalizm" -
both these publications are available free
of charge via this web site. Because it does
not take a lot of time to review these two
volumes, while they open our eyes on
many phenomena which previously
remained unexplained, I am inviting
you to have a look at them.
As this was explained above, the Concept
of Dipolar Gravity assigns the name
"counter-matter" to the intelligent substance
that prevails in this other world called the
"counter-world". This extraordinary substance
is weightless and does not create friction.
Thus it is a kind of enormously runny
liquid (e.g. is slightly similar to water).
The most extraordinary attribute of this substance
from the counter-world is that it is intelligent
in the natural state. This means that
it has the ability of self-learning. Also
it is able to accumulate and to store
programs and data, as well as to
think like a computer. Thus in fact
this counter-matter is like a kind of
"liquid computer" which not only thinks,
and not only runs programs which are
stored in it, but which also can assume
any shapes and any behaviours, that
the result of this thinking orders to it.
The shocking consequence of the entire other
world being filled up with such thinking substance
is, that actually this intelligent other world is
what religions call God. Thus the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity is the first consistent
scientific theory which was able to formulate
the formal proof that God does exist. This
formal scientific proof for the existence
of God is presented in subsection I3.3
from volume 5 of monograph [1/5], and
also in subsection K3.3 from volume 6 of
monograph [8]. It is also discussed on a
separate web site devoted to the
secular and scientific understanding of God
which results from the Concept of Dipolar
Gravity. Of course, independently from
this formal scientific proof, for the existence
of God certifies a huge body of evidence.
For example, the so-called ESP, or cases
of receiving replies to inquiries via divining
pendulums, are actually manifestations of
communication between humans and this
thinking substance from the counter-world.
In light of the above it becomes quite clear how
the Concept of Dipolar Gravity defines God.
According to this definition, God is the intelligent,
self-learning, and moveable substance called
"counter-matter", together with a system of
self-aware natural programs which are contained
in this substance and which control the behaviour
of it. To explain the same in simpler words,
"God is a kind of liquid computer of the size of
entire world, together with a system of natural
programs which control this liquid computer".
Of course, from present computers we know,
that a computer is composed of several basic
components, i.e. hardware, software, and
peripherals. Similarly is with God. This fact
is emphasised for a long time by Christian
religion. The religion informs us that God is
in fact three basic components, namely
God Father (i.e. the "hardware" - means the
entire counter-matter), Holy Ghost (i.e.
the "software" - by the Concept of Dipolar
Gravity called the "universal intellect"),
and the "God Son" (i.e. a kind of "peripherals"
purposely made from the special kind
of hardware and software - for details
see "Part #I" of this web page). For more
information about these three basic
components of God see also a separate
web page about the
secular and scientific understanding of God.
theory of everything
described here and called the "Concept of Dipolar
Gravity" not only defines God and scientifically explains
what actually God is, but it also provides us with
tools for formal proving the existence of God. Because
this formal scientific proof for the existence of God
is so immensely important for each one of us, the
completion, interpretation, and photographic illustration
of it is published on a separate web page
god_proof.htm - about formal scientific proof that "God does exist".
I highly recommend having a look at that web page.
The same proof for the existence of God completed
with methods of mathematical logic is also published
in subsection I3.3.4 from volume 5 of the newest
monograph [1/5].
People have truly compartmental minds
completely deprived of elasticity. For example,
in matter of the origins of man, people
subdivided themselves into two basic camps,
which mutually fight views of the opposite camp.
The first out of these camps takes literally
words of the Bible and believes that the world
and people were created by God in 6 days.
(In 7th day God rested.) The second camp
claims that man was created as the outcome
of a series of uncoordinated random events
which completely by accident composed the
process of "natural evolution".
In turn findings of the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity
described on this web page, reveal that
both these camps are partially right and
partially wrong. Namely, according to these
findings, purely accidental evolution in
fact did exist. But the outcome of it was
the origin of
not man. The evolution of God was much
easier than the evolution of man. After
all, God evolved as a self-aware program
appearing in a self-learning and already
existing liquid computer. Only then this
God created man. In this creation of man
God utilised the method of "intelligently
controlled evolution", which was very
similar to natural evolution. More information
on this subject is contained in "Part #I" below
this web page, and also on a separate web
page entirely devoted to the subject of the
of man.
Part #F:
Purely physical (hardware) phenomena occurring in counter-matter and explained by the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity:
The substance which prevails in our physical
world, means so-called "matter", displays
the tendency to fall into vibrations. These
vibrations in the large part of their spectrum
are perceived by our senses as so-called
"sounds". But if parallel to our world there
is a whole huge other world filled up with
extraordinary substance called "counter-matter",
then this other substance also must display
tendency to fall into vibrations similar to
sounds from our world. In turn our
counter-material duplicates are able to
utilise these vibrations for forming a kind
of "speech" with the use of which they
communicate in the counter-world. It
is this kind of "speech" propagated through
vibrations of counter-matter that we call
"telepathy". More information on
telepathy is contained in subsection H7.1
from volume 4 of my newest
monograph [1/5].
On the subject of telepathy there is also a
separate web page entitled
Permanent telekinetisation:
In item #B3 of this web page was explained,
that an extraordinary telekinetic motion always
takes place when a physical object is
"pulled" by its own counter-material duplicate.
In turn item #E1 of this web page stresses
that every physical object which exists in
our world is linked by gravity forces with
its own counter-material duplicate which
exists in the counter-world. Both above
pieces of information are of key importance for
understanding of an unique phenomenon,
which is called "permanent telekinetisation".
Permanent telekinetisation is a special kind
of vibrations, which are maintained in some
substances, or in their components. In these
substances atoms vibrate
in relation to their counter-material duplicates.
Because of this, a part of the vibratory motion
of these atoms is carried out on principles of
physical motion, while another part - on
principles of telekinetic motion. In the result,
such permanently telekinetised substances
are characterised by a whole range of attributes
that usually are demonstrated during telekinetic
motion. For example, the can emit extraction
glow, their mass can decrease, they may show
characteristics that are unique for superconductors,
In some versions of permanent telekinetisation,
substances that are subjected to it display healing
attributes. These attributes are similar to ones
which are obtained during acting with telekinetic
field on living organisms. Thus in
such substances are used as kinds of universal
medicines helpful for every illness. Furthermore,
some permanently telekinetised substances
induce faster and richer growth. Thus e.g. water
which is telekinetised by passing through the
focal point of a pyramid was used for so-called
"telekinetic farming" in past. It
induced extremely rich harvests in any
poor soil.
More information about permanent telekinetisation,
and also about extraordinary attributes of permanently
telekinetised substances, is presented in subsections
H8.1 and KB1 from volumes respectively 4 and 9
of my newest
monograph [1/5].
In turn the "telekinetic farming" is described in subsection
KB2 from volume 9 of my newest
monograph [1/5].
Part #G:
Purely software induced phenomena manifested by counter-matter and postulated by the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity:
theory of everything
called the "Concept of Dipolar Gravity" states that
the extraordinary substance which prevails
in the counter-world displays attributes of
present computer. Means, it is able to store
and then run various natural programs. One
kind of the most elementary natural programs
which is continuously stored in this substance
and which defines how this substance supposed
to behave, is called "energy". But
because the behaviour of counter-matter
decides how matter from our world linked
with counter-matter via gravity forces must
behave, these elementary programs of
energy define also the behaviour of matter
from our world. So according to the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity energy is simply
a kind of most elementary natural programs
contained in counter-matter, which define
the behaviour of this counter-matter, and thus
also define the behaviour of matter. More
information which explains what energy is in
the Concept of Dipolar Gravity, is presented
in subsections H9.2 and H4.1 from volume
4 of my newest
monograph [1/5].
At this point is should be added, that although
human science proposed so-far several definitions
of energy, in fact still this science is unable to
explain what actually this energy is. In turn having
NO explanation for the nature of energy, this science
is also unable to describe exactly all attributes
of energy. Therefore in reality whatever the present
official science claims about energy itself, and about
attributes of energy, is actually more a mythology,
or wishes, than facts. In other words, all "laws"
concerning energy which the present science
disseminates, in fact are NOT worth of a proverbial
"straw". Practically this also means, that in many
matters concerning the generation and attributes
of energy, the official human science still remains
in a complete error. It is also hugely irresponsible
of it, that without being able to even unambiguously
explain the nature of energy, in its arrogance the
science ignores or condemns a whole array of
various phenomena and capabilities, e.g. the
ones described on totaliztic web pages
eco_cars.htm - about designs and principles of operation of zero emission cars of the future or
telekinetics.htm - about experimental research and development of telekinetic machines.
The Concept of Dipolar Gravity states that
everything in our universe which describes
some sort of behaviour, actually is a kind
of natural program which is stored in, and
run by, counter-matter. Examples of such
natural programs include energy (also moral
energy), laws of nature (e.g. moral laws),
time, thinking, etc. These natural programs
have the ability to move through counter-matter
and matter. The Concept of Dipolar Gravity also
states that all such natural programs which move
through counter-matter (and also through
matter from our world) form a phenomenon
during this motion, which is quite similar to
force field formed in our world during friction.
We call "gravity" this kind of "forces of
friction" formed during the motion of natural
programs through the counter-matter. Thus
according to the Concept of Dipolar Gravity
the name "gravity" is assigned to a kind of friction-like
force field formed during circulation of various
natural programs through the entire universe.
More extensive explanation what actually is
"gravity" in the light of the Concept of Dipolar Gravity,
is presented in subsections H9.3 and JG3.7.1
from volumes respectively 4 and 8 of my newest
monograph [1/5].
How the nature of gravity explains the shape of the physical world:
From the manner on which the phenomenon
of gravity is created in the Concept of
Dipolar Gravity, stems also the information
as to what must be the shape of the physical
world in which we live. As it turns out, the
physical world in this concept is shaped
like a very thin, flat pancake hovering
inside of a gigantic "droplet" of counter-matter
that forms the counter-world. This "pancake"
of our world and the "droplet" of the counter-world
are mutually separated with an invisible
and impenetrable barrier that exists between
our world and the counter-world. This thin
"pancake" of our physical world is only one
amongst three separate worlds which together
constitute the entire universe. Means, this
thin pancake is our world, the "droplet" of
counter-matter in which it hovers is the
counter-world, while in the memory of
intelligent liquid of counter-matter, which forms
both these worlds, is contained the third
virtual world. Unfortunately, the flow of
programs (energy, execution control)
between our world and the counter-world,
which produces gravity forces
described earlier, causes that this thin
like-pancake is not stretched flat - as
we would expect that it would stretch on
a saucer or on a frying pan. In reality
gravity forces this pancake to wind up
into ripples and zigzags, so that in some
areas of space it even overlap over itself.
In the result, this flat and thin physical
world looks like a thin pancake extremely
squashed and rolled in ripples and zigzags
over itself. More information on the
subject of the shape and appearance of
the entire universe according to findings
of the Concept of Dipolar Gravity is
presented in subsection JG3.7.1 from
volume 8 of my newest
monograph [1/5].
In turn the process of creation of the
physical world by
is described below in item #I4.
Software explanation for the idea of time in the Concept of Dipolar Gravity
(i.e. "software time" from our physical world, versus "absolute time" from the counter-world):
"Absolutely everything in the entire universe is only a manifestation of
intelligent counter-matter and natural programs which reside in this
counter-matter and which control behaviours of it."
The Concept of Dipolar Gravity explained
the idea of time in a completely different
(software) manner than this idea is explained
by the old "atheistic orthodox science"
(i.e. by this monopolistic, ignorant, erroneous,
arrogant, and anti-God science, which is
described in items #C1 to #C6 from the
totaliztic web page named
The full explanation of this software time
is provided in item #C3 from the separate
web page about principles of overcoming
deaths by people and accomplishing
immortal lives,
and also in item #B2.1 from the separate web page about
time vehicles.
Here (below) is only summarised briefly
the essence of it.
According to this software explanation, the
"software time" which is experienced by all living
creatures from the physical world (including people),
is actually the flow of "execution control" through
natural programs contained in the counter-matter.
In order to explain this in other words, counter-matter
and natural programs contained in it are like
a kind of "liquid computer" which in our physical
world assumes shapes of everything that we see
around ourselves. (About this "liquid computer"
I already wrote in item #E3 above.) For example,
our bodies, and also buildings, mountains, or
entire planets, are made of just such separate
"liquid computers" which assume these shapes.
The computers are controlled by appropriate
programs contained in them, which command them
what supposed to happen, which changes they
supposed to endure, etc. Well, the motion of
the execution control (i.e. like the motion of a
"cursor") through subsequent commands of
these programs is actually perceived by us
as an elapse of time. Thus our time is actually
a kind of "software time", or a software simulation
of the true time.
The Concept of Dipolar Gravity states further,
that in the process of creation of our physical
world, the elapse of time in our "physical world"
was intentionally so pre-programmed by God,
that God, and also all more technically advanced
people, could control this elapse of time in any
way they wish. (The description of the creation
of our physical world is provided in item #I4
below.) For example, people can control the
elapse of time through building special machines
time vehicles.
In order to reassure this control, the elapse
of "software time" in the physical world was
clearly separated from the elapse of "natural
time" (or "true time") in the remaining two
worlds of our three-world universe, i.e. in the
"counter-world" (in which the indestructible
counter-matter resides, which is in the state
of continuous motion), and in the "virtual world"
(in which the indestructible and timeless
universal intellect resides, means which is
the home for God - or more strictly the home
for this component of God which the Christian
religion calls
Holy Ghost.)
I explain now more accurately the above capability
of shifting back in time in this software time of our
physical world. In fact, the universe has two kinds
of time. One of these is the "absolute time"
of the universe - means the time, the elapse of
which affects God. This absolute time elapses
in a manner as present people on Earth experience
their elapse of time. Means, when it already
passes, God is unable to shift it back and
change anything that with him (means with
God) happened earlier. But for God this
mechanical flow of absolute time of the
universe has no larger significance. After
all, God, counter-matter, and programs that
God creates, all of them can exist infinitively.
The only significance that this absolute time
has for God, is that by being aware of its
irreversible flow and consequences, God
so pre-programmed the physical world in
which we live, that the "software time"
which works in this physical world could
be shifted backward or forward. (The process
of creation of the physical world by God is described
below in item #I4.) Therefore, while creating
the physical world, God so pre-programmed
it, that all possible "times" from the physical
world (i.e. the past, presence, and future)
do exist in it simultaneously, in the form of
so-called "timespace", also called "omniplan".
An extensive description of this "timespace",
or "omniplan", is provided in item #C3 from
a different totaliztic web page named
In order to accommodate all these different "times",
the "timespace" ("omniplan") is composed of
many separate like "layers", each one of
which represents a different "software time"
from our physical world. For example, in
separate layers of this "timespace", still at this
moment exists, and works, our physical world
in the form that it manifested itself e.g. in the
year 1000 B.C. In another layer our physical
world is already there which is going to manifest
itself e.g. only in the year 8 000 A.D. So if
someone knows how, then from the present
moment such someone can shift to any selected
one amongst these two times (as well as to any
other time), through a simple crossing to another
layer of this "timespace" ("omniplan"). Although
these times (layers of "software time") from the
physical world are also subjected to the action
of the "absolute
time" of the entire universe, this absolute time has
no influence on them, as they do exist infinitively
long. After all, counter-matter from which they
are formed, as well as programs which provide
them with the required form and attributes, exist infinitively.
Since all time in this "timespace" do exist the
entire future and the entire past of our physical
world, then God, as well as all more intelligent
creatures which populate the physical world, can travel
in time both forward and backward. After all, this
travelling in time is simply a travelling in various
directions across this "timespace" that always
exists in its entirety.
The basis for the creation of the fully controllable
elapse of this "software time" in the physical world
is the existence of this so-called "timespace",
or "omniplan". The "timespace", or "omniplan", is
a kind of like a "software container" or "software
structure", separated from the rest of the universe,
which the container or structure in every moment
of time contains all objects that ever
existed, exist now, or will exist in the entire
physical world and in all times which constitute
this present physical world. As I am explaining this
in item #C3 from the totaliztic web page named
in the work and in design this software container or
structure (i.e. "omniplan") resembles slightly the
today's "control programs" from machine tools
with numerical (computerised) control. Only that,
people's insight to these objects of the entire timespace
is limited to the capability to see just whatever
was located in a given layer of timespace through
which these people are just passing. This
timespace is also timeless and indestructible -
although it can be subjected to continuous
reconfiguring (i.e. to movements of objects
contained in it). In fact it has the same attributes
as the counter-world and the virtual world.
After such indestructible and fully defined
timespace was pre-programmed by God,
the elapse of time in our physical world
is defined as the "path of every object existing
in our physical world across this timespace,
controlled by appropriate natural control programs".
Thus the elapse of time in the Concept of
Dipolar Gravity is comparable to someone's
march through a landscape (where this
"landscape" is just the "timespace"). In
normal cases, this march always can
be carried on in the same direction - which
we call the direction of the elapse of time.
But if someone gains an access to the control
programs which manage this our passage through
the timespace, then such someone can
move in time in any direction and with
any speed. In this way
travels through time
are possible. (E.g. it is possible to repetitively
shift back in time to years of our youth in order
to accomplish the so-called "imprisoned
immortality" described in item #E1 of
the separate web page about the
philosophy of parasitism.)
The most vital in this software definition of time
is the structure (design) of this "timespace".
The closest things to which this structure could
be compared are so-called objects
in a version of present programming of
computers which is called the OOP (i.e.
Object-Oriented Programming). For example,
a given object existing in the "timespace"
of our physical world, e.g. a stone, is
similar to the OOP computer program
which defines a similar object visible on
screens of our present computers, e.g.
similar to the program which shows a
button on the screen of a computer
(this button can also be made in the
shape of a stone). Means, in fact this stone
which we see is actually a program,
similarly like a program is also this
button on the screen of the computer.
But counter-matter from the counter-world,
inside of which the program of this stone
resides, provides the image of the stone
with the required appearance, actual state,
changes to which it is going to be subjected
with the elapse of time, etc. How this
appearance of stone is maintained,
one can imagine easily by considering what
would happen when present computers are
made of a "liquid" and could e.g. assume
shapes of any object, e.g. this stone - if the
program contained in them would require
them to look like a stone.
Furthermore, in our physical world every
"object" of this "timespace" is positioned in
a "nested" manner in the entire hierarchy
of other objects. For example, several such
"liquid computers" pre-programmed to form
elementary particles from themselves, are
combined together to form individual atoms.
Then a series of such "liquid computers"
forming entire atoms, is further combined
together to form crystals from the crystallised
structure of a given stone. In turn these
"liquid computers" that form crystals are
also combined together to form an entire
stone. Later this stone is a component
of a larger configuration - e.g. a pyramid
made of stones. This configuration is then
a part of even larger planet. Etc., etc. - almost
The subsequent "objects" which form the "timespace"
from our physical world are obeying certain laws.
For example, they change themselves, they can
be relocated in space or in time, etc. The only
thing which people are not allowed to do with them
is to generate them, or to destroy them before they
had opportunity to manifest themselves in our world -
this formation or complete destruction of objects is reserved
for the universal intellect (God). Therefore time travel
is able to change the fate of objects, but is unable to
neither completely remove these objects, nor to
create completely new such objects. For more
information on the same subject see also the web page about
time vehicles.
Part #H:
Why it is worth to learn the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity
and to implement it in our understanding of the world around us:
Everyone who managed to undertake the
effort of thorough learning of the new scientific
theory discussed on this web page, benefits
from this effort in a number of different ways.
Because these benefits carry the potential of
introducing a huge positive change to quality
of our everyday life, it is worth to list and to
describe here at least the most vital amongst
them. Here are these ones, which influence
on the further life can be perceived by practically
everyone amongst us:
We begin to consider findings and recommendations of the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity
in our everyday life. If we really learn thoroughly
scientific foundations and findings of the Concept of
Dipolar Gravity, then almost for sure it will convince
us to a different view of the reality around us. In turn,
if someone adopts this different view, then also begins
consider and implement in everyday life the findings
and recommendations that it generates. The consequence
is that only then we begin to reap various benefits
stemming from the knowledge of this concept. For
example, many phenomena which previously we
even did not notice, rapidly begin to demonstrate
the operation for us, many puzzles which other
people do not understand rapidly begin to have
the rational explanation for us, our thought horizons
become indescribably widened, our view of the
world and systems of values will change completely,
we will gain the peace of mind and a kind of quiet
serenity, we will find a correct direction as how to
lead our lives, many stresses and unnecessary
emotions disappears from our lives, our health
and wellbeing is improved, etc., etc.
Learning the key which opens the access of humanity
to unlimited resources of energy. The action of
telekinesis as a reversal of the phenomenon of friction
allows to undertake the construction of so-called "free
energy devices". These devices extract thermal energy
contained in free state in our environment, and convert
this energy into some useful form, e.g. into heat, electricity,
motion, etc. The mastery of these devices will open
for humanity the access to practically unlimited amounts
of energy.
Learning explanations for almost all puzzles and
mysteries which so-far were considered unexplained
by our official science. After all, the Concept of Dipolar
Gravity provides scientific explanation for a huge number
of such puzzles and mysteries. Numerous their examples
are discussed even on this web page. A whole array
of further ones is explained on related web pages
listed in item #K2 below. Even still more of such puzzles
is described and explained in the full edition of this
concept, means in volumes 4 and 5 of my newest
monograph [1/5].
The most vital in explanations of this concept is
that for almost every amongst these puzzles and
mysteries, the concept presents wide scope of evidence
which documents that a given explanation is actually
the correct one. In turn, when the present puzzles
are explained, our life becomes enriched. After all,
then we can start to act and create - instead of just
wonder and be amused.
Gaining the key to a more moral, peaceful, fulfilled,
and constructive life. Many findings of the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity introduces new qualities
into our life. Their example is the formal scientific
proof revealing that
in fact does exists, and explaining the nature and
operation of God. After all, such a proof changes
our speculations and views which were based just
on faith (or disbelieve) into a scientific knowledge
and certainty. In turn it is known well, that always
one can stop believing, but one never stops knowing.
In turn after the change of our faith and speculations
about God into a scientific knowledge and certainty,
our life starts to gain a completely different meaning.
After all, our systems of values become changed, while
the to-date uncertainty and fear are replaced with the
serenity and the feeling of someone's protection.
Another example of a part of this concept, which
introduces a different quality to our lives, is the
philosophy resulting from the Concept of Dipolar
Gravity and called
Totalizm is currently the only philosophy on Earth,
which indicates the really working in practice and
already verified in action recipes for a happy and
fulfilled life.
Research projects which are worth completing in order to improve further the theory described here:
No theory is perfect and completely finish
from the first moment it is formulated.
In fact the formulation of any theory is just
a beginning of work on the further refining
and developing it to the final perfection.
Similarly is also with the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity.
The formulation of this concept only initiated
a whole series of detailed research on
specific findings which stem from it. This
research actually lasts until today. Many
potential topics of the research which still
awaits to be completed are described in
various subsections of my newest
monograph [1/5] -
as an example see there subsections H10
or H1.3 from volume 4, or subsections JG9
or JG3 from volume 8. Numerous out of these
topics are so urgent, that they require addressing
with the first priority. Below I am indicating
several examples of such topics, which
because of their urgency should be researched
with the highest priority.
The explanation of the Concept of Dipolar Gravity
for mechanism which governs weather and climate
on Earth. This topic is explained more
comprehensively on a separate web page named
It is even more urgent lately as our civilisation
is continually experiencing huge losses because
of the present inability to control weather and
climate, and inability to even predict exactly
changes of weather and climate.
Our learning of mechanisms which govern the release
of karma for each kind of complex feelings. This
research topic is enough attractive to be undertaken
by practically everyone. In turn findings which it may
introduce, are able lift the quality of life for each one
of us. A more accurate description of it is contained
on the web page named
The development of methods for an effective restoration
of amounts of our moral energy. The level of moral
energy which we currently accumulated in our counter-body
bears a huge influence on our wellbeing. After all, when
we lack of this energy we fall into depressions,
or even many people commit suicides. The
philosophy of totalizm developed methods of an effective
restoration of the level of this energy. But these methods
still require further research and perfecting. The problem
of the link between the level of our moral energy
and our wellbeing is already discussed on another
web page named
Soon also further web pages will be developed on
a similar subject, which will be devoted to the problem
of depressions and suicides. Furthermore, this matter
is relatively well presented in subsections I5.5, JG3.7, and
OA8.6.3 from volumes, respectively 5, 8 and 13 of my newest
monograph [1/5].
The interesting attribute of research on the link
between our wellbeing and the level of our moral
energy, and on methods of restoration of the level of
our energy, is that this research, systematic monitoring,
and empirical experiments on this subject, can be
carried out by practically everyone amongst us.
Part #I:
How really this our universe is constructed and works in the light of findings of the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity:
Orthodox science scare us with seriously
sounding fables about the origins of the
physical world in which we live. According
to it, at the very beginning there supposed
to be the so-called "big bang". Then galaxies
began to "escape", laws of physics began
to "form just by themselves", etc., etc.
Furthermore, the life "evolved just on its own"
by a complete accident. Also by a complete
accident the
evolution of man from an ape
took place. In turn one day all these things
are going to begin shrinking senselessly
and implode without any reasons, until
one day all this disappears again
into nothingness. Such fables sound
very professional and scary. After all,
scientists saturated them with scientific
terminology incomprehensible for ordinary
people and supported with unverifiable
"evidence". In addition, these fables are
very fatalistic. For example, similarly as
these countless scares spread by
evil doers
they also contain the constant warning
about an inevitable "end of everything" -
thus scaring more naive people.
But are these fables true? Religions and
the church state that NOT. But religions
are too old fashioned and too dogmatic
to explain WHY these scientific fables
about the origins and nature of the
physical world are just only fables for
thoughtless and naive people. Fortunately the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity
described on this web page shares the
views of religions. Also this concept has
the access to research methods and to
evidence which in the final count is able
to indicate why present science
and scientists are at wrong in these matters,
and which explanation is closer to the truth
than this erroneous picture disseminated
by the official science. This part of the web page
briefly summarises the stand of the Concept
of Dipolar Gravity in the matter of the origins
of our physical world.
Why present scientific description of the reality around us is a deception invented
only to divert our attention from attempts to describe this reality correctly, and to
discourage any further continuation of such attempts:
Our present official orthodox science widely
advertises its apparent "accomplishments"
in establishing the origin of the physical
world in which we live. However, the same
science is still unable to explain so basic
matters as what is the mechanism of
formation of magnetic field and electric
field, or where the intelligence of elementary
particles comes from. In turn if the orthodox
science is still unable to explain such basic
matters, then the logic tells us that also
in these important matters, such as the
origin of the entire world in which we live
or the origin of mankind,
this science must also be in even a greater
error. And this prompting of logic is true.
If one analyses thoroughly the actual
"evidence" and logical deductions on which
these statements of orthodox science are
based, then it rapidly turns out something
shocking. Namely these statements are
based exclusively on premises, not on
facts - and even these premises are
very shaky. In turn the actual "evidence"
which would support the conclusions
unjustly derived from these premises
(instead from facts) in reality does NOT
exist at ll. Therefore the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity
described here, has reasons to deny the
validity of the descriptions of the surrounding
reality by orthodox science, and to declare
these descriptions not only to be erroneous
from the very beginning, but also to be a complete
nonsense. This concept has the following
reservations to the present scientific description
of the surrounding reality and physical world:
Present scientific description of the surrounding
reality and physical world is completely deprived
the explanation of the role of
in the creation of this world. On the other
hand, one of the most important breakthroughs
that introduced the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity
to our understanding of the reality around us,
is the
formal proof for the existence of God
mentioned in item #E3 of this web page.
In turn when God does exist - as the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity has proven
it formally, while scientists overlooked
the role of God in their description of the
surrounding reality, then it is sure that
their scientific description must be erroneous
from the very foundations. After all, this
desciption avoids to address the influence of
on the creation of the world that God
created. Science describes the world
in a manner as if it originates and exists
completely without God. This is a bit like
an attempt to explain the origin of a
house while completely overlooking
the role of a builder who constructed
this house.
The present scientific description of surrounding
reality misses completely the explanation of the role
of natural intelligence noticed by scientists in some
behaviours of matter (e.g. in behaviours of so-called
"elementary particles"). On the other hand, if
the most elementary components of our world, i.e.
elementary particles, display natural intelligence
in their behaviour, then it is also sure that this
intelligence impacts somehow the physical world
which is constructed from these particles. So it
must NOT be omitted in the description of the
origin of our world. For comparison, if it is known
that e.g. stones which are used for foundations
of houses are able to move just by themselves, then
the buildings which are constructed on such stones
would be looking completely different than present
buildings constructed on motionless stones. But
scientists formulate their explanations of the origin
of the physical world, as if there is no difference
introduced by an intelligence which participated
in this origin.
The present scientific description of surrounding
reality avoids explaining the origins of software
nature of some mot basic phenomena of the
physical world, such as energy, gravity,
elapse of time, etc. In other words,
all explanations of the orthodox scientists
assume purely "hardware" character of
everything that surrounds us in the physical
world. In fact these scientists never even
consider that various primary phenomena
of our reality have a "software" origin and
character. However, as this is explained in
Part #G of this web page, the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity
clearly revealed the software nature of all
most fundamental phenomena of the
physical world. For example, such
basic phenomena as
time, etc.,
in fact are natural programs, not kinds of
physical "hardware". In turn, if the science
commits such an enormous error already
at the very beginning of its claims, then
conclusions which it derrives
must be completely invalid.
The Concept of Dipolar Gravity has also reservations
because of the absolute lack of evidence which would
confirm conclusions of the science to-date.
In fact whatever scientists indicate as supposed
"evidence" in support of their claims, in reality is
very shaky, can be explained on many different
ways, and in practice does NOT conform to conditions
imposed onto evidence. As an example of the absurd
of "evidence" of the science consider the so-called
"red shift" of the light of stars - which supposedly
is an evidence for the "big bang" and the "escape
of galaxies". However, if our planet is NOT located
in the exact centre where the epicentre of this "big
bang" was located, then in order to actually be such
an evidence, only a part of stars should display this
"red shift" - while another part should display a
"blue shift". In order to understand the absurd
of this supposed "evidence" for the "big bang",
it is enough to consider what we would think of
a close-minded scientist who would come up
with a theory, that the Earth's atmosphere is just
"imploding", because the blue colour of it in
cloudless days displays the "blue shift" which
is closely related to this "red shift" of the light
from stars. After all, the red colour of stars
observed in cloudless days carries surprisingly
many attributes in common with the blue colour
of sky in the cloudless days.
* * *
Because of the facts listed above, all results
of investigations of the official Earth's science
to date about the origins and functioning of
the physical world that surrounds us loose
completely their validity. Expressing this in
other words, everything that orthodox
scientists explain so-far about the origins
and character of the surrounding reality is
a huge "nonsense fallen from a top of ivory tower",
which is not even near the truth on this matter.
In this nonsense one can clearly notice, that
the descriptions of the physical world disseminated
so-far by present official science are only
a kind of masquerade and scary scientific
monolog, which are aimed exclusively at
turning people away from searching for the
truth about the real origins of the world which
surrounds us. For this reason, it is necessary
to renew our efforts of describing the origins
of the surrounding reality in more adequate
way, coming out from the fact of the existence
of God. The explanations provided below
are trying to do just that in a brief manner.
But before we introduce the picture of the
surrounding reality which is including the
role of God, and also the fact that all main
phenomena of our physical world have the
intelligent and software character, we must
consider first how God evolved. After all,
before this God could create the physical
world that surrounds us, and then create
humans, God himself must firstly somehow
raise up from the initial chaos of the counter-world.
At the very beginning of everything the
universe was composed of just a single
world. By the Concept of Dipolar Gravity
this most primary world of the universe
is called the counter-world. The
key attributes of it include: the lack of
boundaries (i.e. the infinitely large size),
the infinitively long existence (i.e. eternity -
means the lack of beginning and the lack
of prospect for ending), spreading along
four dimensions, and being uniformly filled
up with an extraordinary kind of "liquid"
substance - by the Concept of Dipolar
Gravity called the "counter-matter".
The counter-matter is an "intelligent substance" -
in its natural state it has the intelligence of
a "computer hardware". But in this first half
of the infinitively long time of existence of
the universe, when God was beginning to
evolve, this counter-matter had only a potential
for gathering information, but in these "times"
it still did NOT contain any "program" inside.
Thus, the counter-matter was then similar
to a self-learning computer in which there
is no any program installed as yet. After all,
counter-matter in the natural state is able
to accumulate and to store information,
is able to think, etc. Also every single particle
of counter-matter has attributes which in
human computers are assigned only to
the so-called "accumulator". While displaying
the potential for acquiring information,
this counter-matter is a highly moveable
kind of liquid - slightly similar to boiling
water. So in these primeval "times" it streamed
chaotically from one area of the counter-world
to other areas, formed whirls and streams,
and "played" with its own capabilities. Because
a potential attribute of this counter-matter
is the ability to self-learn, during this playing
with itself it gradually learned about itself.
In turn, this knowledge was accumulated in
it as increasingly more complex "natural programs"
which started to fill up the memory of this
counter-matter. At some stage of the development
of the universe, these natural programs become
so developed, that they acquired their self-awareness.
This self-awareness was the beginning of the
formation of what we now call God.
In the scenario described above which portraits
the beginnings of our present universe and the
beginnings of God, the most difficult to imagine is probably
the topic of infinitive size
of the universe. After all, for human minds used
to limitations, the infinitive size is difficult to comprehend.
In turn, the universe with limited size would not
be possible to exist, nor possible to explain, nor
also possible to understand. After all, there would
always need to exist "something" beyond borders
of such a finite universe, and thus it would always
induce a question in us, what is beyond these borders.
I personally believe that God in his numerous acts
of creations gave us numerous hints, which indicate
how this infinite universe looks like. (These hints
are contained e.g. in the design and development
of humans created on God's own image, and
also in the manner human imagination works -
e.g. in the fact that people are unable to
imagine infinitive "something", but without
any difficulties they imagine infinitive "nothing".
After all, according to the philosophical law
of totalizm discussed briefly in item #B4 from
the web page named
"whatever cannot be imagined nor invented,
for sure does not exist".) So, supported by
the findings of the Concept of Dipolar Gravity,
I am going to explain here how I understand
now this infinitive size of the universe suggested
by God's hints. Here is my explanation:
The universe in fact is a space of
infinitively large size. After all, infinitively
large can only be a space. This space
has NO end nor borders. Thus, nothing exists
beyond it. This infinite space of the universe
is uniformly filled up with "counter-matter",
forming the entire so-called "counter-world".
This counter-matter also spreads infinitively.
It is within this counter-matter that gradually
evolved our God. Later from a limited volume
of this infinitely spreading counter-matter
God created our "physical world". This
"physical world" has already a limited
size. Behind borders of our physical
world continues further this infinite space
filled up with chaotically moving intelligent
counter-matter. Thus, our physical world is
like a kind of a gigantic "droplet", "bubble",
or "cocoon" of matter having finite dimensions,
suspended inside of the infinitively large
space of the counter-world filled up uniformly
with intelligent counter-matter.
However, the above picture of the physical
world requires adding, that because of the
mechanisms of the operation of the universe,
this "bubble" or "cocoon" of our physical world
has approximately the shape of a "pancake",
and it is quite a folded one (not mentioning
that because of the action of continually moving
counter-matter it slowly changes its shape all
the time) - as is described in more details in
the literature referred to from item #G3 of this
web page.
In the initial stage of the evolution of this software
self-awareness in the counter-matter of the
universe, almost for sure several brotherly
software creatures appeared, all of which
had self-awareness. After all, the theory of
probability states, that if any process is possible
in a relatively large area, then for sure this
process occurs in a number of places simultaneously.
The above suggests, that at some stage of the
infinitively long existence of the intelligent
counter-matter, more than one such self-aware
brotherly programs-creatures appeared in
various regions of the counter-matter. These
ones amongst brotherly programs-creatures
with self-awareness, which appeared in the
same area of the counter-world, probably
began to compete with each other. So in the
memory of counter-matter a kind of "brotherly
wars of self-aware programs" probably took
then place. In these wars the winner was a
single program with the highest level of wisdom.
It overcame or subdued all other programs
that operated in its region of the counter-world.
Probably, the source of its advantage over
other brotherly programs - was the wisdom,
and the principles which it used in fight - that
stemmed from this wisdom. This victorious program
is our present God, or more strictly - this
component of God which the Christian religion calls
Holy Ghost
(the Concept of Dipolar Gravity calls it the
"universal intellect"). In turn these other
brotherly programs, which evolved in the
same area of the counter-world as our
God, but which had a lower level of wisdom
and thus which lost these primeval wars and
were destroyed or made to comply, probably
due to their unwise behaviours become
the source of the idea which presently
we call with the use of general name
"evil" or "unrighteousness". Probably the
memory of this primeval competition or battle,
which with the elapse of time led to the
creation of the single unifying program-being
which presently we call the universal intellect
(God), survived to our times in the form
of idea of a fight of good with evil. In later
times God has embedded the experience
from this fight of good and evil into the
principle of operation of the present physical
world described in item #I4 below.
What is the most interesting, in the
Bible authorised (inspired) by God,
most probably God describes this His primeval
fight, and His victory accomplished due to
the wisdom. For example, in verses 10:1-3
from the Biblical "Book of Wisdom" (chapter
"Wisdom Preserves Her Followers"), is written -
I am quoting here verses from the US Catholic
Bible, which in July 2013 was available, amongst
others, at the internet address
"She [i.e. the Wisdom]
preserved the first-formed father of the world
when he alone had been created; And she
raised him up from his fall, and gave him power
to rule all things. But when an unrighteous man
withdrew from her in his anger, he perished
through his fratricidal wrath."
At this point it should be noted, that in other areas
of the infinitely large counter-world, which are too
far away from our God for Him to interfere with them,
also probably self-evolved similar self-aware software
beings. Thus, they probably create their own separate
"cocoons-worlds" in which they themselves become gods.
As it is explained in item # B1.1 of the web page named
our God is certainly aware of their existence and
activities. Therefore, out of necessity, He must also
reckon with the possibility that sometime in the distant
future He may need to confront those other gods,
while people of our God may need to confront the
inhabitants of other worlds that these distant gods
created. This is why God is already grooming
people into resourceful, hardened in battle, and
moral "soldiers of God" - as this is explained
further on a number of my web pages, e.g. in
item #J3 from the web page named
In the result of this competition of self-aware
brotherly programs-creatures, which with the
elapse of time led to the appearance of single
God (or more strictly to the appearance of this
component of the three-componential God,
which the Concept of Dipolar Gravity calls the
universal intellect),
the universe went through a dramatic change.
Namely, to the initially existing "counter-world"
filled up uniformly with potentially intelligent and
self-learning counter-matter, another "virtual world"
was added, which was inhabited by the universal
intellect (God) and by other natural programs that
control the behaviour of counter-matter and that
remain under the control of this single (our) God.
Of course, God draw correct conclusions out
of this first period of its own evolution. For
example, one of these is the principle to never
form competition for itself (i.e. if different beings
need to be created, then these must be placed
in a separate world created especially for them -
as God did this with humans). Another conclusion
is that the fight of good and evil can be utilised as
a vital factor which accelerates the development
and evolution, and which increases the quality
of the final outcome.
The prejudice which we nurture allow many
people to accept the
self-evolution of man,
but do NOT allow them to even think of the
self-evolution of God. But in spite of these
prejudices, in fact self-evolution of God is
structurally much more easy to appear than
the self-evolution of man. God is structurally
consistent intellect, as it has the character of
the huge self-aware program. Thus for nature
was much easier to complete the self-evolution
of this structurally consistent God, than it
would be in case of accomplishing a self-evolution
of such structurally complex creatures as man.
In fact, when there is a computer, than a program
for it is much easier to create than to create e.g.
a living tissue. The evidence for it can be our present
scientists - a large proportion of which writes
good programs, but none of them is able to
create even a smallest blade of a most primitive
grass. Counter-matter is a kind of self-learning
liquid computer. So if these is somewhere such
a self-learning computer displaying attributes
of the counter-matter, then even if initially it is
empty, with the elapse of time it must evolve
inside a kind of self-aware program. This thesis
can be tested experimentally in the future,
because one day the humanity probably develops
such self-learning computers having characteristics
of the counter-matter.
To summarise this item, the Concept of
Dipolar Gravity confirms that in fact a coincidental
self-evolution, similar to the one which present
orthodox science attributes to the origin of man,
actually did take place in nature. But the outcome
of this coincidental self-evolution was the appearance of
not the appearance of man. Only this God later
created man with the use of empirical method of
trial and error - which could also be called the
"intelligently controlled evolution".
* * *
Independently from this item, the process of
the self-evolution of the second component
of God described here, means of this huge
natural program which religions call the
"Holy Ghost" while the philosophy of totalizm
calls the "universal intellect", is presented
on several further totaliztic web pages, for
example in item #B1 from the separate web page
or in item #B8 from the web page named
I highly recommend having a look at these
web pages. After all, they elaborate from
a different point of view the information
provided in this item.
What constraints motivated God when he created our physical world:
In this first stage of the existence, when God
still did NOT create the "physical world", he
must feel very lonely. After all, he was the
only intellect having self-awareness in the
entire universe. So at some stage he decided
that he should create various other beings
on his own image - means slightly similar
to him. From times when he was forced to
fight with other similar to him natural programs-beings
for the domination over the universe, this
God remembered, that it is NOT good idea
to create a competition for himself. So he
decided, that this new world that he intended
to create, he will design in such a manner,
that he is going to have a complete control
over it. However, for this he needed to cause
that this intended creation is going to be
separated from the world in which he lives.
Means, that what he is creating must obtain
a form of a separate physical world, not just
be a different kind of beings living in the
God's own world. Furthermore, in order to
maintain a full control over what happens
in this separate physical world, God decided
that it must have a software form, means that
it is going to be formed in such a manner that
foundation of the operation of it were programs
which he is able to control in any way he wishes.
Of course, it is absolutely sure that the creation
of the present physical world was proceeded by
various other trials. This is even confirmed by
mythology. During these earlier attempts, several
less perfect worlds were created, which God
was forced to destroy. But slowly His knowledge
in the area of creation of a new world grew to
the level, that he was able to create our present
physical world with its unique system of matter,
phenomena, attributes, and laws which govern
over all these.
In order to fulfil these design constrains that
concerned his creation, God designed the
physical world in a manner in which we people
design worlds of robots at present. Means,
as a basis for the
operation of this world he used phenomena
of purely software nature. In this way he has a
full control over the course and outcome of
these phenomena - similarly as people who
build a world of robots will have in the future
a full control over programs that manage
the operation of these robots. Furthermore,
he make sure that everything that happens in
this physical world is separated with an impenetrable
barrier from everything that happens in his
own world. In this way he make impossible
any intervention of creatures from the physical
world into matters of his own world. Finally
he make also sure that beings which live in this
separate physical world are not able to see
anything that is outside of their own world,
especially were unable to see him - means
God. In this way he guaranteed for himself
the more perfect control over this physical
world. After all, he (God) sees everything that
happens in this physical world, but inhabitants
of the physical world are unable to see anything
that happens in his virtual world.
To be honest, when the humanity finally grows
up to times of creation of their own world of
intelligent, self-aware, self-learning, and self-reproducing
robots, for sure in its own interest it will also
do exactly what God did with our world. Means,
the humanity will make then sure, that these
robots are going to live in a separate world,
e.g. on some planet impossible for habitation
by people, and that they will have no access
to the world of humans. Otherwise, such more
perfect than people, because self-aware, and
able to self-learn and mass self-production
robots, would be able to invade and to destroy
the world of humans. People will also make sure
that these robots will not be able to see people.
For example, people will so design the vision
of these robots, that these will be able to see
only other robots and the so-called inanimate nature.
In this way people will guarantee themselves
the absolute control over these world of robots.
Exactly the same did God with our physical world.
How God created our physical world:
"The first programmer in the universe was God, the first program in the universe
which was highly prized by a majority of users was our physical world."
A relatively accurate description of each one
amongst six basic phases of the creation of
physical world is described in the Bible - see
there the Book of Genesis, 1:1-31. On the
basis of findings of the Concept of Dipolar
Gravity I can definitively state, that this
description is correct and true - only that
it is made with the use of ancient terminology,
and reported extremely briefly. Evidence
which confirms this correctness is the
fact that each one amongst six phases
of the creation of the physical world
described in the Bible,
depicts the solving of a subsequent
problem which stood on the path to
the formation of this world and which
is indicated by the Concept of Dipolar
Gravity as the problem which really
existed and which really needed to
be solved at a given phase. Furthermore,
the mutual order of solving these problems
is agreeable with the order which,
according to findings of the Concept of
Dipolar Gravity, must be followed during
this creation. So let us now translate these
descriptions from the Biblical into ours,
means let us explain how according to
findings of the Concept of Dipolar Gravity
the subsequent phases of this
six-stage process of the creation of physical
world and evolution of humans looked like -
if these phases are described with the use
of present terminology.
The creation of the earth and light. The first phase
of the creation of our physical world that fulfils the
requirements and conditions described in previous
item #I3, required development of natural programs
which transformed counter-matter from the counter-world
into matter from our world. Counter-matter displays
attributes which are exactly opposite to attributes of
our matter. Therefore these natural programs needed
to cause such behaviour of counter-matter, that
attributes of this substance were reversed into
exactly opposite. Due to this, "objects" representing
all chemical elements (means "earth" - as in old
terminology these elements were called), and also
software "objects" which represented all basic
phenomena of the physical world (means - mainly
various kinds of electromagnetic radiation, or "light"),
were formed from such natural programs and
from counter-matter which implemented
commands contained in these programs.
These "objects" are simply natural programs
and appropriate clusters of counter-matter
which implement the content of these programs.
Their description is provided, amongst others,
on this web page in item #G4 above, and also
on a separate web page about
time vehicles,
where these objects are explained as basic components
of the so-called "space time". In general, these
"objects" can be compared to objects from
present OOP (i.e. "Object-Oriented Programming),
e.g. to an object of a "button" which appears
on the screen of our computer. This is because
these "objects" are very similar to such computer
images (e.g. the image of a "button"). For example,
on a computer screen such a "button" look as
if it is a solid form, on which one can implement
various manipulations, e.g. can shift it into a different
area of the screen, change colour of it, enlarge
or shrink it, etc. But in reality this button is still
a program and an image formed by this program
with the computer's hardware. Similarly these
"objects" formed from natural programs contained
in counter-matter, and from images formed by
hardware of this counter-matter, also look as if
the are solid, they can be subjected to manipulation
and shifting, etc.
The creation of a dome which divides two fluids (waters).
After the matter and basic physical phenomena were
created, God separated this matter and these physical
phenomena, from counter-matter and from phenomena
of the counter-world, through placing these inside of
two completely separate worlds. In this way God
created then an entire "physical world" - which the
Christian religion calls
God Son.
(This is a very accurate name, considering that
this religion calls "God Father" the counter-world,
while it calls "Holy Ghost" the "universal intellect"
contained in the "virtual world".) Then God created
an impenetrable barrier which separates this physical
world from the counter-world. Through this barrier
almost nothing can pass, apart from these natural
programs that reside in the counter-matter.
Although in the description provided here this
second phase of the creation of the physical
world may appear to be a simple and easy,
in fact it required the carrying out the complete
reconfiguration of the counter-world. After all,
every object from the physical world received
then its counter-material duplicate in the counter-world.
Furthermore, the maintaining of the existence
of this impenetrable barrier between both worlds,
and also the software communication through
this barrier, required the preparation of a huge
amount of indescribably complex software,
which maintains the cooperation of both worlds
while physically separating them from each other.
The clarification of lands and seas and the evolution of plants.
After the separation and enveloping the physical world
with the use of appropriate software, God began to
define, using a different kind of software, the subsequent
laws that prevail in this physical world. These laws gradually
allowed God to subdivide matter into different consistencies
of gases, liquids, and solid matter, separate these
kinds of matter from each other, and also begun
to experiment with creating first living organisms -
which by the nature of things needed to belong
to plants during that phase of creation.
The creation of stars and planets.
After the laws established by God for the physical
world were programmed out and tested, God
decided to enlarge and extend the developed
then (small) prototype of the physical world.
This enlargement and extension depended
on the creation of an entire present physical
world and the entire "time space". In this way
the volume of the entire universe was formed,
which included all stars, galaxies, planets, etc.
The creation and evolution of living beings in seas.
After the basic principles of work and development
of plants were mastered, God began to gradually
introduce and evolve various animals. At the
beginning he did it mainly within waters of oceans.
The creation and evolution of land animals and a gradual
creation of human beings. After all details
of genetic codes and principles of evolution were
programmed and tested, God finally could
proceed with gradual development of increasingly
more perfect land animals. In the final stage he
could also evolve human beings. How he accomplished
the evolution of humans it is explained on the
separate web page about the
evolution of man.
It is worth to notice, that
accumulated in man that he created the
essence of an entire experience from the
process of God's own evolution. For example,
a human child immediately after the birth is like
a self-programming, intelligent counter-matter
was in times before God evolved in it. After
all, a child is like an empty, self-programming
computer. Only the later life of this child
is to program into it the knowledge of an adult human.
In turn the mutual contradiction between the
persuading people by their numerous feelings,
to do whatever later is going to turn bad for
them, and simultaneous logical letting them
know by their organ of conscience what later
turns out to be good for them, is a memory written
into people and expressing the fight between good and
numerous forms of evil, which (the fight) at the very
beginning of his existence God was forced to
complete with other intellects similar to him
that also evolved in the counter-matter almost
simultaneously with God. In turn the principle
that "ontogenesis repeats the filogenesis' way",
(i.e. that the "development of an individual
repeats the development of the entire specie") -
described in item #C2 (5) of the web page about the
evolution of humans,
is an illustrative demonstration to people of the
entire history of their species.
Rest? Although the Bible calls "resting" the
present, seventh phase of the creation of the
physical world, in fact God all the time is perfecting
his creation. This perfecting is possible, because
the software of the so-called "time space"
(described amongst others in item #G4 above)
was so wisely accomplished by him, that
it allows to introduce continuous improvements
to practically everything that God wishes to improve.
In turn, after any such an improvements is introduced,
immediately the power of this improvement
is extended to the entire "time space". On the
basis of watching what happens in the universe
and on the Earth, I am reasoning that God
currently experiments with a self-perfecting
organisation of so-called "human swarms".
Such a "human swarm" is simply any civilisation
composed of a huge number of imperfect humans
and living in separation from other similar
civilisations. "Human swarm" differs from
insect swarms or animal flocks - the advantages
of which over individual creatures God already
experimentally tested long ago. Namely, human
swarm does NOT have a "queen", while
all participants of it obtained approximately
similar characteristics and rights, and all of
them obtained the free will. The present
goal of God seem to be the development of
a system of moral and social laws, which are
going to cause that such a "human swarm"
as whole can become a creation much better
than each single member of it. (In other
words, God tries to improve the physical
world in such a manner, that these
"human swarms" which live according
to laws established by God, as whole
become much better quality in every
aspect than is each person constituting
such a swarm considered separately.)
After all, only by such a kind of experiments
various facts can be explained, e.g. a fact
that God created conditions on the Earth
in which the goodness and morality must
break free through barriers placed in front
of them by
evil doers,
or the fact that in recent times a clear drop in
level of average intelligence and average
perfection can be noticed, as it occurs both
in people and also in human
relatives from the space.
(For example, the present generation is at
average significantly less intelligent and decisively
less perfect than was in average the generation
which lived only around 50 years ago.)
I will not mention here, that this present
goal of God, as usual, runs against all
believes of Earthly scientists who claim
that "a whole is always as good as the
weakest link of it". Unfortunately, as always,
orthodox scientists who spread these kinds
of claims do not take under consideration
the experience of God in making impossible
* * *
I personally believe that the development
of the physical world does not finish on the
present seventh phase. Means, does not
finish on the development of conditions in
the physical world for self-creation and
self-improvement of highly moral and
socially responsible human swarms.
In my opinion the evolution and perfecting
of the universe is going to proceed practically
forever. Not without reasons God places so
much emphases on learning and on logical
thinking. I believe that in a relatively not-too-distant
future the next phase of the creation is going
to advance these totaliztic human swarms
(civilisations), which managed to accomplish
the level of
true immortality,
and which in fact fulfilled the requirement of God
that as a whole they are in every aspect much
better than every single (imperfect) individual
from which they are composed. (Notice that this
"true immortality" is a kind of immortality much
higher rank than the "imprisoned immortality"
mentioned above in item #G4 of this web page,
and described more comprehensively in item #E1 of a separate web page about the philosophy of parasitism.
The true immortality is accessible to only
these civilisations which pedantically practice
a philosophy belonging to the same kind as
This is because it requires exceptional creativity
in order to develop time vehicles of a superior kind.)
According to my predictions, this next phase of the
creation and improvement of the physical world will be:
A transformation of some perfect "human swarms"
(i.e. totaliztic civilisations) into civilisations of Gods.
This transformation is going to depend on opening
the access for several selected "human swarms"
(civilisations) that fulfilled the requirements imposed
by God, to the knowledge as to how form further
worlds from the counter-matter, similar to our physical
world. In this way such selected "human swarms"
are to begin the creation of their own worlds similar
to our physical world. Then they are going to fill up
these their created worlds with beings which they
are going to create all by themselves. Worlds formed
by these human swarms (civilisations) can be
called "worlds of 4th level" (our physical world
is the world of 3rd level). In turn the Christian
religion probably would call them "God Grandchildren"
(if only it learns somehow about the existence
of these worlds - in spite of its hermetic nature).
Of course, perhaps also our civilisation, but for
sure the civilisation of
evil parasites
who secretly occupy the Earth, interests the
question of what God is going to do with all these
rebellious human swarms with which God
presently experiments, but which do NOT
comply to the God's quality requirements
because they commonly break laws that
God established. Unfortunately, everything
indicates that after reaching this eighth phase
of creation, these civilisations which turned
their backsides to God become obsolete.
God will not need them anymore. So almost
for sure all of them became annihilated.
This annihilation is already pre-programmed
into their destiny in the form of so-called
"non-existent existence" described in item
#E5 from "Part #E" of the web page about the
philosophy of parasitism.
The profession of programmers - the profession of God:
"In programmers not only bodies are created into the image of God,
but also their profession imitates the most fundamental skill of God."
If we ask any person, which profession is
the most similar to the profession of God,
the majority pf people would tell that this
is the profession of priests. However, in
the light of this web page, it turns out that
the profession which mimics exactly
the profession of God is a "programmer".
Especially if such a programmer prepares
programs of a technical nature and designation,
which service some devices. In fact it turns
out that "the profession of a programmer
is a godly profession". So programmers
can proudly state, that not only their bodies
are created into the image of God, but also
their professional activities imitate the most
fundamental skill of God.
This close relationship between the profession
of programmers and the fundamental skill
of God, introduces vital consequences. After
all "nobility obliges". For example, it imposes
a duty onto programmers, to not limit their
activities to just multiplying programs.
Since they have a godly profession, they
should also try to act similar to God. Means
they should try to increase their knowledge
on every subject, not just on the subject of
programming, and also try to contribute actively
to perfecting everything around themselves.
This perfecting includes also the more thorough
learning principles of the philosophies of
totalizm and
parasitism -
so that the morality of programmers begins
to coincide with intentions of God as well.
Qualities imposed by God onto principles of existence and operation of our physical world:
Of course, God did not create the physical
world just to have problems with people
who negate his existence. In fact God
created our physical world mainly in order
to continually increase his own knowledge
by watching what we are doing, and in this
way to guarantee the ever progressing
evolution for the universe towards the increasingly
more perfect form. So in order to be able
to learn through watching what happens in
the physical world that he created, God intentionally
gave to this world a whole range of attributes
and qualities. Let us list here the most important
out of these:
The maintenance by God a full and continuous
control over absolutely everything that happens
in the physical world. The physical world
works because of programs that God developed.
Through these programs God has absolute
control over everything what happens in the
physical world. Thus practically nothing happens
in our world without at least the permission from
God. What even more interesting, in fact God
not only implements all moves which people
perceive as "good", but also all moves which
for people are not so pleasant because they
represent e.g. punishments for what people
did in past. Only that these punishments
unpleasant for people God usually serves to us
either with hands of
bad characters
which God controls, or via actions of so-called
forces of nature.
The inspiration and forcing the progress of
knowledge and continuous perfecting in all
creatures that inhabit the physical world.
The physical world was intentionally so designed,
that everything in it inspires to logical thinking,
deductions, research, increase of knowledge, etc.
For example, all
creatures which inhabit the physical world were
purposely created as highly imperfect
(after all, if God wishes, he could create everyone
much more perfect - but then everyone would
have much less to learn). In addition, all
people resisting this learning are forced by
God to increase their knowledge with various
punishments which they bring onto themselves
with their own stupidity. Interestingly, hints for
learning, and also logical links which inspire
investigations, hide in practically everything
that surrounds us, even in the most banal
The making possible in physical world to accomplish
any goal that we can only invent. In fact, the
design of the physical world is so perfectly though
over, that there is no goals impossible to accomplish.
The only thing that people must learn, or earn for
themselves, is how a given goal can be accomplished.
The providing a complex and perfect solution to every
problem that can only appear in our physical world.
I.e. the principle which God implemented in every
aspect of the physical world, is that "every problem
from the physical world must have its own solution
embedded into it".
The reassuring the absolute justice for every creature
which inhabits the physical world. All action of
every creature which inhabits the physical world are
continually watched and judged by God. Every one
amongst these creatures is justly rewarded or punished
depending how it acts. What even more interesting,
in fact does NOT know nor practice forgiveness,
which for political reasons is promised by some
The full separation of beings which inhabit the physical
world from beings which inhabit the virtual world.
In order to be a being in the virtual world (i.e. the one
which is inhabited by God) a given natural program
must display certain attributes. Programs which do
not show these attributes, are over there just kinds
of intelligent registers (i.e. files or databases).
This is a bit similar to what we already know from
our computers. Namely, in order a given file
from the computer's memory in fact was a program,
it must be composed of commands understandable
by a given computer, and also the name of file in
which this program is stored must have the extension
".exe". Computer files which do not meet these conditions
for a computer are just sources of data. Well, God
so designed all beings from the physical world,
that they are beings only inside of this physical
world. In turn when their awareness is shifted to
the virtual world, over there they become only
intelligent registers, popularly called "souls" -
i.e. natural equivalents for files with data or
for databases in our present computers.
The formation of the physical world in such a manner
that still this world fulfils the condition that "absolutely
everything in the entire universe is only one amongst
many different manifestations of intelligent counter-matter
and natural programs which reside in it and which control
the behaviour of it. In order to express this in different
words, we ourselves, as well as matter and everything else
that surrounds us, in fact is made of counter-matter supplied
in appropriate programs which control this counter-matter.
So everything in our world has the software nature
similar to the nature of these "buttons" from screens
of present computers - which I described in items
#I4 and #G4 above. Thus God controls everything
via this software, and he can at any moment of time
change it in a manner in which he wishes. We only
thing that we are formed from solid matter and that
laws of the universe which surrounds us do not
change. In fact we are only natural programs, and
images formed by these programs from liquid
counter-matter which behaves according to commands
issued by these programs.
* * *
The above qualities embedded by God into
the physical world hide inside a vital message
which us people should take to heart. This
message states that if in life we decide to
act according to the will of God and thoroughly
fulfil duties which God imposed onto us,
then our life becomes one long string
of happiness and success. This is because
God has prepared in advance rewards
in the form of solutions for everything that
we are able to think or wish for. In every
moment of time these solutions are to be
made available for us - if we only earn
them with our actions. But if we refuse to
cooperate with God and begin to act against
his intentions, then God has also prepared
for us appropriate punishments.
Also he inevitable is going to use these
punishments in such a situation.
Part #J:
If the reality contradicts science then let us name the situation instead of putting heads into sand:
E.g. let us give life to the "Pajak's serpent" in order to name and explain simply a whole range of scientific paradoxes and puzzles:
"If something displays manifestations of the existence, we need to name it in such a manner that we are able to talk about it freely."
When someone looks carefully into what on
one hand is stated by the official human science,
while on the other hand what emerges from the
real life, then hits in eyes the increasingly
wider discrepancy between these two.
For example, in the previous item #D2.1
is explained, that the life, empirical sightings,
and logics proves that so-called "red shift" in
light of distant stars is another evidence
for the fact that the physical world was
created by God as a stable stationary world.
But the orthodox human science insists in
erroneous claiming that the same "red shift"
of light from distant stars is a proof for the
"Doppler Effect" caused by the "escape of
galaxies". The science disseminates also
so-called "Murphy's laws" in order to explain
many strange events and paradoxes, although
is unable to carry out even a single repetitively
verifiable experiment in which the action of
these supposed "Murphy's laws" actually is
demonstrated. In order to be even more
funny, the orthodox science do NOT even seeks
a manner to prove that the ESP actually works -
in spite that in real life it is estimated that over
90% of natural resources and drinkable water
was discovered on the Earth just because of
the use of a divining rod or a pendulum assisted
ESP. I will not even mention here the stand of
official science in matters of UFOs or ghosts -
in spite that almost every newspaper overflows
from information on their subject.
All the paradoxes and inconsequence of science
can be diplomatically and collision free explained
if we give the life to some symbolic kind of existence,
which I would propose to name "Pajak's serpent".
After all, scientists are well known from ignoring
of the "Occam razor" and giving life to a whole
range of scientific creatures. And so, for example
the "Maxwell's Demon" helps the adepts of physics
to understand that so-called "laws of thermodynamics"
are not laws at all, but only statistic predictions
which in normal conditions usually come true.
In turn the so-called "Schrodinger's Cat" allows
physicists to explain why the observing of something
with the use of orthodox scientific techniques
disturbs the behavior of the observed object.
(Nothing though is disturbed e.g. by observing
with the use of
telepathic telescopes -
which perceive the information that every
object of the entire universe sends continually
about itself in a natural manner via telepathy.)
So following the above "spirit of the science",
herewith I am giving the life to another "scientific
creature" of this type. I call this creature the
"Pajak's serpent". It turns out to be
extremely helpful in a scientific explanation
of various paradoxes and inconsequence
which do NOT fulfill the known rules and
laws, and also in a scientific discussion
of various phenomena which exists objectively
but which the traditional name scientists are
afraid to speak loudly because these names
induce undesirable reactions in listeners
(of the kind, e.g. UFOs, spirits, souls, auras,
etc.). In addition, the introduction of this serpent
allows to eliminate double standards, when
the science states something completely
opposite to the statements of everyday life.
The name "serpent" I am giving to this existence
for reasons explained in item #E2 of the web page about
origins of evil on Earth.
In the mythology (especially Christian), and also
in the Bible, the name "serpent" was assigned
to especially mischievous supernatural creatures.
For example, the Bible in Genesis verse 3:1
describes it as follows: "Now the serpent
was more cunning than any beast of the field
which the LORD God had made." Thus
the name "serpent" corresponded to a slang
swearing-word "reptile", used e.g. in saying
"what a reptile lurks in him". These human-shaped
creatures were very cunning, indescribably evil
and ruthless, with angry and hostile expressions
on faces and actions, extremely vindictive and
mischievous, had supernatural powers similar
to powers of devils, and behaved like present
UFOnauts (e.g. they used to abduct, exploit,
torment, and harm people). Actually, I believe
that it was because of the evil attributes of
these mythological human-shaped creatures
with snake skins (i.e. the skin illustrated on
photos #4, #5 i #6" from the web page about the
church of St. Andrea Bobola from Milicz),
that in all cultures of the world the serpent is
a symbol of evil, cunningness, cheating,
corruption, etc. The best expression of this
evil opinion of serpents (snakes, reptilians)
is the Chinese proverb which states, that
even if you force a serpent into a bamboo
tube, still you cannot straighten its twisted
nature. Therefore, to this new creature
called the "Pajak's serpent" are assigned all
attributes which characterized these mythological "serpents".
If one tries to define these attributes in a
scientific manner, then "the Pajak's
serpent is an elusive creature brought to the
life in order to facilitate scientific considerations
and explanations of various paradoxes
and discrepancies of empirics with theories,
which (the creature) is characterized by
a range of attributes and capabilities that
are unlimited negative contradictions of
attributes and capabilities of a moral
inhabitant of the Earth". For example
the "Pajak's serpent" always only does harm
to everyone around it, it falsifies results of
scientific experiments, it makes impossible
the taking of progressive decisions, it lives
forever, it has time vehicles - so it can shift
back in time or move to the future, it has devices
for listening to our thoughts, it has instruments
for an immediate hypnotizing people, it always
lies, it never does what it says that it will do,
it is extremely lazy and practices the philosophy of
it still lives in a system of slavery, it has no
"free will" - but only does what was ordered
to do, etc., etc. Furthermore, this ocean of
evil that the "Pajak's serpent" spreads over the
Earth is caused by it exclusively for
materialistic motivations of the lowest
grade. For example, it is extremely lazy -
so in order to release itself from the
need to work, it "abducts" people at
nights, then from the sperm and ovule
that it robs from these people it raises
a kind of slaves that it calls "biorobots".
Because it does NOT wish to loose time
at nights for sleep, during these abductions
it sucks from people their life energy with
the use of its advanced devices, and then
eliminates its sleepiness through regenerating
itself with this energy. Because it does NOT
wish to put effort into the development of
computerized "artificial intelligence", it
catches intelligent human souls and
imprisons them in own computers in
which these souls later slave for centuries
in roles of intelligent controllers. Etc., etc. -
for details of its "feasts" and "habits" see
descriptions from the web page about
With the use of the "Pajak's serpent" which displays
all these attributes opposite to human ones,
it is very easy to explain all the paradoxes,
inconsequence, and deviations of present
human science from whatever happens in the
real life. For example, because of the lack of
capabilities for providing a scientific explanation
why someone caused so much evil to human
science and to humanity by proposing such
absurd and such harmful atheistic supposed-theory
as this claim about the "expansion of the universe"
and about a "big bang", while the only observable
fact which this atheistic supposed-theory was
based upon, is the "red shift" - such an explanation
immediately results from the "Pajak's serpent".
Namely, the "big bang" was forced onto the
science, and then promoted, by this "Pajak's serpent".
This serpent also explains how it is possible that
just such a single "supposed-theory" introduced
so many wrong ideas to cosmology and to
life, which now the Concept of Dipolar Gravity
needs so laboriously correct and repair,
and why the effect which explains it in
a simple manner and correctly, is still
ignored by the official physics and known
only empirically to e.g. "sea surfers".
In turn if someone ponders why the so-called
"Murphy's laws" work - although these laws
in fact do NOT exist, the explanation is
also simple - events described by these
laws are simply tricks played on people
by the Pajak's serpent. If someone ponders
why a huge majority of natural resources
is discovered by radiesthesia, although
the official science is unable to prove
that the ESP does exist - again the explanation
is provided by this serpent. This serpent simply
secretly falsifies results of official experiments
in ESP, so that the official human science
never is able to document the existence of
ESP. Etc., etc.
Of course the "Pajak's serpent" has the use practically
in all areas of science and technology, not just
in physics or cosmology. Wherever a paradox,
absurdity, bending of laws of the universe,
or a shocking discrepancy between claims of science
and the course of true life, does occur, all such cases
can be simply explained with the use of the
"Pajak's serpent". For example, in medicine it
explains why so large proportion of males
have back pains (the serpent takes a revenge
on them and pulls out their discs during
nighttime "abductions"). Why so large proportion
of women has the thrush of vagina - in spite
that they are sexually inactive (a male serpent
rapes them under hypnosis and infects them
with thrush). In biology it explains who and
why introduced theory of the so-called "natural
evolution", the truth of which is NOT supported
by even a single fact, while the knowledge
about the creation of the physical world and
man by God is ignored, in spite that the
truth of creation is supported by entire
ocean of scientifically undeniable facts,
a part of which is described on separate
web page about
(For example, one of such undisputable evidence
for the creation of animals and humans by God
indicated on the web page about evolution is
the genetic code. The Shannon's "Theory of
Communication" scientifically proved that
every "code" or "language" must be developed
by someone who has an intelligence. In turn
only God could develop the genetic code -
for details see item #B3 on a separate web
page about
which contains a formal scientific proof that
"God does exist".) In physics this serpent
explains why such large number of laws
and phenomena officially is forbidden
for research and for publishing, in spite
that about them there is a large volume
of evidence (e.g. consider the stand of
physics about UFOs, souls, spirits, auras,
ESP, etc.). In astronomy this serpent explains
why the "life-forms in cosmos" is searched on
most distant stars, while all the evidence that these
already for thousands of years creep secretly
into our planet for robbery purposes,
is simply ignored. In matters of faith this
serpent explains why it is officially claimed
that there is no God, although there is both
a formal proof for the existence of God,
and also a wealth of evidence which consistently
confirms the existence of God (such evidence
in fact fills up the entire this web page).
In sociology and in politics it explains why
politicians, and increasingly larger proportion
of the society, avoids telling truth. Etc., etc.
When considering the operation of the "Pajak's
serpent" one needs to remember about attributes
of this serpent listed before, e.g. that it is extremely
lazy, that the Pajak's serpent practices the philosophy of
which makes it to always do only what it is somehow
forced to do, and that it has time vehicles - thus
it has insight to future and knows exactly which
present events will act against it in the future.
Therefore the Pajak's serpent "plays its tricks"
not for everyone and not in every case. The
actions of it are selective and can be noticed
only when a given event exerts a powerful
influence on what is to happen in the future -
while in the interest of this serpent lies to eliminate
this influence. Therefore, for the actions of this
serpent one should NOT consider every fall of
a slice of bred with butter directed towards
a rug - especially if these falls obey laws
of statistics and physics. But if there was
an official verifying experiment being organized,
that would be later reported in textbooks,
while a number of slices of bread that fell
with butter downwards exceeded the
number that results from the prevailing laws,
then one would need to consider that the
serpent was at work and secretly "helped" these
slices to fell butter downwards. Expressing this
in other words, the "Pajak's serpent" sabotages
only these events which in the result of this sabotage
show later the discrepancy between what typically
happens in real life, and what is claimed by
official science or what people are ordered
to believe, and also vice versa - means
the interventions of this serpent take place when
events from everyday life rapidly begin to
deviate from the typical operation of laws of
the universe. To sabotages of this serpent are
mostly exposed people who do something
that is to impact strongly the future of humanity.
The philosophy of
teaches us that to every human word a
three-dimensional luggage is attached.
Only the intellectual dimension of this
luggage contains the information what
a given word means. In turn dimensions
physical and emotional contain
non-intellectual messages. The goal of
these messages is to induce specific
reflections and reactions in our minds,
and to induce specific feelings in our
emotions, every time when we encounter
this particular word. It is because of this
emotional and physical luggage attached
to numerous popular names of what
medicine calls "penis", "vagina", or "bo"
("bowel open"), that medical disciplines
were forced to introduce their own terminology
which induces only medically desirable reflections,
reactions, and feelings. A similar situation is
with other areas of life, which the science has
a duty to research and to explain, but which
shamefully it ignores because to their popular
names of it is tied up just such a physical and
emotional luggage intolerable for the science.
So in order to include also these other
areas into the sphere of interests of the
official science, and this way to finish this
naming impasse, it is necessary to give
a scientifically sound name to these areas
that are ignored so-far. The name "Pajak's serpent"
is my proposal for solving this naming problem.
Up until now this name does NOT seem to
have any emotional luggage attached to it.
The bringing the "Pajak's serpent" to life and introducing
it to scientific deliberations creates several advantages
over the present manner of dealing by science with
paradoxes and inconsequence which trouble it.
(This dealing depends on "putting heads into sand"
and pretending that a given problem does NOT
exist.) This serpent allows to openly address problems
and to discuss them without indicating them by
unpopular names. From this is just a small step
to practical discovery who actually is this "Pajak's
serpent", what are aims of it, and with what methods
it acts - means to bringing to light all findings that
are described on web pages of totalizm (including
this web page) without steering widespread criticism .
Independently from this web page about the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity,
descriptions of the "Pajak's serpent" are contained,
amongst others, on my autobiographical web page
about me (Prof. Dr Eng. Jan Pajak),
as well as in subsection I2.1.2 from volume 5 of
monograph [1/5].
In turn the mythological significance of the name
"serpent" is discussed in item #E2 of the web page about
origins of evil on the Earth.
Part #K:
Summary, and the final information of this web page:
Summary of this web page:
The purpose of existence of people is to
learn how to get to know the universe around
us, and also to learn how then utilise this
knowledge for such shaping this world
that it is the most beneficial for all these
who live in it. In turn this learning about
the world is not effective if we approach
it with wrong assumptions. Therefore the
most vital goal, and perhaps also the most
vital accomplishement if this web page,
is to present much better than previously
assumptions in our seeing of the world
that surrounds us.
How with the web page named
one can find totaliztic descriptions
of topics in which he is interested:
A whole array of topics equally interesting
as these from the above web page, is also
discussed from the angle that is unique to
the philosophy of totalizm. All these related
topics can be found and identified with the use of
content index
prepared especially to make easier finding
these web pages and topics. The name "index"
means a list of "key words" usually provided
at the end of textbooks, which allows to find
fast the description or the topic in which we
are interested. My web pages also has such
a content "index" - only that it is additionally
supplied in green
which after "clicking" at them with a mouse
immediately open the web page with the topic
that interest the reader. This content "index"
is provided on the web page named
It can be called from the "organising" part of
"Menu 1" of every totaliztic web page. I would
recommend to look at it and to begin using it
systematically - after all it brings closer hundreds
of totaliztic topics which can be of interest to
I would suggest to return periodically to this web page in order to check further improvements in descriptions of the Concept of Dipolar Gravity provided here:
The scientific theory called the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity,
which is presented on this web page, is very
complex and lengthy. Not without valid reasons
it is also named the "theory of everything".
After all, only the presentation of the "pure"
part of it in my newest
monograph [1/5]
occupies two large volumes. Added to this
should be several further volumes which
present "applied" aspects of it (e.g. the
utilisation of it for the construction of propelling
devices, devices for telepathic communication,
or generators of so-called "free energy").
Thus, the summarising of so complex and so large
theory in just the size of a single (this) web page,
and in addition the explaining it in words enough
simple to be also understandable to laymen,
is a very difficult task. I am not able to accomplish
this task in just a single writing session, but I must
thing over the matter of possibly the most understandable
presentation of this theory, and then gradually
improve my writing for a long period of time.
Therefore, whatever is presented on this web
page today, is not yet the final version of the
internet descriptions of this theory. In future
this web page will be periodically improved
and simplified, while the content of it will be
made increasingly more understandable to
even laymen. So I am inviting to visit this web
page again at some stage in the future, in order
to check how the matters included into its content
are explained then.
It is also worth to check periodically the blog of
totalizm available at addresses:
On this blog many events discussed here are also
explained with additional details written as these
events unveil before our eyes.
Current email addresses to the author of
this web page, i.e. officially to
Dr Eng. Jan Pajak
while courteously to Prof. Dr Eng. Jan Pajak,
at which readers can post possible comments,
opinions, descriptions, or information which in
their opinion I should learn, are provided on the web page named
(for its version in the HTML language), or the web page named
(for the version of the web page "pajak_jan_uk.pdf"
in safe PDF format - which safe PDF versions
of further web pages by the author can also be
downloaded via links from item #B1 of the web page named
The author's right for the use of courteous
title of "Professor" stems from the custom that
"with professors is like with generals", namely
when someone is
once a professor, than he or she courteously
remains a professor forever. In
turn the author of this web page was a professor
at 4 different universities, i.e. at 3 of them,
from 1 September 1992 untill 31 October 1998,
as an "Associate Professor" from English-based
educational system, while on one university as
a (Full) "Professor" (since 1 March 2007 till
31 December 2007 - means at the last place
of employment in his professional life).
However, please notice that because of my
rather chronic lack of time, I reluctantly
reply to emails which contain JUST time
consuming requests, while simultaneously
they document a complete ignorance of their
author in the topic area which I am researching.
Therefore, if the reader sends a request to me,
I suggest to let me know somehow that he or
she actually went through the trouble of reading
my web pages and learning what these pages
try to say.
This web page is also available in the form
of a brochure marked [11], which
is prepared in "PDF" ("Portable Document
Format") - currently considered to be the
most safe amongst all internet formats, as
normally viruses cannot cling to PDF. This
clear brochure is ready both, for printing,
as well as for reading from a computer
screen. It also has all its
green links
still active. Thus, if it is read from the computer
screen connected to internet, then after clicking
onto these green links, the linked web pages
and illustrations will open. Unfortunately, because
the volume of it is around a double of the volume
of web page which this brochure publishes,
the memory limitations on a significant number
of free servers which I use, do NOT allow to
offer it from them (so if it does NOT download
from this address, because it is NOT available
on this server, then you should click onto any
other address from
Menu 3,
and then check whether in there it is available).
In order to open this brochure (and/or download
it to own computer), it suffices to either click on
the following green link
or to open from any totaliztic web site the
PDF file named as in the above green link.
If the reader wishes to check, whether some other
totaliztic web page which he or she just is studying,
is also available in the form of such PDF brochure,
then should check whether it is listed amongst links
from "part #B" of the web page named
This is because links from there indicate all totaliztic
web pages, which are already published as such
brochures from series [11] in PDF format.
I wish you a fruitful reading!
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click on the Polish flag below
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kliknij na poniższą flagę)
Date of starting this page: 21 May 2006
Date of the latest updating of this page: 12 July 2013
(Check in "Menu 3" whether there is even a more recent update!)